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August 2011

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Game Maker Blog

Thursday, 11 August

Community Links: Plug Pulled on App Inventor and HTML5 Ogg Vorbis Support
Google has scrapped development of its App Inventor for Android. A rather unexpected de...

Sunday, 14 August

indie(Magazine) Issue 10 – “Hiatus”
The tenth issue of indie(Magazine) has today been released.  This means the magazine h...

Wednesday, 17 August

New Game Maker Community Theme
YoYo Games have updated the default forum skin at the official Game Maker Community.  ...

Thursday, 18 August

RekameMag – Issue 4
Andrew McCluskey recently released the fourth issue of his GameMaker magazine RekameMag...

Friday, 19 August

GameMaker HTML5 Pricing Revealed – $199 (or $99)
YoYo Games will sell their HTML5 GameMaker product for $199 (£120, €140)^. A $100 di...

Saturday, 20 August

Community Links: Ludum Dare 21, Pricing and Focus of GameMaker, GameJolt indie(Function) Contest
Ludum Dare 21 is currently under way, the indie game creation contest and jam runs unti...

Monday, 22 August

Play Remaddening and They Need to be Fed in GameMaker HTML5 [new]
YoYo Games employee Andrew McCluskey has posted online the first publicly playable game...
Play Remaddening and They Need to be Fed in GameMaker HTML5
YoYo Games employee Andrew McCluskey has posted online the first publicly playable game...

Tuesday, 23 August

Construct 2 Licence Prices Revealed: Free – $255 [new]
Yesterday Scirra launched the licensing programme for their Construct 2 HTML5 game make...
Construct 2 Licence Prices Revealed: Free – $255
Yesterday Scirra launched the licensing programme for their Construct 2 HTML5 game make...

Wednesday, 24 August

Community Links: Look at GameMaker HTML5 Alpha, indie(Magazine) 11, Venbrux and Vlambeer [new]
Game Maker Community administrator Chronic has posted about his experiences using the...
Community Links: Look at GameMaker HTML5 Alpha, indie(Magazine) 11, Venbrux and Vlambeer
Game Maker Community administrator Chronic has posted about his experiences using the...

Sunday, 28 August

Since Game Maker Tech [new]
In the last week I was contacted by Kay Johnson, who oversaw development of the Game Ma...
Since Game Maker Tech
In the last week I was contacted by Kay Johnson, who oversaw development of the Game Ma...

Monday, 29 August

YoYoGames releases “YoYo Games Experimental” [new]
More exported content from GameMaker HTML5 has been released by YoYoGames as part of &#...
YoYoGames releases “YoYo Games Experimental”
More exported content from GameMaker HTML5 has been released by YoYoGames as part of &#...

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