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January 2007

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Monday, 1 January

Extension Builder Released
As promised, Mark has released the new Extension Package Builder software that enables ...
Reflecting on 2006
With 2006 only a few hours away from being complete history, I look back on what was tr...
Vertraging verhuizing
Zoals de meeste van jullie waarschijnlijk wel hebben gemerkt heeft de verhuizing langer...
Best of wishes for 2007
We'd like to wish everyone the best of wishes for 2007 and we are looking forward to an...
Vertraging verhuizing
Zoals de meeste van jullie waarschijnlijk wel hebben gemerkt heeft de verhuizing langer...
Best of wishes for 2007
We'd like to wish everyone the best of wishes for 2007 and we are looking forward to an...

Tuesday, 2 January

GM7 Beta 2 Released
In accordance with the newly released Extension Package Builder, Mark Overmars has just...
Great way to start things off...
Today is a good day. In fact, I'm glad it happened on the first day of the new yea...

Wednesday, 3 January

Spreadsheet Maze Generator Contest
Hey everyone. I'm hosting a special competition throughout January. It's not ...

Saturday, 6 January

What is this "blog" thing? I've never heard of them.
Since last time I posted a blog was just over a year ago I may as well add a new one.My...
The Pyramid
2006 Retro Remakes Winner

Sunday, 7 January

3 years on the trot!
It's been a while since I've said anything on the site, and there's a re...

Monday, 8 January

GMA Sneak Peak
Rhys, Roach and Cynical, the administrators of the Game Maker Awards annual event have ...

Friday, 12 January

Winter 2006-2007 Contest
We're starting a new Game Maker Games contest.Details are here.[/span] You can ask ...
Forum Arrangement
He guys and gals,   We in the mighty circle that is known as the GMG staff ha...

Saturday, 13 January

New Admin And Global
Posted by Chronic
A-ha! Beat the system!
I must say, the times can get really rough every once in awhile. Usually it's the ...

Sunday, 14 January

Mod Upgrade
Today there have been a couple of changes to the Game Maker Community's moderating staf...

Monday, 15 January

Long lost hidden GM features
Here is a list of 10 things I bet you didn't even know existed in Game Maker and half o...

Tuesday, 16 January

Falling back into work mode
After the blur of the holidays, I’m left with a pile of video games to play, and a pil...

Thursday, 18 January

Remembering Shawn
January 18 marks a memorable day for many in the Game Maker Community.It was on this da...
Games 4 Girls
Truth be told, this might not apply to very many Game Maker users, and probably not nea...

Friday, 19 January

Naked Fighting Chicks
I'll be honest: I like scantily-clad women in my games, running around in a bikini...

Saturday, 20 January

Extended Forum Extension
Note: The author of this article warns readers before hand that the infomation in this ...
Stepping into EO
...and here I am, suddenly thrown into the divine chaos that is EO. Pug Fugly sure is a...

Wednesday, 24 January

Som några eller många av er redan vet så har vi hållit på med en hemsida till UGMS...
GM7 Final Release Date
Mark has officially announced what appears to be the final release date for Game Maker ...
Design Change
Yes its that time of year again.Time to spice things up and change the Game Maker News ...
Blog Awards
Game Maker News has become increasingly popular over the months, and during that time h...
Contest Ideas, Progress Update
Well first of all, I am glad to report that Aces High Over Verlor Island is again takin...
Thailand Game Show 2007
If you haven't heard, I'm Thai and I'm living in Thailand. For a develop...
Som några eller många av er redan vet så har vi hållit på med en hemsida...

Thursday, 25 January

Team workshop today lasted 7 hours!
I just got back from 7 hours of hardcore game development. I can already feel my eyebal...

Friday, 26 January

Book translation/vertaling
Mark Overmars just announced that The Game Maker's Apprentice book released in English ...
Yoyo Games
Mark Overmars has made an announcement that will greatly impact the future of Game Make...
10 hours of psychadelic trance
Well, actually not. I'm really into Trance and DnB, but Psychadelic Trance is too....
Art Saves Lives
The metaphorical Battle of Agincourt that is my life at this exact moment is nearly com...
Partnerschap The Game Maker Company met Yo Yo Games
Mark Overmars en The Game Maker Company zijn een partnerschap aangegaan met Yo Yo Games...
Nederlandse vertaling 'The Game Maker's Apprentice' nu uit
De Nederlandse vertaling van The GameMaker's apprentice is momenteel uit. Het komt uit ...

Saturday, 27 January

Scorptek has released Sig Puzzle #4. This is a little series of mini challenging web ba...
Game Maker Registrierungspause ab dem 1. Februar
Ab dem 1. Februar beginnend bis zum Erscheinen des Game Maker 7 ist es nicht mehr mögl...

Sunday, 28 January

Yoyo Games
Our new company - Posted by Mark Overmars

Monday, 29 January

Ups, Downs and Ups
Last week was a frantic race to finish the team project. This week promises to be even ...

Tuesday, 30 January

Off The Market
If you haven't registered for Game Maker 6, you're now too late, as announced by Mark O...
YoYo Team Introduction
The YoYo Games company Mark has partnered with has decided to release a development blo...
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