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Augustus 2010

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« juli 2010 | augustus 2010 | september 2010 »

Alle berichten

Zondag, 1 augustus

Noticia importante sobre el Concurso Arcade CGM
¡¡¡IMPORTANTE!!!Las reglas del concurso fueron cambiadas ligeramente. Es importante ...

Dinsdag, 3 augustus

Woensdag, 4 augustus

Donderdag, 5 augustus

Visual Basic Execute3
This extensions allows access to Visual Basic in-game. It also allows you to play 'text...

Vrijdag, 6 augustus

Cube the Game
Can you survive and escape?
Cube the Game
Can you survive and escape?

Zaterdag, 7 augustus

Modifier la partie "Game Maker - Scripts / Exemples / Tutos"
Salut salut !Ca fait pas longtemps que je fais partie de cette communauté, et j'ai d...
Modifier la partie "Game Maker - Scripts / Exemples / Tutos"
Salut salut !Ca fait pas longtemps que je fais partie de cette communauté, et j'ai d...

Zondag, 8 augustus

Dinsdag, 10 augustus

Woensdag, 11 augustus

GM7 voor Mac beschikbaar
YoYo Games heeft de definitieve Mac-variant van Game Maker 7 Pro uitgebracht. Deze is t...
Game Maker for Mac… is go!
We are proud to announce the official launch of Game Maker for Mac! This is our first r...
“App Store” is a Registered Trademark of Apple Inc
Earlier today YoYo Games announced the launch of the “YoYo Games App Store”...
Game Maker for Mac Released on YoYo Games App Store
Game Maker 7 for Mac has been released for sale at the new YoYo Games app store.  The ...
Game Maker for Mac is go!
Game Maker for Mac... is go!We are proud to announce the official launch of Game Maker ...

Donderdag, 12 augustus

Game Maker Entries in Second GameJolt Jam
Last weekend the GameJolt indie gaming community held their second Game Jam – the...
NOD32 plaats bestanden in quarantaine... [new]
Naja NOD32 plaatst bestanden in quarantaine die daar niet horen... Ik heb zo een crack ...
Operation systems [new]
Hallo, ik ben laatste tijd bezig met operation systems aan het bestuderen, en ik vraag ...

Vrijdag, 13 augustus

Zaterdag, 14 augustus

Weekend Community Links
On Friday evening I discovered that YoYo Games has a page on Encyclopedia Dramati...

Maandag, 16 augustus

Official YoYo Games Twitter Account Launched
YoYo Games are finally on Twitter. You can follow them at @YoYoGameMaker. And if you ar...

Dinsdag, 17 augustus

Woensdag, 18 augustus

I’m a PC… and I’m a Mac [new]
As many of you know Game Maker has supported the ability for others to provide Extensio...
Hackers Hackers everywhere… [new]
We have been the target of a consistent hack on our adservers which no matter what we d...
Immortal Defense Pay What You Want Sale – Results so far [new]
Paul Eres has posted in the Indie Gamer forums showing the effects so far of allowing p...
GMC Urges YoYoGames.com Stay-away [new]
Two days ago former Game Maker Community administrator Smarty posted a GMC topic urging...
I'm a PC... and I'm a Mac [new]
As many of you know Game Maker has supported the ability for others to provide Extensio...
Hackers Hackers everywhere! [new]
We have been the target of a consistent hack on our adservers which no matter what we d...
Hackers Hackers everywhere!
We have been the target of a consistent hack on our adservers which no matter what we d...
Hackers Hackers everywhere…
We have been the target of a consistent hack on our adservers which no matter what we d...
GMC Urges YoYoGames.com Stay-away
Two days ago former Game Maker Community administrator Smarty posted a GMC topic urging...
I'm a PC... and I'm a Mac
As many of you know Game Maker has supported the ability for others to provide Extensio...
I’m a PC… and I’m a Mac
As many of you know Game Maker has supported the ability for others to provide Extensio...
Immortal Defense Pay What You Want Sale – Results so far
Paul Eres has posted in the Indie Gamer forums showing the effects so far of allowing p...

Donderdag, 19 augustus

YoYo Games an Industry Partner at AppJam 2010 [new]
Dundee College, along with key project and other industry partners (including YoYo Game...
YoYo Games an Industry Partner at AppJam 2010
Dundee College, along with key project and other industry partners (including YoYo Game...

Maandag, 23 augustus

How to get the most out of Game Maker Affiliation [new]
If you run a website relating to Game Maker one of the ways you can promote it on other...
How to get the most out of Game Maker Affiliation
If you run a website relating to Game Maker one of the ways you can promote it on other...
Game Maker sous linux (derbian/ubuntu)
Game Maker sous derbian/ubuntu======================Tous connait que linux est 100% gra...
Game Maker sous linux (derbian/ubuntu)
Game Maker sous derbian/ubuntu======================Tous connait que linux est 100% gra...

