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February 2009

Archive Archive

« January 2009 | February 2009 | March 2009 »

The official news

Sunday, 1 February

New Moderator [new]
I'm pleased to announce that Frostblade will be joining the GMC staff as a new local mo...
New Moderator [new]
We're pleased to announce that Frostblade will be joining the GMC staff as a new local ...
New Moderator
We're pleased to announce that Frostblade will be joining the GMC staff as a new local ...

Monday, 2 February

Competition 04 Update [new]
Just to let you know that we’re working on this.  Had to go to Scotland last wee...
Competition 04 Update
Just to let you know that we’re working on this.  Had to go to Scotland last wee...

Sunday, 8 February

Latest News, Website Changes and Comp04 [new]
OK, so let me start by saying you won’t see the results of Competition 04 before ...
Latest News, Website Changes and Comp04
OK, so let me start by saying you won’t see the results of Competition 04 before ...

Sunday, 15 February

Competition 4: The Winners [new]
Finally, here are the result for the fourth YoYo Games competition with as a theme: Sav...
Competition 4: The Winners
Finally, here are the result for the fourth YoYo Games competition with as a theme: Sav...

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« January 2009 | February 2009 | March 2009 »