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Juli 2011

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« juni 2011 | juli 2011 | augustus 2011 »

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Vrijdag, 1 juli

Game Maker’s Digest to return “this summer” [new]
For the majority of 2011 we have had no producing GameMaker magazines until the recent ...
New YoYo Website launch [new]
We are still on target for launching the new site! Our current customers/visitors come ...
New YoYo Website launch [new]
We are still on target for launching the new site! Our current customers/visitors come ...
GM 8 Performance bei Supermarkt Simulation [new]
Hallo ihr,ich habe zum Thema Performance schon so einiges gelesen, wollte diese Frage a...
Game Maker’s Digest to return “this summer”
For the majority of 2011 we have had no producing GameMaker magazines until the recent ...
New YoYo Website launch
We are still on target for launching the new site! Our current customers/visitors come ...

Zaterdag, 2 juli

2011 Game Maker Predictions: 6 Months On [new]
At the start of the year we conducted our annual prediction poll in which 7 proposals a...
2011 Game Maker Predictions: 6 Months On
At the start of the year we conducted our annual prediction poll in which 7 proposals a...

Zondag, 3 juli

GM 8 erneut Probleme mit fonts [new]
HalloBrauche erneut hilfeAm anfang jedes Levels habe ich eine anzeige welche nach kurze...
GM 8 instance_destroy - Problem [new]
Ich habe folgenden Code in meinem obj_mouse: GML ...
GM 8 Partikel bei jedem Objekt? [new]
Hallo gm-d.de Community!Ich bin gerade dabei mich ein bisschen mit den im Game Maker 8 ...
First post on new Site! [new]
Welcome to the the new YoYo Games Website and happy 4th July! Discussions on what ...
First post on new Site!
Welcome to the the new YoYo Games Website and happy 4th July! Discussions on what ...

Maandag, 4 juli

YoYoGames website vernieuwd [new]
Zoals al een tijdje geleden aangekondigd, is yoyogames.com vernieuwd.De homepage is nu ...
New YoYo Games Website Launches with Emphasis on GameMaker [new]
YoYo Games today changed their main website from a large light coloured community-focus...
Changes to Tutorials Forum [new]
ATTENTION TUTORIAL MAKERSWe are currently making major changes in the Tutorial Forum of...
Variable nicht gefunden [new]
ich arbeite grade an einen shooter und irgendwie wird die variable (canshoot) nicht gef...
YoYoGames website vernieuwd
Zoals al een tijdje geleden aangekondigd, is yoyogames.com vernieuwd.De homepage is nu ...
Changes to Tutorials Forum
ATTENTION TUTORIAL MAKERSWe are currently making major changes in the Tutorial Forum of...
New YoYo Games Website Launches with Emphasis on GameMaker
YoYo Games today changed their main website from a large light coloured community-focus...

Dinsdag, 5 juli

Magazines: Game Maker’s Digest 9 and indie(Magazine) 4 [new]
Issue 9 of Game Maker’s Digest, the first to be published since last July of last...
GM 8 Raum erstellen- relativ zum verherigen [new]
Hallo. Ich habe ja mein Mapgenerator ziemlich geändert.Nun ist die Map unendlich.Leide...
unknown variable [new]
Hiich habe einen sniper enemy erstellt, der wenn ich 200 pixel an ihn rankome auf mich ...
Magazines: Game Maker’s Digest 9 and indie(Magazine) 4
Issue 9 of Game Maker’s Digest, the first to be published since last July of last...

Woensdag, 6 juli

Redirection [new]
The new website newsfeed is now located via -http://yoyogames.com/news There will be no...
Redirection [new]
The new website newsfeed is now located via -http://yoyogames.com/newsThere will be no ...
Community Links: Mark on Designing Mobile Games with GameMaker, iOS Ninjammin Beat-Jitsu [new]
A guide by Mark Overmars entitled Designing Successful iPhone and Android Games with Ga...
GM 8 Game Maker durch Cheat Engine beinflussbar [new]
Ich hab heute einmal Cheat Engine auf meine Spiele gehetzt. Das Ergebnis ist leider seh...
GM 8 Frage zu MaxWin API2 [new]
Hallo zusammen!Ihr kennt doch sicher die MaxWin API 2. Dort gibt es eine Funktion namen...
Press Release: YoYo Announce latest game Ninjammin Beat-Jitsu [new]
YoYo Games Announces the release of its latest game "Ninjammin Beat-Jitsu"Ava...
The new website newsfeed is now located via -http://yoyogames.com/newsThere will be no ...
Press Release: YoYo Announce latest game Ninjammin Beat-Jitsu
YoYo Games Announces the release of its latest game "Ninjammin Beat-Jitsu"Ava...
Community Links: Mark on Designing Mobile Games with GameMaker, iOS Ninjammin Beat-Jitsu
A guide by Mark Overmars entitled Designing Successful iPhone and Android Games with Ga...

