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Juli 2019

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« juni 2019 | juli 2019 | augustus 2019 »

YoYo Games Glog

Vrijdag, 5 juli

SpecialEffect on Game Accessibility [new]
SpecialEffect are an award-winning charity that enable people with physical disabilitie...
SpecialEffect on Game Accessibility
SpecialEffect are an award-winning charity that enable people with physical disabilitie...

Donderdag, 11 juli

Best Practices When Coding In GameMaker Studio 2 [new]
In this article we are going to cover some "best practices" for when you are ...
Best Practices When Coding In GameMaker Studio 2
In this article we are going to cover some "best practices" for when you are ...

Donderdag, 18 juli

Quickstart On Exporting And Sharing Your Game [new]
If you are just starting as a game developer using GameMaker Studio 2, then you may be ...
Quickstart On Exporting And Sharing Your Game
If you are just starting as a game developer using GameMaker Studio 2, then you may be ...

Donderdag, 25 juli

A Minimalistic Approach to Storytelling Design [new]
Eduardo from Green Lava Studios takes to our blog with a light-hearted and humorous tak...
A Minimalistic Approach to Storytelling Design
Eduardo from Green Lava Studios takes to our blog with a light-hearted and humorous tak...

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« juni 2019 | juli 2019 | augustus 2019 »