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October 2010

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« September 2010 | October 2010 | November 2010 »

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Friday, 1 October

YoYo Games start contacting game authors for iPhone versions [new]
YoYo Games have started to contact selected game authors to offer them the chance to pu...
iOS update. [new]
So a little update on the iOS work going on, as you can see here we can also run on a m...
iOS update. [new]
So a little update on the iOS work going on, as you can see here we can also run on a m...
More from Mike Dailly on Game Maker’s future [new]
Mike Dailly has posted a follow up to his earlier post on the Game Maker runner on his ...
iOS update.
So a little update on the iOS work going on, as you can see here we can also run on a m...
iOS update.
So a little update on the iOS work going on, as you can see here we can also run on a m...
YoYo Games start contacting game authors for iPhone versions
YoYo Games have started to contact selected game authors to offer them the chance to pu...
More from Mike Dailly on Game Maker’s future
Mike Dailly has posted a follow up to his earlier post on the Game Maker runner on his ...

Saturday, 2 October

YoYo Games and GMC down earlier [new]
For a period of about four hours last night (from 1:30 BST) the Game Maker Community wa...
Jesse Venbrux to work at YoYo Games “for a few weeks” [new]
Jesse Venbrux (2Dcube) will be working at YoYo Games for a couple of weeks before movin...
YoYo Games and GMC down earlier
For a period of about four hours last night (from 1:30 BST) the Game Maker Community wa...
Jesse Venbrux to work at YoYo Games “for a few weeks”
Jesse Venbrux (2Dcube) will be working at YoYo Games for a couple of weeks before movin...

Monday, 4 October

Tuesday, 5 October

Para los dominicanos y personas interesadas [new]
Los dominicanos de este foros y personas interesadas en apoyar a la republica dominican...
GMTalk Game Maker Podcast – Episode 4 [new]
After a four month summer* break Andrew McCluskey, Jack Brockley and myself are back wi...
GMTalk Game Maker Podcast – Episode 4
After a four month summer* break Andrew McCluskey, Jack Brockley and myself are back wi...
Para los dominicanos y personas interesadas
Los dominicanos de este foros y personas interesadas en apoyar a la republica dominican...

Wednesday, 6 October

YoYo Compo 06 – There can be only be 1! [new]
Hi all, Ok! We have got our round up of the final 15 selected games as below going thro...
Finalists of YoYo Games Competition 6 Announced [new]
Fifteen finalists have been announced in YoYo Games’ sixth, discovery themed, Gam...
YoYo Compo 06 – There can be only be 1! [new]
Hi all,Ok! We have got our round up of the final 15 selected games as below going throu...
YoYo Compo 06 – There can only be 1! [new]
Hi all, Ok! We have got our round up of the final 15 selected games as below going thro...
YoYo Compo 06 – There can be only be 1!
Hi all,Ok! We have got our round up of the final 15 selected games as below going throu...
YoYo Compo 06 – There can only be 1!
Hi all, Ok! We have got our round up of the final 15 selected games as below going thro...
Finalists of YoYo Games Competition 6 Announced
Fifteen finalists have been announced in YoYo Games’ sixth, discovery themed, Gam...

Thursday, 7 October

Dustforce wins $100,000 Grand Prize in IndiePub Contest [new]
Acrobatic puzzle platformer Dustforce (trailer) created by Woodley Nye and Lexie Dostal...
Dustforce wins $100,000 Grand Prize in IndiePub Contest
Acrobatic puzzle platformer Dustforce (trailer) created by Woodley Nye and Lexie Dostal...

Sunday, 10 October

Game Review – Tower 3 (orse ost e7 o) [new]
Tower 3 by orse ost e7 o What starts off as a peaceful valley scene doesn’t last ...
Game Review – Tower 3 (orse ost e7 o)
Tower 3 by orse ost e7 o What starts off as a peaceful valley scene doesn’t last ...
Ablach Blackrat: Starting Over...
7 years ago I created a game called Perceptia for a gaming contest based off of a M.C. ...

Wednesday, 13 October

Recent GMC Improvements [new]
Over the past couple of weeks there have been several low key, but beneficial, changes ...
Recent GMC Improvements
Over the past couple of weeks there have been several low key, but beneficial, changes ...

Thursday, 14 October

Game Maker Games on Android? [new]
A recent topic at the Game Maker Community asks whether “Yoyogames had put any th...
Game Maker Games on Android?
A recent topic at the Game Maker Community asks whether “Yoyogames had put any th...

