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August 2008

Archive Archive

« July 2008 | August 2008 | September 2008 »

The official news

Wednesday, 13 August

Tutorials And Examples
The Tutorials forum has been temporarily closed while a re-organization is underway. Th...

Monday, 18 August

Glogs Have Been Merged
We have merged the YoYo Games Glog with Mark’s Glog on game design. This new glog...
Glogs Have Been Merged
We have merged the YoYo Games Glog with Mark’s Glog on game design. This new glog...

Tuesday, 19 August

A New Wiki
As some of you might have noticed already, since today we have a new wiki on the YoYo G...
A New Wiki
As some of you might have noticed already, since today we have a new wiki on the YoYo G...

Wednesday, 20 August

Competition Deadline Approaching
The deadline for the third YoYo Games competition is quickly approaching. You have only...
Competition Deadline Approaching
The deadline for the third YoYo Games competition is quickly approaching. You have only...

Friday, 22 August

Game Maker Tip: Cyrillic Support [new]
The fonts in Game Maker do not support Cyrillic characters or Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese o...
Game Maker Tip: Cyrillic Support [new]
The fonts in Game Maker do not support Cyrillic characters or Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese o...
Game Maker Tip: Cyrillic Support
The fonts in Game Maker do not support Cyrillic characters or Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese o...
Game Maker Tip: Cyrillic Support
The fonts in Game Maker do not support Cyrillic characters or Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese o...

Monday, 25 August

Competition Closed [new]
The third YoYo Games competition on Co-operation is now closed. We had a record of 285 ...
Competition Closed [new]
The third YoYo Games competition on Co-operation is now closed. We had a record of 285 ...
Competition Closed
The third YoYo Games competition on Co-operation is now closed. We had a record of 285 ...

Wednesday, 27 August

Next Competition Theme [new]
Although you will still have to wait a bit longer for the official announcement, I thin...
Next Competition Theme [new]
Although you will still have to wait a bit longer for the official announcement, I thin...
Next Competition Theme
Although you will still have to wait a bit longer for the official announcement, I thin...

Friday, 29 August

Record Number of Visitors [new]
The YoYo Games website this week reached new records in the number of visitors and page...
Record Number of Visitors [new]
The YoYo Games website this week reached new records in the number of visitors and page...
Record Number of Visitors
The YoYo Games website this week reached new records in the number of visitors and page...

Sunday, 31 August

Let’s Rate All Games [new]
About 15% of the games on the YoYo Games site have not received any rating at all. This...
Let’s Rate All Games [new]
About 15% of the games on the YoYo Games site have not received any rating at all. This...
Let’s Rate All Games
About 15% of the games on the YoYo Games site have not received any rating at all. This...

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« July 2008 | August 2008 | September 2008 »