Donderdag, 7 juli

Spieler soll je nachdem wo die maus ist verschieden laufen [new]
Hi(ich weis das dies das falsche forum ist, hab aber nichts gefunden wo ich das sonst f...
Construct 2: Interview with creators of HTML5 Game Creation Tool [new]
It has been two and a half years since I first saw Scirra‘s Construct game making...
Construct 2: Interview with creators of HTML5 Game Creation Tool
It has been two and a half years since I first saw Scirra‘s Construct game making...

Vrijdag, 8 juli

Ninjammin Beat-Jitsu Review (iOS) [new]
To say YoYo Games has been pushing mobile game deployment in the past six months would ...
HTML5 GameMaker to have “Team Collaboration Feature” [new]
The HTML5 GameMaker page on the new YoYo Games website has recently been expanded to pr...
Ninjammin Beat-Jitsu Review (iOS)
To say YoYo Games has been pushing mobile game deployment in the past six months would ...
HTML5 GameMaker to have “Team Collaboration Feature”
The HTML5 GameMaker page on the new YoYo Games website has recently been expanded to pr...

Zaterdag, 9 juli

Zondag, 10 juli

indie(Radio) 5 and Game Maker’s Digest 10 [new]
Episode 5 of indie(Radio) was hosted by Bret Hudson yesterday evening. In the first hal...
indie(Radio) 5 and Game Maker’s Digest 10
Episode 5 of indie(Radio) was hosted by Bret Hudson yesterday evening. In the first hal...

Dinsdag, 12 juli

New YoYoGames.com has 54% Fewer Uploads and 38% Fewer Game Plays [new]
The recently relaunched YoYo Games website gives more attention to the GameMaker produc...
New YoYoGames.com has 54% Fewer Uploads and 38% Fewer Game Plays
The recently relaunched YoYo Games website gives more attention to the GameMaker produc...

Woensdag, 13 juli

Magazines: Overbyte Returns with 4th Issue [new]
The Overbyte GameMaker magazine has returned after 14 months absence because editor RC ...
Magazines: Overbyte Returns with 4th Issue
The Overbyte GameMaker magazine has returned after 14 months absence because editor RC ...

Donderdag, 14 juli

July YoYo News [new]
Games:With help from the team at PocketGamer, The Guardians’ Games Blog has liste...
July YoYo News
Games:With help from the team at PocketGamer, The Guardians’ Games Blog has liste...

Vrijdag, 15 juli

YoYo Website Changes Continue [new]
Since their new website was launched YoYo Games have been working on improving the info...
Community Links: Jesse on Addictive Gameplay, Quote Unquote, Old Game-Maker Advert [new]
Jesse Venbrux is to give a talk entitled Creating addictive gameplay in They Need To Be...
Community Links: Jesse on Addictive Gameplay, Quote Unquote, Old Game-Maker Advert
Jesse Venbrux is to give a talk entitled Creating addictive gameplay in They Need To Be...
YoYo Website Changes Continue
Since their new website was launched YoYo Games have been working on improving the info...

Maandag, 18 juli

indie(Function) 6 with Uriel Griffin, iOS5 HTML5 Speed [new]
Uriel Griffin was the guest interviewee in this week’s indie(Radio) and indie(Mag...
indie(Function) 6 with Uriel Griffin, iOS5 HTML5 Speed
Uriel Griffin was the guest interviewee in this week’s indie(Radio) and indie(Mag...

Dinsdag, 19 juli

Community and news [new]
GameMakerGameMaker Standard version 8.1.113 came out this week. This contains changes t...
Community and news
GameMakerGameMaker Standard version 8.1.113 came out this week. This contains changes t...

Zondag, 24 juli

Update: gauss(mean, deviation) [new]
Jul 24, 2011 - xot replaces the existing gauss() script with this one
Update: gauss(mean, deviation)
Jul 24, 2011 - xot replaces the existing gauss() script with this one

Dinsdag, 26 juli

GameMaker created HTML5 Animation on YoYo Games Homepage [new]
The flash animation on the YoYo Games homepage has been updated so that, if your browse...
YoYo happenings [new]
The YoYo office is getting a bit cramped these days. We just got a delivery of more des...
GameMaker created HTML5 Animation on YoYo Games Homepage
The flash animation on the YoYo Games homepage has been updated so that, if your browse...
YoYo happenings
The YoYo office is getting a bit cramped these days. We just got a delivery of more des...

