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September 2006

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Game Maker News

Warning Not all messages this old are fully archived

Saturday, 2 September

Book Competition Winners
Snabela has announced the Games Showcase competition winners, and they areĀ First Place...

Monday, 4 September

GMC Pretend Mod Scam
A user joined the GM forums Yesterday, 08:17 PM, with the name Hpapillion (note the sli...

Saturday, 9 September

Mod Scam, returns?
An Interesting user signed up just a few minutes ago.His user name, Smarty_Just like th...

Wednesday, 13 September

Extending Forum Does The Splits
Earlier today,The Extending Game Maker Forum( http://forums.gamemaker.nl/index.php?show...

Sunday, 24 September

TurquoiseStar writes to tell us that the well known GMS (Games Showcase) site has been ...

Tuesday, 26 September

7.0 Coming to town!
Thats right, all this waiting has finally paid off!Mark Overmars has announced that the...

Saturday, 30 September

Today?s GM Headlines
Happy be-lated Birthday to Mark Overmars, celebrating on the 29th of SeptemberAlso in t...

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