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June 2007

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Friday, 1 June

Markup Issue 4, June, Released!
MarkUp Issue 4, for June 2007, has just been released! This is a content-packed issue t...
MAKING SOME PASTAit might not be very goodgot no tomatoesTWO BLOGS IN A DAY, THIS MAN I...
TAKING OUT THE TRASH!!plants are probably growingit's raining a bit
ma signature [résolu] XD
voila, j'ai beau avoir accepter de laisser apparaitre ma signature, et en avoir fais un...
Announcing MarkUp Issue 4
MarkUp Issue 4, for June 2007, has just been released! This is a content-packed issue t...
ma signature [résolu] XD
voila, j'ai beau avoir accepter de laisser apparaitre ma signature, et en avoir fais un...
ma signature [résolu] XD
voila, j'ai beau avoir accepter de laisser apparaitre ma signature, et en avoir fais un...
ma signature [résolu] XD
voila, j'ai beau avoir accepter de laisser apparaitre ma signature, et en avoir fais un...

Saturday, 2 June

GMC Spam Attack Tip
We got an anonymous tip this morning from a reliable source which suggests that a major...
I haven't been around much recently, and I'm here to give a quick preview as ...
Audioblog 1
Today an an anger that I thought was buried resurfaced. http://eden.bradfield.googlepag...

Sunday, 3 June

GM6-Vista Converter Released
Not to long ago there was an article written about a converter that Mark Overmars plann...
Tutorial Forum Rules
* Requirements for New Submissions * - Posted by KC LC
Stop Posting Questions Here!
** Questions Belong in Novice Q&A ** - Posted by Chronic

Monday, 4 June

My apologies to those of you who have been participating in the Glog since the beginnin...

Wednesday, 6 June

MarkUp, Issue 4, Released!
I apologize for the delays for the announcement on GMking.org's main site, but since Ju...

Thursday, 7 June

64D Prepares for V3
64Digits is busy preparing v3, a third re-design of their game making community website...
But a haiku:Met a guy, liked muchTold him something, he was fineThen rejected, sad.
Avaus Progress
I've been working on a game called Avaus off and on for quite a while now, and I t...
bought a hat in praguenothing to write home aboutdrugstore discount binstick that in yo...

Friday, 8 June

Sunday, 10 June

In case you still haven't heard MESSHOF (I'm pretty big in Europe)--This one ...

Monday, 11 June

Welcome to the All NEW YoYo Games Glog
For those of you who were regular visitors to Playsnack.com you’ll be aware that ...
GM 6.1 Vista Patcher
Da es wohl an ziemlich vielen vorbeigegangen ist, mache ich noch mal darauf aufmerksam,...
Mac Conversion
It's about time I start blogging again. Lots of stuff happened over the past month...
CORE Update
This is a tad late, but better than never ;)[All information/screenshots are of a WIP b...
Regels omtrent "referal links"
Laatste tijd zijn er een aantal klachten binnen gekomen over het plaatsen van referal l...
Regels omtrent "referal links"
Laatste tijd zijn er een aantal klachten binnen gekomen over het plaatsen van referal l...
Regels omtrent "referral links"
Laatste tijd zijn er een aantal klachten binnen gekomen over het plaatsen van referral ...

Tuesday, 12 June

New Glog
Is up and running, but there is no official link to it from the site, maybe until next ...
Blog entry... . . . . . .
Getting assessed for college either tomorrow or the day after (Design)Havent done quite...
Suffocating Heat
Minutes ago, I was choking on my own sweat because it won't evaporate away. It...

Wednesday, 13 June

Banished Teammate
Long rant warning.About a month ago, after a series of missed meetings and frustrating ...
SO I do some music round here....
Yo dudes, I dont blog much and all that but I wanted to post some new samples of my wor...
Tomb Raider
I recently bought Tomb Raider Anniversary (PC version) and really enjoyed it (as i did ...

Thursday, 14 June

PILOT: GMking Audcast - Episode 1
Robin Monks and Eyas Sharaiha, two of the GMking.org administrators and also the two Ma...
I got an award for not loading up my game with spyware, adware, or viruses!

