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September 2010

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YoYo Games Glog

Wednesday, 1 September

Competition 6 – entrant list… [new]
The list of entrants to Competion 6 is now up and available you can access them here...
Competition 6 – entrant list…
The list of entrants to Competion 6 is now up and available you can access them here...

Wednesday, 15 September

Competition 06 – update [new]
Hi all! I know you’ve all been waiting very patiently and  you’ll be glad ...
Competition 06 – update
Hi all! I know you’ve all been waiting very patiently and  you’ll be glad ...

Friday, 24 September

GameMaker now running on iPad!! [new]
As you can see we’ve been very busy bees, porting the C++ runner onto yet another...
GameMaker now running on iPad!!
As you can see we’ve been very busy bees, porting the C++ runner onto yet another...

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« August 2010 | September 2010 | October 2010 »