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January 2010

Archive Archive

« December 2009 | January 2010 | February 2010 »

The official news

Friday, 1 January

100 Games in 10 MInutes (2009 Edition) [new]
Brought to you from You Tube.  I believe this is the work of Matt Scorah (Game Maker B...
100 Games in 10 MInutes (2009 Edition)
Brought to you from You Tube.  I believe this is the work of Matt Scorah (Game Maker B...

Tuesday, 5 January

New Default User Avatar [new]
It was brought to my attention today that the default Avatar for registered users on th...
New Default User Avatar
It was brought to my attention today that the default Avatar for registered users on th...

Tuesday, 12 January

Updated Tutorials [new]
For those of you with Game Maker 8 you’ll find that we’ve (finally) updated...
Updated Tutorials
For those of you with Game Maker 8 you’ll find that we’ve (finally) updated...

Friday, 22 January

FireFox 3.6 doesn’t work with Instant Play [new]
Seems we have bigger issues than usual getting Instant Play to work with FireFox 3.6. ...
Game Maker 7 available to download again. [new]
After a few false starts I finally managed to get the Wiki to allow me to upload an exe...
FireFox 3.6 doesn’t work with Instant Play
Seems we have bigger issues than usual getting Instant Play to work with FireFox 3.6. ...
Game Maker 7 available to download again.
After a few false starts I finally managed to get the Wiki to allow me to upload an exe...

Wednesday, 27 January

GM4Mac….work has restarted ! [new]
Good news for Mac users …we’ve contracted with a new developer to support t...
GM4Mac….work has restarted !
Good news for Mac users …we’ve contracted with a new developer to support t...

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« December 2009 | January 2010 | February 2010 »