Friday, 15 October

YoYo Comp 06 – WINNER! [new]
This is what you’ve been waiting for, the announcement of the winner of the YoYo ...
YoYo Games Competition 6 Winners Announced [new]
YoYo Games’ sixth competition based on the theme of “Discovery” offic...
YoYo Comp 06 – WINNER! [new]
This is what you’ve been waiting for, the announcement of the winner of the YoYo ...
YoYo Comp 06 -- WINNER! [new]
This is what you’ve been waiting for, the announcement of the winner of the YoYo ...
YoYo Comp 06 -- WINNER!
This is what you’ve been waiting for, the announcement of the winner of the YoYo ...
YoYo Comp 06 – WINNER!
This is what you’ve been waiting for, the announcement of the winner of the YoYo ...
YoYo Games Competition 6 Winners Announced
YoYo Games’ sixth competition based on the theme of “Discovery” offic...
YoYo Comp 06 – WINNER!
This is what you’ve been waiting for, the announcement of the winner of the YoYo ...
Kairos: Yeah, I miss the good ol' days of GM
I always kind of took for granted the incredible easiness of making games with Game Mak...

Saturday, 16 October

IndiePub Interview with Dustforce Creators [new]
We’ve been trying to arrange to get some questions answered by Woodley Nye and Le...
IndiePub Interview with Dustforce Creators
We’ve been trying to arrange to get some questions answered by Woodley Nye and Le...

Sunday, 17 October

Rekame Mag – Issue 3, Autumn 2010 [new]
Andrew McCluskey has released the third issue of Rekame Mag. The issue is the first sin...
Rekame Mag – Issue 3, Autumn 2010
Andrew McCluskey has released the third issue of Rekame Mag. The issue is the first sin...

Tuesday, 19 October

Wednesday, 20 October

YoYo Game Store – Skydiver first release! [new]
Just giving you an exclusive heads up on the exciting things we are doing at YoYo! You ...
SkyDiver Mach II available on in the Apple App Store [new]
Game Maker creation SkyDiver Mach II is available to purchase in the Apple App Store. T...
YoYo Game Store – Skydiver first release! [new]
Just giving you an exclusive heads up on the exciting things we are doing at YoYo! You ...
SkyDiver Mach II available in the Apple App Store [new]
Game Maker creation SkyDiver Mach II is available to purchase in the Apple App Store. T...
YoYo Game Store – Skydiver first release! [new]
Just giving you an exclusive heads up on the exciting things we are doing at YoYo! You ...
YoYo Game Store – Skydiver first release!
Just giving you an exclusive heads up on the exciting things we are doing at YoYo! You ...
SkyDiver Mach II available in the Apple App Store
Game Maker creation SkyDiver Mach II is available to purchase in the Apple App Store. T...
YoYo Game Store – Skydiver first release!
Just giving you an exclusive heads up on the exciting things we are doing at YoYo! You ...

Thursday, 21 October

Book Review: The Game Maker’s Companion by Jacob Habgood et al. [new]
The Game Maker’s Companion (links) is the long awaited sequel to the best selling...
Book Review: The Game Maker’s Companion by Jacob Habgood et al.
The Game Maker’s Companion (links) is the long awaited sequel to the best selling...

Friday, 22 October

100,000 games at YoYoGames.com [new]
One hundred thousand games have now been uploaded to YoYoGames.com The figure was reach...
YoYo Games App Store Renames, Game submission nearly open [new]
A couple of months back we reported that YoYo Games’ newly created marketplace, w...
100,000 games at YoYoGames.com
One hundred thousand games have now been uploaded to YoYoGames.com The figure was reach...
YoYo Games App Store Renames, Game submission nearly open
A couple of months back we reported that YoYo Games’ newly created marketplace, w...

