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Januari 2010

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« december 2009 | januari 2010 | februari 2010 »

GMIndie GM News

Vrijdag, 1 januari

Happy New Year from the Gazette [new]
Happy New Year from the Gazette team! Tell us how your new year was and we'll tell you...
GMIndie Radio Episode 12 *new years* [new]
In episode 12, Brian talks about GMC's twitter page, yyg competition 05, And everything...
Sigma Nine (Σ9) uploader fixed [new]
Sigma Nine (Σ9) formerly known as Twilight Phantasm has been redesigning their website...
Happy New Year from the Gazette
Happy New Year from the Gazette team! Tell us how your new year was and we'll tell you...
Sigma Nine (Σ9) uploader fixed
Sigma Nine (Σ9) formerly known as Twilight Phantasm has been redesigning their website...
GMIndie Radio Episode 12 *new years*
In episode 12, Brian talks about GMC's twitter page, yyg competition 05, And everything...

Zaterdag, 2 januari

100 Games in 10 Minutes: 2009 Edition [new]
There have been tons of amazing games made with Game Maker this year, but Matt Scorah d...
Game Maker Community's unofficial IRC [new]
StarTrek created a GMC chat and announced it on the GMC. This chat isn't official (unle...
100 Games in 10 Minutes: 2009 Edition [new]
There have been tons of amazing games made with Game Maker this year, but Matt Scorah d...
Game Maker Community's unofficial IRC
StarTrek created a GMC chat and announced it on the GMC. This chat isn't official (unle...
100 Games in 10 Minutes: 2009 Edition
There have been tons of amazing games made with Game Maker this year, but Matt Scorah d...

Zondag, 3 januari

Gazette Changes [new]
It's always more interesting if a news blog focuses on more than just game maker. Sinc...
Gazette update: Live events added [new]
Now you can visit the Gazette to find out when live events are playing. Like GMIndie Ra...
Gmc Extension [firefox] [new]
Revel has been working on this extension for the past few days that adds new features t...
Gazette Changes
It's always more interesting if a news blog focuses on more than just game maker. Sinc...
Gmc Extension [firefox]
Revel has been working on this extension for the past few days that adds new features t...

Maandag, 4 januari

GMIndie Magazine Issue 3 [new]
GMIndie Magazine Issue 3 features two game reviews. Crash Dodger and A D R E N A L I N ...
GMIndie Magazine Issue 3
GMIndie Magazine Issue 3 features two game reviews. Crash Dodger and A D R E N A L I N ...

Dinsdag, 5 januari

YYG Moderator NAL quit [new]
NAL (a previous YYG moderator) has quit his moderator position on YYG just moments ago....
GMIndie Radio 2 episodes per week - Change of host [new]
GMIndie announced that they will be making 2 episodes of GMIndie Radio per week. Both ...
Gazette update: Live events added [new]
Now you can visit the Gazette to find out when live events are playing. Like GMIndie Ra...
GmIndie Radio accepting callers again [new]
Apparently GMIndie Radio wasn't allowing callers for the last 7 episodes.Brian says...O...
YYG Moderator NAL quit
NAL (a previous YYG moderator) has quit his moderator position on YYG just moments ago....
GMIndie Radio 2 episodes per week - Change of host
GMIndie announced that they will be making 2 episodes of GMIndie Radio per week. Both ...
Gazette update: Live events added
Now you can visit the Gazette to find out when live events are playing. Like GMIndie Ra...
GmIndie Radio accepting callers again
Apparently GMIndie Radio wasn't allowing callers for the last 7 episodes.Brian says...O...

Zaterdag, 16 januari

GM Scope and GMIndie Magazine Merge
GM Scope magazine has now been merged in to GMIndie Magazine. This means more people wo...

Zondag, 17 januari

GMIndie Magazine Issue 5
GMIndie released their 5th issue of their weekly magazine. They redesigned the magazin...
GMIndie LIVE Radio broadcast 16
Listener Peak: 5The 4 others who were suppose to join Brian this morning went to bed to...

Maandag, 18 januari

SigmaNine 24 Hour GM Competition
SigmaNine is hosting their first game maker competition which consists of rewards like...

Dinsdag, 19 januari

GMIndie Radio new host wanted
Brian needs a volunteer host for Monday shows. These shows are not going to be like the...

Donderdag, 21 januari

Oops. It looks like there's been an error.
As first discovered by Philip from the Game Maker Blog.Biggest minefield of errors YYG ...

Vrijdag, 22 januari

FireFox 3.6 doesn’t work with Instant Play?!
Looks like the instant play plugins will not be working with Firefox 3.6! First, YYG we...
Game Maker 7 available to download again
Game Maker 7 is available to download on YYG website. For the longest time Sandy upload...
GMIndie LIVE Radio Broadcast 17 available
Bret talks about GMIndie Radio's new Monday show. He reviewed Cursed and was joined by ...

Zondag, 24 januari

GMLive new logo - GMLive BC7 canceled
GMLive got a new logo. you can see it here.GMLive Broadcast 7 was canceled shortly afte...
GMTalk launches
It's great to see that a new podcast show has started up after GMKing Podcast went ina...
GMIndie LIVE Radio Broadcast 18
Listener Peak: 15 Listeners (Total listeners: 17)Brian was joined by Landon and they di...

Woensdag, 27 januari

GMIndie LIVE Radio BC 19 canceled
Wednesdays show has been canceled for this week because our Wednesday show host never s...
Work started on Game Maker for mac
YoYo Games has started work on game maker for mac again after that recent shut down. Sa...
Game Maker School back
Source: @GM_Station After waiting a couple months Game Maker School is finally back up ...

Zaterdag, 30 januari

Can't afford to buy GM8? Get it for free...
Source: http://s1.zetaboards.com/GMIndie/topic/2857244/GMIndie has started a charity gr...
GMIndie Magazine On Hold
GMIndie has put their magazine on hold. Brian specifically said he wasn't going to expo...

Zondag, 31 januari

GMLive BC 8
GMLive tried to revive their show but ran into some server problems and the sound quali...

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« december 2009 | januari 2010 | februari 2010 »