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Juli 2010

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« juni 2010 | juli 2010 | augustus 2010 »

Game Maker Base Extensions

Donderdag, 22 juli

Environment Variables [new]
This extension gives you access all the environment variables. I also included a functi...
Game Maker Sequel [new]
GMSQL is a bridge for MySQL database connectivity. DLL package and GMSQL programming cr...
Keyboard Extension2 [new]
This extension includes all the different keys available in game maker. It also include...
Environment Variables
This extension gives you access all the environment variables. I also included a functi...
Game Maker Sequel
GMSQL is a bridge for MySQL database connectivity. DLL package and GMSQL programming cr...
Keyboard Extension2
This extension includes all the different keys available in game maker. It also include...

Zondag, 25 juli

Useful Functions Extension
This extension allows full use to 45 functions and 127 constants. There are 7 groups of...

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« juni 2010 | juli 2010 | augustus 2010 »