Saturday, 23 October

Game Review – The Machine (Maarten Baert) [new]
The Machine‘s uninspiring title doesn’t do this fantastic physics playgroun...
Home Base [new]
Get your blocks home
Vermin [new]
Soooo.....Vermin ist fertig.Ihr müsst euch vor lästigem Ungeziefer schützen indem ih...
GM 7 Externes Programm starten [new]
HiIst es möglich, ein externes Programm zu starten? (im gamemaker)Danke
GM 8 Background multiplizieren/ineinanderkopieren [new]
Nabend,Ich hab leider ein Problem. Ich würde gern einen Background im Vordergrund im P...
GM 8 Map im Editor speichern. Und im spiel laden [new]
brauche hilfe... Habe jetzt keine Lust mein Problem erneut zu erklären...Quelle: http:...
GM 8 Nachträglich code in events schreiben [new]
Hallo,Ich hab mal wieder ne Frage: es gibt ja die Funktionen event_perform usw. die ein...
GM 8 Verwurster's resizeexample problem [new]
Es gibt ein Problem bei dem Resize Example von Verwurster ->'HIER'Es funktioniert, w...
GM 8 mausbewegung erfassen [new]
gibt es eine möglichkeit, die mausbewegung festzustellen (notfalls auch mit einer dll)...
GM 8 GML: Semikolon? [new]
HalloIn Programmiersprachen wie PHP muss man ja nach jedem Befehl ein Semikolon ( mache...
Game Review – The Machine (Maarten Baert)
The Machine‘s uninspiring title doesn’t do this fantastic physics playgroun...
Home Base
Get your blocks home

Sunday, 24 October

Tetris [new]
PHP Andere ausgabe bei datei auf computer als auf webserver [new]
Guten Abend,ich habe folgendes Problem:wenn ich eine datei    Sp...

Monday, 25 October

Community Links: Indie Kombat, YoYo t-shirt, SkyDiver II pre iOS4 [new]
Two Game Maker games are up against each other in Indie Kombat. Banov and Andrew Brophy...
Community Links: Indie Kombat, YoYo t-shirt, SkyDiver II pre iOS4
Two Game Maker games are up against each other in Indie Kombat. Banov and Andrew Brophy...
Update: draw_roundrect_ext(x1,y1,x2,y2,outline,radius,precision)
Oct 24, 2010 - xot alters script to automatically reduce corner radius if too large for...

Tuesday, 26 October

The Game Maker Book [new]
For those who aren’t already aware, a new Game Maker book has just been released ...
The Game Maker Book [new]
For those who aren’t already aware, a new Game Maker book has just been released ...
Nog een Game Maker boek: The Game Maker's Companion [new]
Er is een nieuw boek over Game Maker verschenen: The Game Maker's Companion. Het bo...
kleine physik engine [new]
hallo leute mir war gerade langweilig und hab mal veruscht einen ohysik engine für run...
Diskussion Brauche ein bissien hilfe bei game. [new]
Hallo.Ich bin neu hir und weiss auch nicht ob das hir der richtige ort dafur ist aber i...
GM 5 Spiestart = Eingefroren [new]
Hi, ich bin neu zu hand mit game maker und wollte fragen:wir (2köpfiges team) haben fo...
GM 8 draw_getpixel alternative [new]
Ich versuche grad ein kleines Bildbeatbeitungs-Programm zu schreiben und habe ein paar ...
GM 8 draw_text ohne SONDERZEICHEN? [new]
HalloWie der Titel schon sagt, bei mir im Draw Text funktionieren keine Sonderzeichen, ...
GM 8 Top down bewegen, komisch [new]
Einen schönen Abend wünsch ich allen!Ich beschäftige mich zurzeit mit der Top-Down-P...
GM 8 Animation beim Laufen [new]
Hallo Leute! :-)Habe Game Maker 8 und folgendes Problem:Arbeite gerade an einem Jump 'n...
Konzeptfrage B.O.S.S [new]
Hallo Community,ich arbeite zur Zeit an ein em Spiel (B.O.S.S) das rein auf Boss-kämpf...
GM 8 Gegner sollen Spieler ignorieren [new]
Hey Leute, ich arbeite derzeit mit einem Team bestehend aus sechs Leuten an einem Stude...
COMIC-SLOTS - die total verrückte Slot-Maschine! [new]
So und hier kommt jetzt das nächstes Spiel: Comic-Slots – die total verrückte Slot-...
The Game Maker Book
For those who aren’t already aware, a new Game Maker book has just been released ...
The Game Maker Book
For those who aren’t already aware, a new Game Maker book has just been released ...
Nog een Game Maker boek: The Game Maker's Companion
Er is een nieuw boek over Game Maker verschenen: The Game Maker's Companion. Het bo...

