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February 2006

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Blogfeed @ Eo Community

Warning Not all messages this old are fully archived

Wednesday, 1 February

Game design thoughts
I';m currently working on a new game (finally). I';m making it for a competit...
Homebrew Ahoy!
Hurrah!I told ya didn't I? A couple of guys have managed to crack firmware version...

Thursday, 2 February

A Poem
The despondant paper bag              Floats ominous...
Here's a pic I drew a while ago, but recently retouched in pen and added some text...

Wednesday, 8 February

Super Human Cannonball Released!
finally got this game finished, I'm bored of writing about it now so you can read ...

Wednesday, 22 February

Hisashiburi desu ne!
Sorry for the lack of posts recently (who reads this anyway!), but nothing really excit...

Thursday, 23 February

Another boring monthly blog.
Yep it's that time again. Time too update my monthly blog. I've been doing bi...

Sunday, 26 February

Resource update
Yes, I know. I';ve been neglecting this place for a while now. As lots of other th...

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