Friday, 15 June

YoYo Glog Revamp
The YoYo Games staff have decided their original [g]log was a little less snazzy than t...
More me2 anyone?
And from the shadows...Just a few screens from the opening stage :]Nothing to write hom...
The Next Step
A month ago, our 4-man team, Sapphire Blood Studio, went through another change. At one...
New tune!
Check out some Funky Blues!http://darthlupi.com/DS/FunkyBlues.mp3WOO!

Saturday, 16 June

Around three weeks ago, I went out of town to Ayuthaya, which is the remains of an anci...

Sunday, 17 June

What am I up to?
Here's a rundown of my life right now:Been working 10 hour days at the ol' tr...
Living with your parents sucks
Okay, the topic is missing a word. It should be "Living with your crazy parents su...

Monday, 18 June

We?re now linking directly to the new Glog !
We posted a few minor mods and bug fixes today…best of which (at least as far as ...
Messhof's new MMORPG -- Play now!
It's calledFILL THE POT/TAKE THE POTControls:-Fill pot-Take potPlayers cannot do m...
CORE Update 2
Hello everyone, seems like I'm getting to these updates every weekend.This time ar...
We’re now linking directly to the new Glog !
We posted a few minor mods and bug fixes today…best of which (at least as far as ...

Tuesday, 19 June

New Blog Coming Soon
I'm gonna start blogging again soon.  ;DI just wanted to give you a heads up....

Wednesday, 20 June

Dont Get Me Down Man
Avoid the heavies!

Friday, 22 June

MarkUp Magazine - Now official!
Hello!Dear GMking members and MarkUp readers,I have really good news to share with the ...
More Mac Madness
A couple of days ago, my friend (the sound guy; APCLdx) bought a MacBook Pro. Apparentl...

Saturday, 23 June

First I'd like to welcome everybody to our new board, hopefully we can continue whe...
Messhof made another blog
Isn't it great that I can link to a blog from a blog on a forum?http://angryrainbo...
Final Song
Final Song by Petja Heiskanen, composer for Home Base.You can find more of his songs at...
Best of: april en mei
Best of: april en meiGame maker is zo waanzinnig populair dat er per dag tientallen nie...
Happy now, Arc?
Happy now, Arc?

Monday, 25 June

June Update
This week has been far from calm and relaxed for Scorptek staff and despite having seve...
The CORE Update: Episode 3
It's that time again:This week on 'The CORE Update', we show off the new...

Tuesday, 26 June

New Forum Administrator
Posted by Mark Overmars
GMking Audcast #2
The second edition of the weekly Game Maker podcast. Topics include porting Game Maker ...

Thursday, 28 June

28/6: Balance
Hmm - not sure about this 'blogging' thing... might give it a try for a while...
Climate Quest, een Game Maker competitie
Climate Quest is bezig met een portal aan het bouwen over klimaatverandering en hierbij...
Moi sans thé
Je suis allé voir ce que les autres utilisateurs voient sur ma fiche et j'ai remarqu...
Une facilité toute bête...
... est de mettre si l'on a GM registré ou non dans son profil, ainsi ceux qui aider...
Contest Results Soon
Despite the delays, we should have the contest results ready soon. If you think you ent...
Moi sans thé
Je suis allé voir ce que les autres utilisateurs voient sur ma fiche et j'ai remarqu...
Une facilité toute bête...
... est de mettre si l'on a GM registré ou non dans son profil, ainsi ceux qui aider...
Moi sans thé
Je suis allé voir ce que les autres utilisateurs voient sur ma fiche et j'ai remarqu...
Une facilité toute bête...
... est de mettre si l'on a GM registré ou non dans son profil, ainsi ceux qui aider...
Moi sans thé
Je suis allé voir ce que les autres utilisateurs voient sur ma fiche et j'ai remarqu...
Une facilité toute bête...
... est de mettre si l'on a GM registré ou non dans son profil, ainsi ceux qui aider...

Friday, 29 June

Umbrella Adventure
The Castle of Cake

Saturday, 30 June

messhof made a blog
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