Wednesday, 27 October

Publishing Together with YoYo Games [new]
As many of you are aware we have been very busy recently. Most of our time has been spe...
First official details of YoYo Games Publishing Process [new]
Following the release of SkyDiver II on iOS YoYo Games will shortly make available a &#...
Publishing Together with YoYo Games [new]
As many of you are aware we have been very busy recently. Most of our time has been spe...
gm-d.de Downtime am Samstag [new]
Nur, damit niemand sich für den kommenden Samstag hier etwas vornimmt, und dann unerwa...
Konzeptfrage Mapping [new]
Guten Abend!Ich arbeite jetzt seit kurzem an einen größeren Projekt mit ca. 15 Leuten...
gm-d.de Downtime am Samstag [new]
Nur, damit niemand sich für den kommenden Samstag hier etwas vornimmt, und dann unerwa...
GM 8 Verzögerung erwünscht - aber doch net im ganzen Spiel! [new]
Tja, da bin ich wieder - mit einem neuen Problem: In meinem Spiel soll sich im Hintergr...
Publishing Together with YoYo Games
As many of you are aware we have been very busy recently. Most of our time has been spe...
Publishing Together with YoYo Games
As many of you are aware we have been very busy recently. Most of our time has been spe...
First official details of YoYo Games Publishing Process
Following the release of SkyDiver II on iOS YoYo Games will shortly make available a &#...
gm-d.de Downtime am Samstag
Nur, damit niemand sich für den kommenden Samstag hier etwas vornimmt, und dann unerwa...

Thursday, 28 October

Game Review – Super Crate Box (Vlambeer) [new]
Vlambeer’s first release is more frenetic than a headless chicken on steroids. If you...
GM 8 Sprite eines Objektes herausfinden, welches in einer Variable steht [new]
Hi,Ich möchte das Sprite eines Objektes herausfinden, welches in einer Variable steht...
GM 8 pixel auf surface löschen [new]
der titel sagts eigentlich schon, wie macht man dass? also z.B. kann man ja im sprite-e...
GM 8 Allgemein [new]
Hallo. Ich habe mal ein paar Allgemein Fragen zu Game Maker. Ich kenne mich eigentlich ...
Konzeptfrage Helligkeitsabstufungen bei Sprite [new]
hey leute,ich habe ein menschen sprite (15x28 pixel), wie viele helligkeitsabstufungen ...
GM 8 5 Objekte oder 1 Objekt? [new]
Hallo, ich hätte da mal eine Frage, bevor es weitergeht: Ich habe 5 Objekte, die alle ...
Game Review – Super Crate Box (Vlambeer)
Vlambeer’s first release is more frenetic than a headless chicken on steroids. If you...

Friday, 29 October

YoYo Games set to go head to head with GameSalad [new]
With the recent long anticipated announcement that YoYo Games will enter into revenue s...
Skydiver reviews – mini comp [new]
Hi all Sorry we’re a bit late with this. We got some outstanding reviews over la...
Skydiver reviews – mini comp [new]
Hi allSorry we’re a bit late with this. We got some outstanding reviews over l...
Community Links: YYG Review Competition, Mark on Publishing, GMCG 2.0 [new]
The winner of YoYo Games SkyDiver II review competition has been announced. Member Life...
PHP /ordner/datei.php --> /ordner2/datei.txt [new]
HalloIch hab ein Problem:Auf meinem Webspace liegt eine PHP Datei, und zwar in einem Or...
GM 8 Wie sage ich es dem Kollision-Event? [new]
Oh, Gott, morgen ist hier geschlossen, dann muß ich unbedingt heute noch wissen, wie m...
GM 8 Kollision an Schrägen [new]
Hiho liebes Board.Ich bin neu hier und habe auch gleich eine Frage. Zur Zeit arbeite ic...
YoYo Games set to go head to head with GameSalad
With the recent long anticipated announcement that YoYo Games will enter into revenue s...
Skydiver reviews – mini comp
Hi allSorry we’re a bit late with this. We got some outstanding reviews over l...
Skydiver reviews – mini comp
Hi all Sorry we’re a bit late with this. We got some outstanding reviews over la...
Community Links: YYG Review Competition, Mark on Publishing, GMCG 2.0
The winner of YoYo Games SkyDiver II review competition has been announced. Member Life...

Saturday, 30 October

gm-d.de Wir haben aufgerüstet [new]
So, das Ergebnis der hier angekündigten Umbauarbeiten könnt ihr nun sehen: Wir haben ...
gm-d.de Wir haben aufgerüstet
So, das Ergebnis der hier angekündigten Umbauarbeiten könnt ihr nun sehen: Wir haben ...

Sunday, 31 October

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« September 2010 | October 2010 | November 2010 »