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February 2007

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Friday, 2 February

Registration Opened At Yoyo Games
Claim your usernames - Posted by Smarty
Decompiler Scare x2
Today I have two seperate decompiler scares to announce.The first is for GM6, the secon...
YoYo Registration Open
YoYo Games has now officially opened their site for user registration. As promised, the...
Three Word Contest Update
When your entry is ready, create a new thread in this forum[/b]. We've already had ...

Monday, 5 February

Sunday, 11 February

Hamachi - Solution to mplay?
I recently discovered Hamachi this week, I must say it is a really useful tool. Not jus...
GMC Overload - Crash
The GMC has just been overloaded with a multitude of server busy errors. After reaching...

Wednesday, 14 February

YoYo Games Goes Yahoo!
The new YoYo games website will be based off of the Yahoo! User Interface Library. This...

Saturday, 17 February

GM7 Delay Statement
Mark Overmars recently posted at the GMC to inform us of the reasons behind the Game Ma...

Tuesday, 20 February

The Jeluvian Project has begun.
Get to it, Sergeant. Obtain your copy from the PLAY section.

Wednesday, 21 February

Downtime And Contest Update
As you might have noticed, this site has had some trouble in the past few days. It was ...

Friday, 23 February

Game Maker 7.0 Available
Posted by Mark Overmars
Forum Repaired
Posted by Mark Overmars
GM Server Down
Chronic has recently announced that the Game Maker Community forum will be down until f...
GM7 Final Release
Mark Overmars has announced that the Game Maker 7 release date will be Wednesday, Febru...

Tuesday, 27 February

Automated Reg Upgrade
As previously hinted, the YoYo Games website to be released tomorrow UK time will have ...

Wednesday, 28 February

Game Maker 7 Released
After repeated delays, the final version of Game Maker 7 has been publicly released. Th...
GM7 Upgrade Issues
It is ironic that I have ended up posting this article, because only hours ago did I me...
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