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January 2007

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Blogfeed @ Eo Community

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Monday, 1 January

Reflecting on 2006
With 2006 only a few hours away from being complete history, I look back on what was tr...

Tuesday, 2 January

Great way to start things off...
Today is a good day. In fact, I'm glad it happened on the first day of the new yea...

Wednesday, 3 January

Spreadsheet Maze Generator Contest
Hey everyone. I'm hosting a special competition throughout January. It's not ...

Saturday, 6 January

What is this "blog" thing? I've never heard of them.
Since last time I posted a blog was just over a year ago I may as well add a new one.My...

Saturday, 13 January

A-ha! Beat the system!
I must say, the times can get really rough every once in awhile. Usually it's the ...

Tuesday, 16 January

Falling back into work mode
After the blur of the holidays, I’m left with a pile of video games to play, and a pil...

Friday, 19 January

Naked Fighting Chicks
I'll be honest: I like scantily-clad women in my games, running around in a bikini...

Saturday, 20 January

Stepping into EO
...and here I am, suddenly thrown into the divine chaos that is EO. Pug Fugly sure is a...

Wednesday, 24 January

Contest Ideas, Progress Update
Well first of all, I am glad to report that Aces High Over Verlor Island is again takin...
Thailand Game Show 2007
If you haven't heard, I'm Thai and I'm living in Thailand. For a develop...

Thursday, 25 January

Team workshop today lasted 7 hours!
I just got back from 7 hours of hardcore game development. I can already feel my eyebal...

Friday, 26 January

10 hours of psychadelic trance
Well, actually not. I'm really into Trance and DnB, but Psychadelic Trance is too....
Art Saves Lives
The metaphorical Battle of Agincourt that is my life at this exact moment is nearly com...

Monday, 29 January

Ups, Downs and Ups
Last week was a frantic race to finish the team project. This week promises to be even ...

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