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February 2006

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Wednesday, 1 February

Game design thoughts
I';m currently working on a new game (finally). I';m making it for a competit...
Homebrew Ahoy!
Hurrah!I told ya didn't I? A couple of guys have managed to crack firmware version...
Gmg 2 Room Contest
Thank you for the great turn out for this contest.  We have had a huge number of g...

Thursday, 2 February

A Poem
The despondant paper bag              Floats ominous...
Here's a pic I drew a while ago, but recently retouched in pen and added some text...

Wednesday, 8 February

Super Human Cannonball is here!
The smashing good fun arcade game is back in a bigger better form! A must have on your ...
Super Human Cannonball Released!
finally got this game finished, I'm bored of writing about it now so you can read ...

Thursday, 9 February

Closing Forum Shortly
around 8am GMT - Posted by Chronic
Suggestion de section
Vous pouriez mettre une section spécialement dédié au LIB , DLL et Utilitaire?...

Friday, 10 February

Learning the Kana
Struggling to understand J-culture? Use this.
Super Human Cannonball
The gorefest is back. Guide the daredevil to safety - or just splatter him.

Saturday, 11 February

Mouse Based Menu
How to create useful menus based on mouse selection.

Monday, 13 February

Two-room Contest Entries
Judging is underway for the two-room contest. We received a lot of entries, so it will ...

Friday, 17 February

D'ou venez-vous ....
Les nouveaux pourrait mettre ici comment ils ont faite pour arriver sur le forum : goog...
Regardé ce bijous
J'ai fabriqué un explorateur internet très spécial surtout dédidé à G...
Code pour chat
s'adresse en particulier a cybertwister et a NooZ voici sur voila j'ai trouvé un cod...
Liens vers vos sites
Voila :Ayant reçu plusieurs MP de demande, j'ai mis certains sites persos dans l'ann...
D'ou venez-vous ....
Les nouveaux pourrait mettre ici comment ils ont faite pour arriver sur le forum : goog...
D'ou venez-vous ....
Les nouveaux pourrait mettre ici comment ils ont faite pour arriver sur le forum : goog...

Saturday, 18 February

Petite question pas rapport
Petite question pas rapport: comment ça marche pour passer de p'tit nouveau à tim...

Wednesday, 22 February

Hisashiburi desu ne!
Sorry for the lack of posts recently (who reads this anyway!), but nothing really excit...
Key and Lock
A versatile system for adventure games.

Thursday, 23 February

Another boring monthly blog.
Yep it's that time again. Time too update my monthly blog. I've been doing bi...

Friday, 24 February

On oublie TGF et MMF
Serait-il possible de rajouter des sections MMF/TGF ? Cela rendrait le forum encore plu...

Saturday, 25 February

Illegale praktijken
De laatste dagen heb ik verscheiden berichten verwijderd, die aanzetten tot het gebruik...

Sunday, 26 February

Resource update
Yes, I know. I';ve been neglecting this place for a while now. As lots of other th...
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