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December 2006

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« November 2006 | December 2006 | January 2007 »

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Sunday, 3 December

Extension Mechanism
Mark Overmars has announced some more information on what exactly the Extension Mechani...

Saturday, 9 December

GM to Xbox360 Hoax
Jaylon, a member of the GMC previously known as fasco made a false claim today on the G...
Beta Released
Mark Overmars has officially announced the Beta of Game Maker 7.0I am happy to announce...
Game Maker 7 beta 1
Game Maker 7 beta 1 out now!Mark Overmars has just officially released Game Maker 7.0 b...
Game Maker 7 beta 1
Game Maker 7 beta 1 out now!Mark Overmars has just officially released Game Maker 7.0 b...

Thursday, 14 December

GMC Marks Million
As if releasing the GM7 beta just recently wasn't enough, the GMC is now flourishing wi...

Thursday, 28 December

Extension Mechanism Re-work
Mark has announced that he will complely change the Extension mechanism for GM7 Beta 2 ...

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« November 2006 | December 2006 | January 2007 »