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August 2007

Archive Archive

« July 2007 | August 2007 | September 2007 »

Eo Game Development Community

Wednesday, 1 August

Return to Sector 9
Go to sector 9 and wipe out every living thing!  Humankind must succeed!  Pla...

Saturday, 18 August

Down Time
As you may know the site was inaccessible yesterday (August 17th), this was caused due ...

Friday, 24 August

Eo has kidnapped four new members!
Yes, we've been kidnapped and converted! But there's no need to help us ...

Sunday, 26 August

An Untitled Story [new]
I just released An Untitled Story.Go to the Play page to download a demo and try it out...
An Untitled Story
I just released An Untitled Story.Go to the Play page to download a demo and try it out...

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