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July 2008

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Saturday, 12 July

Issue 14 is well underway!
Dear Readers!We realize there has been little visible progress in MarkUp Magazine latel...
Issue 14 is well underway!
pDear Readers!br /We realize there has been little visible progress in MarkUp Magazine ...

Saturday, 19 July

Announcing MarkUp Issue 14
Dear MarkUp Readers,Hello! We're glad to tell you that Issue 14 of GMking.org's MarkUp ...
Entropy Competition Conclusion MarkUp Magazine Announcing MarkUp Issue 14
Almost a month and a half since the voting started [size=1](and[/size][size=0] about a ...
Announcing MarkUp Issue 14
pDear MarkUp Readers,br /img src=http://www.gmking.org/images/mu14cover.png alt=MarkUp ...
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