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June 2006

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Sunday, 4 June

Retro Remakes competitie 2006
Retro Remakes is een engelstalige website met als doel om de oude klassiekers in de gam...

Sunday, 11 June

Game maker Cage Match #100
Het engelstalige GMC heeft een competie genaamd de GM Cage Match. In deze wekelijke com...

Wednesday, 14 June

Nieuwe beheerder
Vanaf heden heeft dit forum een nieuwe beheerder: Simon Donkers. Al langere tijd hebben...

Saturday, 17 June

Best of may
Beetje laat, maar goed:Binnen de comunityRun van Dlaor natuurlijkBuiten de comunityhttp...

Friday, 23 June

Welcome to Eo Community Site V2.0!
As you can see, the site has had a massive revamp. The old site had a few problems and ...
Eo: The Sequel!
Or maybe remake is more appropriate?Whatever.  Eo is back, and I've taken up ...
Eo v2!
After a while of down time the new site is finaly launched with a noticable addition of...
Back at Last
Wow, November...it's been a while.  I'm back.  Canvas isn't.&n...

Saturday, 24 June

(Legal) Graffiti
One of my more unknown habits is graffiti.  Here's some examples of legal gra...
Life Changes
::crunch:: The new site tastes like peanut butter. Here's what kinda projects I go...
New site, new blog entry...
Well, here we are, 8 months after my last blog entry, which of course was at the last s...

Sunday, 25 June

Texas - The Official Gunslinger Congress by Miss.Information
The Good, The Bad, and The Just Darn Fun.
Vote for Me!
I entered two recipes in this month's Tea Chef competition:Crab Cakes with Chamomi...

Monday, 26 June

Pug Fugly Jr
Well as you may or may not know, I am now a father.  Actually our daughter Ava was...

Tuesday, 27 June

Retro Fretro Shmetro
Along with a couple of other eo members, I'm entering the Retro Remakes competitio...
Jumper Two Editor v4.06
======================== Version 4.06 - June 26, 2006========================New O...

Wednesday, 28 June

Vacating for a Vacation
I'll be gone for a couple weeks starting tomorrow, so no updates.I am bringing my ...
Game Creation Masterclass
Altijd al meer van Game Maker willen weten? Deze zomer geeft Mediaplaza enkele mastercl...

Thursday, 29 June

Docent-juryprijs van Make-a-game gewonnen
Op 28 juni 2006 hebben ik, ddp en tim503094 de vakjury prijs bij make a game gewonnen. ...
The fight for planet Gradius.

Friday, 30 June

Game Creation Masterclass
Some of you might be wondering what I've been up. Some updates. Some random things...
Various misc stuff
Oooh, it's a blog. Shiny. Not that I've ever seen the need to post updates on...
Super Rumble
Disorienting action puzzle.
Tetris. Tetrads. Viva la Russia!
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