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August 2006

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« July 2006 | August 2006 | September 2006 »


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Wednesday, 2 August

Quick Recap for July
Lets do a quick recap for Game Maker in July.July 14th - Game Maker website updated wit...

Friday, 4 August

GM Games on Macs, for real?
Posted by Zonk on Thursday August 03, @05:39PMfrom the holy-land dept. ...

Wednesday, 9 August

10,000 hits and counting
This week has been milestone in GMNews history, we have reached 10,000 amazing hits tha...

Saturday, 12 August

We got deface attacked...
... By some very sad bugger who obviously doesn't have anything better to do with ...

Sunday, 13 August

GMC Security Threat!
Be warned, a new security threat has entered the community.ohnonotme writes:Here is the...
Serious GMC Issue
Just moments ago, a user (hazmat, who is now banned) claimed Mark 'raped' him (which is...

Wednesday, 16 August

Down time
Earlier we had some down time caused by a problem with our host. They were upgrading th...

Monday, 21 August

Scorptek, home of a new domain
Scorptek (Formerly Scorpion Software) has now officially changed its domain name. All l...
Secret Project 3
Yes, it is that time again, secret project time that is. But this time, its completly d...

Thursday, 24 August

New Moderators
Posted by Damaged
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« July 2006 | August 2006 | September 2006 »