Woensdag, 27 juli

GMC Summer Jam 2011 [new]
The GameMaker Community (GMC) have their 3rd GMC Summer Jam this weekend, 30th July 201...
GMC Summer Jam 2011
The GameMaker Community (GMC) have their 3rd GMC Summer Jam this weekend, 30th July 201...

Donderdag, 28 juli

GM 8 ExtremePhysics Erklärungen/Hilfe [new]
HalloDa Mein anderes Thema bereits als erledigt makiert war frage ich euch hier nochein...

Vrijdag, 29 juli

GM 6 Zeilenanzahl von Strings auswerten und weiterverarbeiten [new]
Hallo ihr Lieben,ich habe nen kleines Problem. Vielleicht fehlt mir nur der richtige An...
GM 8 Vom Pausenmenü wieder ins Spiel [new]
Also ich Habe angefagen ein Spiel zu machen und bin gerade dabei das Pausenmenü zu mac...
GM 8 Variablen [new]
moin, ich habe mal ne´ frage:ich komme mit variablen nicht klar.. was genau bringen di...
Raum Wechseln wie in Zelda (GB) [new]
Moin Moin und Hallo!Da hier manche Probleme haben die Räume wie in Zelda zu wechseln, ...
GM 8 instance_create [new]
Hallo,ich mache gerade ein Spiel im Weltraum und habe die Variable "Level" er...
GM 8 Outside Room [new]
Hallo,ich möchte machen, dass wenn ein Objekt den Raum verlässt, geprüft wird, ob es...
GM 8 Verbindung zwischen zwei Objekten [new]
Zuerst einmal ein herzliches HALLO an euch da draußen bin neu hier im Forum ich hab da...

Zaterdag, 30 juli

New YoYo Website launch [new]
We are still on target for launching the new site! Our current customers/visitors come ...
New YoYo Website launch
We are still on target for launching the new site! Our current customers/visitors come ...
YoYoGames Forums – Exploit Means Anyone Can Create New Forum [new]
An exploit at the official YoYoGames.com forum means that any registered user can creat...
GM 8 geschwindigkeit verändern [new]
moin, ich habe (*hust*mal wieder) ein kleines problemchen ...ich versuche die geschwind...
GM 8 d3d_draw_floor > Beleuchtung von unten nicht möglich??? [new]
Hallo Leute! Ich probier mich ein wenig mit den 3D Funktionen des GMs rum. Nun, ich hab...
GM 8 Obj angle + Position [new]
Hey GM-D Community,also gleich zu meiner Frage,Ich Habe 2 Sprites vom Kopf des Players ...
GM 8 Spiel auf dem ipod spielen [new]
HiGibt es irgendeine möglichkeit, ein selbstgemachtes spiel auf dem ipod zu spielen?(i...
GM 8 Tagesverlauf [new]
Hallo Leute!Wiedermal wende ich mich (fast hilflos) an euch und frage um Rat.Diesmal ge...
GM 8 Fragen vor dem kauf [new]
Hallo gm-d.de Forum.Ich möchte mir den Game Maker 8.1 kaufen und habe mir schon durchg...
YoYoGames Forums – Exploit Means Anyone Can Create New Forum
An exploit at the official YoYoGames.com forum means that any registered user can creat...

Zondag, 31 juli

GameMaker HTML5 in “closed Alpha build” [new]
YoYo Games earlier disclosed that ‘GameMaker HTM5′ will be released “...
GM 8 Wirtschaftssimulation Konzept [new]
Ich würde gerne mit GameMaker 8.1 (Pro) eine Wirtschaftssimulation machen.Nun habe ich...
GM 8 object_add + 1 und eigenen Namen auslesen [new]
Hey Wie kann man mit "object_add()" ein Objekt erstellen, dass wenn man nochm...
GM 8 Bomberman Explosion [new]
Hallo,ich mache ein Bomberman Spiel und möchte wissen, wie man am besten die Explosion...
GM 8 Bestimmte Events deaktivieren [new]
Da ich mir jetzt die Standart Version des Game Makers zugelegt habe und nun an meinem P...
GameMaker HTML5 in “closed Alpha build”
YoYo Games earlier disclosed that ‘GameMaker HTM5′ will be released “...
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« juni 2011 | juli 2011 | augustus 2011 »