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June 2009

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Monday, 1 June

GMCG: The long and winding road [new]
It has been over a month now since the Game Maker Community Game has begun, and for tho...
GMCG: The long and winding road
It has been over a month now since the Game Maker Community Game has begun, and for tho...

Sunday, 7 June

Unsurprisingly YoYo Games are yet to make a profit [new]
At the GMC users with little knowledge of how a business works expect to get it all wit...
Unsurprisingly YoYo Games are yet to make a profit
At the GMC users with little knowledge of how a business works expect to get it all wit...

Tuesday, 9 June

RTS + Christian SpeedGame Game Making Competitions [new]
A couple of game making competitions to tell you about this week.The first is GameMaker...
RTS + Christian SpeedGame Game Making Competitions
A couple of game making competitions to tell you about this week.The first is GameMaker...

Wednesday, 10 June

Free upgrade to GameMaker 8 if you purchase Game Maker from this month [new]
After much discussion by users of the software Sandy Duncan has given the first glimpse...
Free upgrade to GameMaker 8 if you purchase Game Maker from this month
After much discussion by users of the software Sandy Duncan has given the first glimpse...

Friday, 12 June

Game a Week experiment and new GMC Moderators [new]
Using some of the “crazy Cactus design philosophy” Liveo plans to create a ...
Staff Changes [new]
The GMC administration is pleased to announce new additions to the GMC Staff, as well a...
Staff Changes
The GMC administration is pleased to announce new additions to the GMC Staff, as well a...
Game a Week experiment and new GMC Moderators
Using some of the “crazy Cactus design philosophy” Liveo plans to create a ...

Saturday, 13 June

Object Exporter in Game Maker 8? [new]
YoYo Games have been very quiet about the features that will be added to Game Maker 8. ...
Object Exporter in Game Maker 8?
YoYo Games have been very quiet about the features that will be added to Game Maker 8. ...

Tuesday, 16 June

Kwiklook Magazine discontinued [new]
Darren Poole’s Kwiklook magazine has been discontinued after 2 issues. He hints t...
Gamemaker 8.0 Leaked [new]
rappybas on the GMC said he has found copy of GM 8.0 on the YoYo Games website. The use...
Gamemaker 8.0 not Leaked [new]
rappybas on the GMC said he has found copy of GM 8.0 on the YoYo Games website. The use...
Kwiklook Magazine discontinued
Darren Poole’s Kwiklook magazine has been discontinued after 2 issues. He hints t...

Wednesday, 17 June

Sorry [new]
Yesterday a post was made on this site which claimed to show a leaked screenshot of Gam...
Two Game Maker games in with a chance of $10,000 [new]
Two games created in Game Maker are in the final of the $10,000 2BeeGames competition.A...
Prodigy Game Magazine: Issue 4 [new]
Our good friend Hardcoregamer is back with a new issue of his magazine. The June issue ...
Yesterday a post was made on this site which claimed to show a leaked screenshot of Gam...
Two Game Maker games in with a chance of $10,000
Two games created in Game Maker are in the final of the $10,000 2BeeGames competition.A...
Prodigy Game Magazine: Issue 4
Our good friend Hardcoregamer is back with a new issue of his magazine. The June issue ...

Thursday, 18 June

Isometric Game Maker City [new]
The Russian Game Maker Community GM-Rus have created an isometric map of websites devo...
Isometric Game Maker City
The Russian Game Maker Community GM-Rus have created an isometric map of websites devo...

Friday, 19 June

Game Maker Mac Development Progressing [new]
A second version of the Game Maker 7 Mac version is due to be sent to those in the clos...
Exclusive Videos: Game Maker Mac Development Progressing [new]
A second version of the Game Maker 7 Mac version is due to be sent to those in the clos...
Exclusive Videos: Game Maker Mac Development Progressing
A second version of the Game Maker 7 Mac version is due to be sent to those in the clos...

Saturday, 20 June

Kwiklook Blog launches [new]
Following the discontinuation of the magazine, Darren Poole has launched a new blog, as...
Kwiklook Blog launches
Following the discontinuation of the magazine, Darren Poole has launched a new blog, as...

Sunday, 21 June

Mark Overmars Game Maker Competition [new]
The University of Utrecht (where Mark Overmars is a professor) is planning to hold a Cr...
Mark Overmars Game Maker Competition
The University of Utrecht (where Mark Overmars is a professor) is planning to hold a Cr...

Tuesday, 23 June

Game Maker’s C++ Runner is in Testing [new]
Very little is known about the progress of the C++ Game Maker runner re-write which YoY...
Game Maker’s C++ Runner is in Testing
Very little is known about the progress of the C++ Game Maker runner re-write which YoY...

Thursday, 25 June

GameJolt Contest Results [new]
The results of the first GameJolt contest have been announced.  A total of about 30 g...
GameJolt Contest Results
The results of the first GameJolt contest have been announced.  A total of about 30 g...

Friday, 26 June

Game Maker 8 Features Listed: Resource Exporter Included [new]
Mark Overmars has posted on the YoYo Games blog with a preliminary list of features tha...
Game Maker 8 Features Listed: Resource Exporter Included
Mark Overmars has posted on the YoYo Games blog with a preliminary list of features tha...

Saturday, 27 June

Second Game Maker Mac beta sent to testers [new]
Marc Simpson, YoYo Games’  ”in-house programmer and occasional system admi...
Second Game Maker Mac beta sent to testers
Marc Simpson, YoYo Games’  ”in-house programmer and occasional system admi...

Sunday, 28 June

GameMaker 8 Beta “not far away” [new]
Sandy Duncan has revealed that a “GM 8 Beta is not far away….”.   Th...
Public Game Maker 8 Beta “not far away” [new]
Sandy Duncan has revealed that a “GM 8 Beta is not far away….”.   Th...
Public Game Maker 8 Beta “not far away”
Sandy Duncan has revealed that a “GM 8 Beta is not far away….”.   Th...

Tuesday, 30 June

New Book: Getting Started with Game Maker – Author Interview [new]
Evidence of the increasing use of Game Maker in education can be seen by the upcoming r...
Unofficial fix for YoYo Games’ InstantPlay in Firefox 3.5 [new]
Earlier today Mozilla released version 3.5 of Firefox. As I write YoYo Games instant ...
New Book: Getting Started with Game Maker – Author Interview
Evidence of the increasing use of Game Maker in education can be seen by the upcoming r...
Unofficial fix for YoYo Games’ InstantPlay in Firefox 3.5
Earlier today Mozilla released version 3.5 of Firefox. As I write YoYo Games instant ...

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