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March 2007

Archive Archive

« February 2007 | March 2007 | April 2007 »

The official news

Warning Not all messages this old are fully archived

Sunday, 4 March

New Rules on the Glog
Thanks to “Tom” who behaved like a total prat, even when I gave him a secon...

Wednesday, 7 March

?Purchase Session Lost? error
 Some of you reported this problem when you were upgrading from Lite to Pro…..ap...
“Purchase Session Lost” error
 Some of you reported this problem when you were upgrading from Lite to Pro…..ap...

Wednesday, 21 March

YoYo Screen Shots
We’re gettiong MUCH closer to a Beta release of the Website…so, FOR FUNR...

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« February 2007 | March 2007 | April 2007 »