Dinsdag, 24 augustus

KC LC retires from the GMC [new]
After being inactive for almost 2 weeks on the GMC, KC LC quietly backed down from her ...
KC LC retires from the GMC
After being inactive for almost 2 weeks on the GMC, KC LC quietly backed down from her ...

Woensdag, 25 augustus

Optimising your Game’s Performance I: Sprites [new]
This is a planned series of glog posts focusing on aspects of a game that may cause nee...
Optimising your Game's Performance I: Sprites [new]
This is a planned series of glog posts focusing on aspects of a game that may cause nee...
Optimising your Game's Performance I: Sprites
This is a planned series of glog posts focusing on aspects of a game that may cause nee...
Optimising your Game’s Performance I: Sprites
This is a planned series of glog posts focusing on aspects of a game that may cause nee...
Cactus: I'm in TIME's 50 Best Websites list
I can't really comprehend how this happened, but my site is 2010's 2nd best g...

Donderdag, 26 augustus

Comp06 – And Now The End is near… [new]
Competition 06 is almost finished, entries need to be submitted before Midnight GMT nex...
YoYo Promise more Transparent Judging for their 6th Competition [new]
Russell Kay has promised that the judging process for YoYo Games sixth competition, whi...
Mid-week Community Links [new]
Jonatan Söderström aka cactus had his website featured in Time.com’s 50 greates...
Comp06 – And Now The End is near… [new]
Competition 06 is almost finished, entries need to be submitted before Midnight GMT nex...
Competition 06 [new]
Competition 06 is almost finished, entries need to be submitted before Midnight GMT nex...
Competition 06
Competition 06 is almost finished, entries need to be submitted before Midnight GMT nex...
Comp06 – And Now The End is near…
Competition 06 is almost finished, entries need to be submitted before Midnight GMT nex...
YoYo Promise more Transparent Judging for their 6th Competition
Russell Kay has promised that the judging process for YoYo Games sixth competition, whi...
Mid-week Community Links
Jonatan Söderström aka cactus had his website featured in Time.com’s 50 greates...
Nouveau grade !
Un nouveau rang a été créer, beaucoup de membre on atteint le rang de maximal ...
Nouveau grade !
Un nouveau rang a été créer, beaucoup de membre on atteint le rang de maximal ...

Vrijdag, 27 augustus

Competition 06 – UPDATE! [new]
We have now added the #YoYoComp06 tag to all current Competition06 games. You should no...
Competition 06 – UPDATE! [new]
We have now added the #YoYoComp06 tag to all current Competition06 games. You should no...
Competition 06 – UPDATE!
We have now added the #YoYoComp06 tag to all current Competition06 games. You should no...

Zaterdag, 28 augustus

level editor [new]
this is a level editor where you can create your own level in a easy way... all the cha...
gm-d.de Trolle nicht füttern! [new]
Aus gegebenem Anlass möchte ich nochmal auf folgendes hinweisen:Genauso wie es eine Se...
level editor
this is a level editor where you can create your own level in a easy way... all the cha...
gm-d.de Trolle nicht füttern!
Aus gegebenem Anlass möchte ich nochmal auf folgendes hinweisen:Genauso wie es eine Se...

Zondag, 29 augustus

Maandag, 30 augustus

Ds list [new]
work in progress
GMIndie and GMVision Game Maker Survey: Poorly Implemented [new]
GMIndie and GMVision have launched ‘Game Maker Survey 2010‘ a collection of...
Ds list [new]
teaches you how to make a ds list :D
Ds list
teaches you how to make a ds list :D
GMIndie and GMVision Game Maker Survey: Poorly Implemented
GMIndie and GMVision have launched ‘Game Maker Survey 2010‘ a collection of...

Dinsdag, 31 augustus

Daisy, Daisy give me your anssssweer doooooo…….. [new]
We have been notified by our hosting provider that our servers will be down for essenti...
Best of: juli en augustus 2010 [new]
Best of: juli en augustus 2010Door La Quiz en KaasjeHelaas, helaas, het ongeveer 40-wek...
Daisy, Daisy give me your anssssweer doooooo…….. [new]
We have been notified by our hosting provider that our servers will be down for essenti...
Daisy, Daisy give me your anssssweer doooooo……..
We have been notified by our hosting provider that our servers will be down for essenti...
Daisy, Daisy give me your anssssweer doooooo……..
We have been notified by our hosting provider that our servers will be down for essenti...
Best of: juli en augustus 2010
Best of: juli en augustus 2010Door La Quiz en KaasjeHelaas, helaas, het ongeveer 40-wek...
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« juli 2010 | augustus 2010 | september 2010 »