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June 2008

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« May 2008 | June 2008 | July 2008 »

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Sunday, 1 June

Nonregistered Submissions Closed
Due to recent spam, nonregistered submission of songs is closed. We apologize for the i...
first time i made music like that...its free to use!

Monday, 2 June

News Update June
I can’t believe how long it’s taken to get round to writing here…. te...
News Update June
I can’t believe how long it’s taken to get round to writing here…. te...
News Update June
I can’t believe how long it’s taken to get round to writing here…. te...

Tuesday, 3 June

C++ Beta Green Light, Mac Beta Red Light
According to a post on the official YoYo Game’s glog, the C++ runner is almost co...

Wednesday, 4 June

Mark - Seeking help on Animation Project
Mark Overmars is currently seeking help for an animation experiment conducted by his re...
Entropy Competition Conclusion [new]
Almost a month and a half since the voting started [size=1](and[/size][size=0] about a ...
An Animation Experiment
My research group at Utrecht University does research on motion in games. One of the to...
An Animation Experiment
My research group at Utrecht University does research on motion in games. One of the to...
An Animation Experiment
My research group at Utrecht University does research on motion in games. One of the to...

Thursday, 5 June

Custom Hit Messages
Some of you may have noticed that everyone\'s hit message was [i]users sat on[/i]. This...

Friday, 6 June

Discussion: Game Genres
In this day and age you could say first person shooters and online role playing games h...

Saturday, 7 June

Runner & Maker Info
According to a recent post by Sandy Duncan, Game Maker 8 will most likely be re-written...
Nya BBCodes
Jag har fixat lite nya BBcodes Länk till googlesökningKodstycke:[google]asdf[/go...

Sunday, 8 June

Dream Build Play 2008
Microsoft vuelve a organizar un año más el Dream Build Play. En esta ocasión l...
Broken images fixed
As you may have noticed, some icons and all the emoticons on the site got broken after ...

Monday, 9 June

SeedRocket: consigue financiación
SeedRocket es un novedoso evento destinado a emprendedores con el objetivo de facilitar...
Inaugurada la primera edicion de "La factoria"
Saludos makeros.Como algunos ya sabriais, llevabamos algun tiempo trabajando en el lanz...

Tuesday, 10 June

Ancient Civ Competition Results
If anything the Ancient Civilisation competition has been even harder to judge than the...
The Ancient Civilisation Competition results are in, head over to the glog to see the r...
Ancient Civ Competition Results
If anything the Ancient Civilisation competition has been even harder to judge than the...
Ancient Civ Competition Results
If anything the Ancient Civilisation competition has been even harder to judge than the...

Wednesday, 11 June

YYG Competition 2… and 3
YoYo Game’s competition two with the theme Ancient Civilizations has finally come...
VIP och ny IRC-kanal.
Har postat båda de här nyheterna i olika topics redan men jag postar det här n...

Thursday, 12 June

Contest Halfway Over
We're about halfway through the "This Game is Art" contest period. If you...

Friday, 13 June

Jóvenes emprendedores
Jóvenes emprendedores Citar¿Cómo empezó todo? Evolution Dreams Studio naci...
Extreme GML
Tired of writing complicated codes to achieve a single objective? Try EXGML, and let it...
Extreme GML
Tired of writing complicated codes to achieve a single objective? Try EXGML, and let it...

Monday, 16 June

With the relaxation season coming up, MarkUp Magazine is looking forward to its future ...
Lane Bounce
Do you have fast eye movement, quick reflexes, and are quick at resonding? Well, this g...
NAL's Jet Pod
Fly your way through ten levels of increasing difficulty. Includes two unlockable minig...
Sig Maker V.5 - 9.1
Sig Maker V.5 is the fifth model of my freeware software that allows you to make your o...
Stickman Zombie Final
*GORE WARNING*You can use either the arrow keys or the WASD keys (so that you, WASD hat...
pWith the relaxation season coming up, MarkUp Magazine is looking forward to its future...

Tuesday, 17 June

Fin de la primera edicion de "La factoria"
Tras varios dias de ajetreo continuo, makeros abatidos, prisioneros desaparecidos y res...
I made this chiptune a while ago, originally for a GM Clans thing. A slow tune, which ...

