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November 2007

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Game Maker Blog

Monday, 19 November

GMTV Finally Out
So, GameMaker TV is finally here.The reception at the GMC appears to be pretty even, th...

Tuesday, 20 November

Not News
Apparently it’s not news but I’m glad to see YoYo have been keeping the com...

Thursday, 22 November

Happy Thanksgiving
So true.PS. We have a badass in the GMTV comments! Check this idiot out! (Although I ha...

Sunday, 25 November

All Change at GameMakerTech
Alex, a well known GMC member, has stepped down from his position as an advisor to the ...

Friday, 30 November

TheGMRace Top 10 Game Maker Games [new]
TheGMRace have released the results of the first stage of their competition.   The num...
TheGMRace Top 10 Game Maker Games
TheGMRace have released the results of the first stage of their competition.   The num...

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