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December 2010

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YoYo Games Glog

Monday, 6 December

Sno news is good news.. [new]
Sorry we’ve been so quiet lately, but it does mean we’ve all had our nose t...
Sno news is good news..
Sorry we’ve been so quiet lately, but it does mean we’ve all had our nose t...

Wednesday, 8 December

Solitaire – Free on iTunes! [new]
YoYo Games are pleased to present our first free to play game through the Game Store! Y...
Game Maker 4 Mac – Lite Version [new]
We have placed this on our Game Store so you can link through -http://store.yoyogames.c...
Solitaire – Free on iTunes!
YoYo Games are pleased to present our first free to play game through the Game Store! Y...
Game Maker 4 Mac – Lite Version
We have placed this on our Game Store so you can link through -http://store.yoyogames.c...

Wednesday, 15 December

Teka Teki on iPhone [new]
The popular Teka Teki game by Rhys Andrews has had over 6,000 downloads and an average ...
Teka Teki on iPhone
The popular Teka Teki game by Rhys Andrews has had over 6,000 downloads and an average ...

Friday, 17 December

Game Maker running on Android [new]
Recently we’ve been saying that we want to get the Game Maker runner onto the And...
Game Maker running on Android
Recently we’ve been saying that we want to get the Game Maker runner onto the And...

Monday, 20 December

Farewell 2010, Looking Forward to 2011 [new]
I’m writing this post as we prepare to close our offices for the Xmas break.  Th...
Farewell 2010, Looking Forward to 2011
I’m writing this post as we prepare to close our offices for the Xmas break.  Th...

Friday, 31 December

Mark Overmars in the Top 50 of 2010 [new]
One of the Games industry’s most influential and widely read blogs,  Gamasutra h...
Mark Overmars in the Top 50 of 2010
One of the Games industry’s most influential and widely read blogs,  Gamasutra h...

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« November 2010 | December 2010 | January 2011 »