Wednesday, 18 June

Firefox 3 & InstantPlay
For those of you who use Firefox, you may be aware that Mozilla just held a world-recor...
Firefox 3 and Instant Play
We’re aware of the problem with the Instant Play add-on not working with Firefox ...
3rd GameMaker Podcast
The third episode of GMking’s Game Maker audcast has been released, nearly a year...

Firefox 3 and Instant Play
We’re aware of the problem with the Instant Play add-on not working with Firefox ...
Firefox 3 and Instant Play
We’re aware of the problem with the Instant Play add-on not working with Firefox ...

Thursday, 19 June

Blobbo's Quest
Blobbo's Quest - 8.2

Friday, 20 June

Tercer concurso de Yoyogames
Buff, hacía mucho tiempo que no me animaba a poner una noticia nueva, pero gracias a...
for jasmin
i made this song on fl sudio, if you want it for your project take it. but i want to kn...
Tøetí PixelArtová soutìž
Ano, je to tu, byla vyhlášena tøetí PixelArtová soutìž. Více se...

Saturday, 21 June

Hardcoregamer actually does something useful
…With his “Katchup” blog. An interview with Danny, a GMB writer and t...

Sunday, 22 June

The joys of PM spam.
Hello,Rewired is looking to gain members who can design games and advertise their games...
Contest updates
There are just four days to go until the deadline of GameMakerGames.com’s “...
Gamemaker Tutorials Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Of The Tutorial Series I'm Making.
Zero Point - 9.6
It'll be a long time before I finish this ambitious shoot em up so here's the...

Monday, 23 June

Kryzta - GM Hry
Kryzta je ponìkud minimalisticky a zvláštnì pojatá akèní arkáda...

Tuesday, 24 June

Best of: april en mei
Best of: april en mei Game maker is zo waanzinnig populair dat er per dag tientallen ni...
iWanna Contest [new]
Flash game website iWanna Play is holding its first game making contest for budding ind...
iWanna Contest
Flash game website iWanna Play is holding its first game making contest for budding ind...
Tank War Mini Gold
Tank War Mini Gold is either a one or two player game which is an upgrade to my previou...
An old school overhead shooter with a unique mechanic. Instead of AI, the enemies mirro...
Memento Mori - Remember About Death
Remember About Death for there is no doubt that you WILL die in this game. You are boun...
Best of: april en mei
Best of: april en mei Game maker is zo waanzinnig populair dat er per dag tientallen ni...
LVSVCH 2007 - FotoSlideshow
Pøipravili jsme pro vás jemnou slideshow z Vyhlášení minulého roèn...

Thursday, 26 June

Forum & Glog Changes [new]
According to YoYoJim (an administator on the GMC forums), a forum upgrade was put in pl...
Mark’s last post? [new]
It seems that Mark’s Glog is most likely coming to a close. However, this doesn&...
“Offcial Video Website” [sic] [new]
Introducing the snappily titled “Game Maker Users Helper - The Offcial Video Webs...
My Last Post Here? [new]
This might very well be my last post here. But don’t worry. This is not bad news ...
“Offcial Video Website” [sic]
Introducing the snappily titled “Game Maker Users Helper - The Offcial Video Webs...
My Last Post Here?
This might very well be my last post here. But don’t worry. This is not bad news ...
Mark’s last post?
It seems that Mark’s Glog is most likely coming to a close. However, this doesn&...
Forum & Glog Changes
According to YoYoJim (an administator on the GMC forums), a forum upgrade was put in pl...
Forum Upgrade
Hi All, You may have noticed a short period of downtime around 13:15 GMT today. We ran ...

My Last Post Here?
This might very well be my last post here. But don’t worry. This is not bad news ...
My Last Post Here?
This might very well be my last post here. But don’t worry. This is not bad news ...

Friday, 27 June

Game Maker Users Helper becomes a magazine [new]
After the previous project, I would have thought this would have come to an end. Appare...
Game Maker Users Helper becomes a magazine
After the previous project, I would have thought this would have come to an end. Appare...
Blue Buddy 2 - ideální skákaèka ? - GM ...
Koneènì tu máme nìco opravdu dobrého, skro bych øekl i dokonalé, k...

