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May 2007

Archive Archive

« April 2007 | May 2007 | June 2007 »

The Music Lib

Warning Not all messages this old are fully archived

Saturday, 12 May

All Files should submit
Well, after several months of trying, I have finally found the issue with why some file...
All Files should submit
Well, after several months of trying, I have finally found the issue with why some file...

Tuesday, 15 May

Scheduled Downtime
We're moving to a better/faster server. We'll only be down about 4 hours, so don't pani...
Scheduled Downtime
We're moving to a better/faster server. We'll only be down about 4 hours, so don't pani...
Scheduled Downtime
We're moving to a better/faster server. We'll only be down about 4 hours, so don't pani...

Saturday, 19 May

Back Up
We're back online, with no issues we didn't have before.
Back Up
We're back online, with no issues we didn't have before.
Back Up
We're back online, with no issues we didn't have before.

Sunday, 20 May

New Flash Preview Player
I've replaced the old preview player with a Brand-new, custom one. It was made specific...
Site speed increase
We've been working with our host on getting the download speed of the site back up to t...
New Flash Preview Player
I've replaced the old preview player with a Brand-new, custom one. It was made specific...
Site speed increase
We've been working with our host on getting the download speed of the site back up to t...
New Flash Preview Player
I've replaced the old preview player with a Brand-new, custom one. It was made specific...
Site speed increase
We've been working with our host on getting the download speed of the site back up to t...
New Flash Preview Player
I've replaced the old preview player with a Brand-new, custom one. It was made specific...
Site speed increase
We've been working with our host on getting the download speed of the site back up to t...

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« April 2007 | May 2007 | June 2007 »