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October 2006

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Game Maker News

Warning Not all messages this old are fully archived

Friday, 6 October

7.0 Beta soon
According to the Wikipedia, the first beta for Game Maker 7.0 is expected to arrive lat...

Wednesday, 11 October

Digg the Design?
Well, every once in a while, Scorptek feels its good to kick off with a new theme, just...
Web Hosting
Scorptek Web Hosting Plans as low as $3.95 and plans with up to 40,000 MB storage and 5...

Friday, 13 October

GM7 EXE to gain weight
According to Mark Overmars, the executable files produced by GM 7.0 (pending beta &...

Tuesday, 17 October

Interesting Numbers
Some people like statistics, so this post is mostly for them.As some of you may know, t...

Saturday, 21 October

Unusual Uses of GM
As we probably all know by now, Game Maker is often not used for Game Making. In fact a...

Friday, 27 October

Mark puts stop to emails
Real news:This month, the Game Maker Company stopped using the default Game Maker email...

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