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May 2006

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« April 2006 | May 2006 | June 2006 »

Game Maker News

Warning Not all messages this old are fully archived

Wednesday, 3 May

Secret Project 2
So what is it... well its secret, so I can't really tell you can I.But, for all tho...

Friday, 5 May

Stuff And Bad Stuff.
Well there are a couple of announcements and news items to post today. Instead of writi...
GMC Officially H4×0r3d
Breaking news, a cracker has managed to gain access to Mark Overmars' GMC account a...

Saturday, 6 May

Hax0ring, Explained
Sources (which have been recorded I may add), have explained part of the hacking.We sho...

Wednesday, 10 May

GMC Returns
After a few days of the forum being closed down due to hackings, it is now back online ...

Saturday, 13 May

Secret Project Beta Release
For those of you who requested to participate in the Secret Project #2 beta, you will r...
Theme Change
Well, I always like to hear feedback from my readers,  so what do you think of the...

Sunday, 14 May

H4X0R returns?
It seems as if the Game Maker Games forum (also using outdated forum software) was hack...

Tuesday, 16 May

Excuse the language ;) but am I the only one noticing a problem with the RSS news feeds...

Sunday, 21 May

TST Announces
 The TST (The Spammer's Takeout(TM)) group has compiled a list of two suspects...

Wednesday, 24 May

Spammer?s Heaven - The GMC
Looks like someone thought it'd be fun to go crazy and SPAM the GMC as much as they...

Monday, 29 May

Some News
Well nothing interesting seems to be happening as of late. In combination with my hecti...

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« April 2006 | May 2006 | June 2006 »