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May 2012

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« April 2012 | May 2012 | June 2012 »

YoYo Games Glog

Sunday, 6 May

Games in HTML5 [new]
We are pleased to announce that several of our popular iOS and Android titles are now a...
Games in HTML5
We are pleased to announce that several of our popular iOS and Android titles are now a...

Tuesday, 8 May

GameMaker in Education [new]
GameMaker is the software of choice for teaching game based-learning. Fr...
GameMaker in Education
GameMaker is the software of choice for teaching game based-learning. Fr...

Thursday, 17 May

GameMaker Community Forum restructure [new]
This week you may have noticed we have changed the Game Maker Community Forum structure...
GameMaker: Studio news update [new]
 Today we are officially closing the GameMaker: Studio beta. We’d like to th...
GameMaker: Studio news update
 Today we are officially closing the GameMaker: Studio beta. We’d like to th...
GameMaker Community Forum restructure
This week you may have noticed we have changed the Game Maker Community Forum structure...

Monday, 21 May

YoYo Games launches GameMaker: Studio [new]
The YoYo Games team are delighted to bring you, at long last, GameMaker: Studio! The wo...
YoYo Games launches GameMaker: Studio
The YoYo Games team are delighted to bring you, at long last, GameMaker: Studio! The wo...

Tuesday, 29 May

GMC Forum Merger [new]
On May 23rd (the day after GameMaker: Studio launch) our YoYo Games Forum was severely ...
GMC Forum Merger
On May 23rd (the day after GameMaker: Studio launch) our YoYo Games Forum was severely ...

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« April 2012 | May 2012 | June 2012 »