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May 2007

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« April 2007 | May 2007 | June 2007 »

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Tuesday, 1 May

Well, we’ve been live for a bit less than a week…but we updated the website...
MarkUp, issue 3, released!
Markup issue 3 for May has finally been released! Eyas Sharaiha gives you the recipe to...
i'm making a game again, this time in flash. my right hand is broken, so it's...

Wednesday, 2 May

YYG: Make Games Earn Cash
Yo Yo Games has announced they are about to take the old competition approach and offer...
Rivalry & Battle Engine!
I'm back!ISOMETRIC ROLE-PLAYINGBattle SystemAfter slaving away for countless hours...
Scrolling a View with your mouse
Simple way to achieve scrolling
Instance creation code
Sheading light on a little known feature
Command Line Parameters
Intro to CLP, and how to use it for cheats
What are they?
Mouse Aiming
A widely used technique in platform shooters.
External Resources
Getting started with external resources
Depth in RPGs
Getting those images to overlap correctly.
Scrolling a View with your mouse
Simple way to achieve scrolling
Instance creation code
Sheading light on a little known feature
Command Line Parameters
Intro to CLP, and how to use it for cheats
What are they?
Mouse Aiming
A widely used technique in platform shooters.
External Resources
Getting started with external resources
Depth in RPGs
Getting those images to overlap correctly.

Thursday, 3 May

erreur boite de dialogue
Citation:ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /h-4959 on this server.----------...
erreur boite de dialogue
ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /h-4959 on this server.-------------------...
erreur boite de dialogue
Citation:ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /h-4959 on this server.----------...
erreur boite de dialogue
Citation:Forbiddenbr /br /You don't have permission to access /h-4959 on this server.br...
erreur boite de dialogue
Citation:ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /h-4959 on this server.----------...
erreur boite de dialogue
Citation:ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /h-4959 on this server.----------...

Friday, 4 May

another flash project i'm working on-- a remake of the game mocha and i worked on ...

Saturday, 5 May

YoYo doet mee aan wedstrijd
YoYo Games doet mee aan Startup 2.0, een wedstrijd voor nieuwe bedrijven. Volgens Mark ...

Sunday, 6 May

Death Worm
by JTR - Posted by Ablach Blackrat

Wednesday, 9 May

PSA: Vote for Yoyo
Mark Overmars, the creator of GM, has asked that users vote for Yoyo Games at Startup 2...

Thursday, 10 May

Startup 2.0 Fiasco
As many users who are watching the progress of the Startup 2.0 contest know, all is not...
Fred's MMO
Before you even start reading, let me say this:  I am not actually making an MMO…...

Friday, 11 May

Yet to come.
And a video.
Yet to come.
And a video.

Saturday, 12 May

All Files should submit
Well, after several months of trying, I have finally found the issue with why some file...
Blog Changes
Today we made a couple of changes to the GMNews blog including modifications to the col...
An Untitled Story
And the title of the game previously known as Untitled is...An Untitled Story(Please do...
All Files should submit
Well, after several months of trying, I have finally found the issue with why some file...
A few of you probably know this very well, but I've been working heavily on Sapphire Te...
A few of you probably know this very well, but I've been working heavily on Sapphire Te...

Sunday, 13 May

YYG: Make profit off user?s games? Why not?
There is evidence to suggest that Yo Yo Games may be looking into selling user’s ...
YYG: Update
Here are some juicy statistics from the YoYo Game's website since its release.There hav...
YYG: Make profit off user’s games? Why not?
There is evidence to suggest that Yo Yo Games may be looking into selling user’s ...

Tuesday, 15 May

Scheduled Downtime
We're moving to a better/faster server. We'll only be down about 4 hours, so don't pani...
Scheduled Downtime
We're moving to a better/faster server. We'll only be down about 4 hours, so don't pani...
Scheduled Downtime
We're moving to a better/faster server. We'll only be down about 4 hours, so don't pani...

Wednesday, 16 May

The Gmg Lives!
Hello faithful GMG folks,   After a horrbile wrestling match with our previou...

Friday, 18 May

YoYo Ratings On Your Site
Scorptek has just released a new service for Game Maker and YoYo Games users.It enables...

Saturday, 19 May

Back Up
We're back online, with no issues we didn't have before.
Back Up
We're back online, with no issues we didn't have before.
Back Up
We're back online, with no issues we didn't have before.

Sunday, 20 May

Mycket kort offlinetid
Ingen stor sak, men inom någon av de närmaste dagarna kommer forumet att gå ner en k...
New Flash Preview Player
I've replaced the old preview player with a Brand-new, custom one. It was made specific...
Site speed increase
We've been working with our host on getting the download speed of the site back up to t...
Fred's New Job
Well, I haven’t been able to get as much done with Falcon Squad as I’d hoped this wee...
Mycket kort offlinetid
Ingen stor sak, men inom någon av de närmaste dagarna kommer forumet att gå ne...
New Flash Preview Player
I've replaced the old preview player with a Brand-new, custom one. It was made specific...
Site speed increase
We've been working with our host on getting the download speed of the site back up to t...
Alright, it's time for another update announcement to Sapphire Tears! I've been working...
Alright, it's time for another update announcement to Sapphire Tears! I've been working...
New Flash Preview Player
I've replaced the old preview player with a Brand-new, custom one. It was made specific...
Site speed increase
We've been working with our host on getting the download speed of the site back up to t...
Mycket kort offlinetid
Ingen stor sak, men inom någon av de närmaste dagarna kommer forumet att gå ne...
New Flash Preview Player
I've replaced the old preview player with a Brand-new, custom one. It was made specific...
Site speed increase
We've been working with our host on getting the download speed of the site back up to t...

Monday, 21 May

#rankover{text-align: right;text-decoration: none;width: 80%;font-family: Verdana;font-...
#rankover{text-align: right;text-decoration: none;width: 80%;font-family: Verdana;font-...

Friday, 25 May

For those who wonder about Iji
The game is still on its way, I'm currently working on the final boss. Once it...

Saturday, 26 May

We will Return to Sector 9.... soon...
Just a little montage to whet the old appetite:

Sunday, 27 May

GM6 and Vista
It's been a long known fact that Game Maker 6 games do not work on the Windows Vista Op...
GMG Alive
This may be somewhat of a surprise for some users, but GMG (Game Maker Games), what was...
We climb into our big brother's little head. Nasty creatures await.

Monday, 28 May

Game Maker 6 exe converter, Vista capable
Er is een beta beschikbaar van een nieuw programma waarmee een Game Maker 6 executable ...

Wednesday, 30 May

Messhof's New Talk Show
___________________________Episode 1 - GAMEZQ - ur thoughtz?___________________________...

Thursday, 31 May

Domo arigato, Mr. Alfonsino
LuchairtuinI spent all day cleaning up bugs...I worked on the game too. I'm in lov...
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« April 2007 | May 2007 | June 2007 »