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February 2010

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GMIndie GM News

Monday, 1 February

Game Jolt Rogue contest results
There may not have been as many entries this time around as there were for the minimal ...
GMindie LIVE Radio BC 19
Brian was joined by Nathan (hardcoregamer) and Henri from the GMIndie team. They discus...

Thursday, 4 February

GMIndie Magazine Issue 6 Released
GMIndie released the sixth issue of their magazine this morning. The magazine spotligh...

Saturday, 6 February

2 Months to Close.
It's Ferbruary, and the Competition05 is at the 2 month deadline. Why don't we look bac...

Monday, 8 February

Biannual GM Magazine launched
A biannual (twice a year) game maker magazine called the "Independent Developer&qu...
GMC to open new forum
Source: GMC Twitter.A discussion led to a new forum coming soon on the Game Maker Commu...

Monday, 15 February

I'm going to close the Gazette til I'm out of college so that I'll have time to spend ...

Saturday, 27 February

Game Maker Gazette Back Up!!! [new]
The website is now back up, I, Bret Hudson, am temporially taking over while Penny is a...
Game Maker Gazette Back Up!!!
The website is now back up, I, Bret Hudson, am temporially taking over while Penny is a...

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