Saturday, 28 June

Captcha im Gästebuch [new]
Hi liebe Community!Ich habe seit kurzer Zeit ein problem auf meiner Homepage. Diese doo...
GM Error also BUG [new]
hi ich hab einen GM bug gefunden:Ich hab per nach oben verschoben und dann kam i-son e...
Eure "Pannen-Spiele" [new]
Tach, Da ich in meiner ersten Zeit ziemliche Pannenspiele herausgehauen habe, habe ich ...
Objekt-Problem [new]
Hi! Wie bekomme ich ein Objekt mit der Tastatur zum bewegen? Bin neu und begreif das ni...
Flame [new]
Ja... ich hab dann mal ein neues Spiel fast fertig, brauche aber eventuell noch ein paa...
Tank wars [new]
Hi,ich arbeite zurzeit an einem neuen Projekt. Der vorrübergehende Titel ist "Tan...

Sunday, 29 June

Expo Tokyo Weekend Argentina [new]
Aqui les dejo una noticia para los argentinos:Los VideoGames se vienen con todo en la E...
Why should I ever visit your site? [new]
I took my daily visit to the GMC today to find a new PM in my PM box. It was yet again...
Animation verlängern, ohne das sie dauerhaft läuft.... [new]
nabendIch habe folgendes problem undzwar:Ich habe, in einem Jump and Run spiel eine Kam...
GM 7 Programmieren eines Radios [new]
Hallo ich kenne mich mit dem Programm noch kein bissel aus.Habe zwar schon etwas daran ...
Breakout mit Maus [new]
Hab in der SuFu nix richtiges gefunden.Mein Problem: ich will eine Art Breakoout spiel ...
Gelände-Zerstörungs Engine [new]
Ich würd gern bei "Die Entgrater" so eine Art Zerstörungsengine fürs Gelä...
FreeSQL.org [new]
Hallo Forum,ich bin seit einer Stunde auf der Suche nach einer änlichen Seite wie free...
Was ist mit yoyogames los? [new]
Hi ich wollte mal fragen was mit yoyogames los ist, denn wenn ich auf die seite gehe st...
Bomberman - - - fragen zu einigen Sachen... [new]
also ich bin totaler Anfänger und habe erst 2 kleine games programmiert... naja und ic...
Why should I ever visit your site?
I took my daily visit to the GMC today to find a new PM in my PM box. It was yet again...
Expo Tokyo Weekend Argentina
Aqui les dejo una noticia para los argentinos:Los VideoGames se vienen con todo en la E...
Avantgarde - GM Hry
Avantagarde je zajímavá arkáda mírnì do shoot-em around stylu. Celkem n...

Monday, 30 June

Confirmed Hit [new]
Confirmed Hit is a REALLY fast paced action scroller game inspired by the simple flash ...
Die Schatzjäger [new]
Vor der Küste von Madagaskar tauchen seit einiger Zeit immer wieder Schatztruhen von ...
Dll Prozesse lesen [new]
Ich hab ne frage! gibt es eien Dll die erkennen kann ob ein Bestimmter Prozess läuft?A...
GM 7 Enemy Figur fehler.... [new]
hi, ich hab hier ein kleines problem:ich hab die simple platform engine von copyboy und...
Wie seid ihr zu eurer Signatur gekommen? [new]
Tach, ich glaube das gibt es noch nicht.Wie seid ihr eigentlich zu eurer Signatur gekom...
Enemy Figur fehler.... [new]
hi, ich hab hier ein kleines problem:ich hab die simple platform engine von copyboy und...
Confirmed Hit - 6.8 [new]
Confirmed Hit is a REALLY fast paced action scroller game inspired by the simple flash ...
Confirmed Hit - 7.1 [new]
Confirmed Hit is a REALLY fast paced action scroller game inspired by the simple flash ...
Confirmed Hit - 7.1
Confirmed Hit is a REALLY fast paced action scroller game inspired by the simple flash ...
Confirmed Hit - 7.3
Confirmed Hit is a REALLY fast paced action scroller game inspired by the simple flash ...
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« May 2008 | June 2008 | July 2008 »