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November 2008

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Game Maker News

Sunday, 2 November

Prize Winner [Sept-Oct] [new]
This is our thanks to everyone who contributes to this site. The following is a point t...
Prize Winner [Sept-Oct]
This is our thanks to everyone who contributes to this site. The following is a point t...

Sunday, 9 November

Yet Another InstantPlay Plugin [new]
James Rhodes from roket-games.com has released a Firefox-only “InstantPlay”...
Yet Another InstantPlay Plugin
James Rhodes from roket-games.com has released a Firefox-only “InstantPlay”...

Monday, 10 November

GMAC Beta - Signup now [new]
Announced today on the YoYo Games glog was the upcoming private beta program for the hi...
GMAC Beta - Signup now
Announced today on the YoYo Games glog was the upcoming private beta program for the hi...

Friday, 21 November

InstantPlay Exploit Published [new]
Today James Rhodes posted a comment on the YYG GLOG stating that he has constructed a G...
InstantPlay Exploit Published
Today James Rhodes posted a comment on the YYG GLOG stating that he has constructed a G...

Tuesday, 25 November

GMac Beta - Having Troubles [new]
Unfortuantely I haven’t had a chance to test out the Mac version of Game Maker th...
GMac Beta - Having Troubles
Unfortuantely I haven’t had a chance to test out the Mac version of Game Maker th...
GMac Beta - Having Troubles
Unfortuantely I haven’t had a chance to test out the Mac version of Game Maker th...

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