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May 2008

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Game Maker Blog

Tuesday, 6 May

Russell’s Quarterly, issue 2
Yet another high quality issue of Russell’s Quarterly. This time with 81 (!) page...

Thursday, 8 May

Prodigy GM gone for good?
A recent look at the Prodigy GM website reveals that the website has been deleted. Acc...

Friday, 9 May

YoYo to endorse Obfuscator?
As you may know I am disappointed that YoYo Games have not released a patch to enable u...

Sunday, 11 May

GMFetch becomes a blog
From a magazine to a blog. I think this is a good idea, although the technical implemen...

Monday, 12 May

First hardcopy GM magazine announced
The Skyfire Insider is the first hardcopy GM magazine (it’s one of those things t...

Saturday, 17 May

Where is GMTech?
In the past I have often compared the latest magazine releases from MarkUp and GameMake...

Friday, 23 May

GameMaker runner in C++ almost complete [new]
GMFetch, formerly a magazine now a blog, have finally heard back from Sandy at YoYo Gam...
New Community website [new]
A new community website for users of Game Maker has launched. GamerGM.com has a file u...
New Community website
A new community website for users of Game Maker has launched. GamerGM.com has a file u...
GameMaker runner in C++ almost complete
GMFetch, formerly a magazine now a blog, have finally heard back from Sandy at YoYo Gam...

Sunday, 25 May

Stencyl before GameMaker 8? [new]
Back in January this year Stencyl, the currently under-development open-source game dev...
Stencyl before GameMaker 8?
Back in January this year Stencyl, the currently under-development open-source game dev...

Monday, 26 May

Game Maker Games Contest [new]
GameMaker Games have launched a one month Game creation contest with the theme “t...
Game Maker Games Contest
GameMaker Games have launched a one month Game creation contest with the theme “t...

Thursday, 29 May

Do not merge this post [new]
A fuss has kicked off at the GMC about the moderators merging forum posts in, surprise ...
GMTech 12: The Review [new]
GameMakerTech Issue 12 was released on May 29th - for details and to download click he...
Game Maker Tech Issue 12 [new]
GameMaker Tech’s long anticipated 12th issue has finally been released, and it ha...
Do not merge this post
A fuss has kicked off at the GMC about the moderators merging forum posts in, surprise ...
GMTech 12: The Review
GameMakerTech Issue 12 was released on May 29th - for details and to download click he...
Game Maker Tech Issue 12
GameMaker Tech’s long anticipated 12th issue has finally been released, and it ha...

Saturday, 31 May

GM Hacker Challenge [new]
There has been so many attempts at trying to protect your created games. Just when you ...
GM Hacker Challenge
There has been so many attempts at trying to protect your created games. Just when you ...

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« April 2008 | May 2008 | June 2008 »