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August 2007

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« July 2007 | August 2007 | September 2007 »


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Wednesday, 1 August

GMK File Format Cracked
Scorptek has confirmed that hackers have been busy cracking the key to unlocking Game M...
GMA ?07 Nominations
It is that time of year again, the time of year for the annual Game Maker Awards ceremo...
Update - Info on Beta II
I realise we’ve been very quiet…there are a few reasons for this…main...
GMA ‘07 Nominations
It is that time of year again, the time of year for the annual Game Maker Awards ceremo...
Return to Sector 9
Go to sector 9 and wipe out every living thing!  Humankind must succeed!  Pla...

Thursday, 2 August

Contest Results Really Really Soon
Hello Janet,We will have the GMG winter compo contest results up very soon, once we'...

Friday, 3 August

Gamemaker T.V.
I returned from a short break today to find that the top post in the community section ...

Tuesday, 7 August

GMC Forum Changes
The Game Maker Community has undergone some (minor) forum changes in the last 24 hours....

Friday, 10 August

Stencyling around
I have just returned from a short break away to find that several new people have begun...

Monday, 13 August

Weekly Update
Lately, many of the third party Game Maker communities have not been having the best of...

Tuesday, 14 August

MarkUp 6 5 4 3 2 oh arhhh?.
The MarkUp 6 drafts were made available to those who contribute to the magazine at GMKi...
MarkUp 6 5 4 3 2 oh arhhh….
The MarkUp 6 drafts were made available to those who contribute to the magazine at GMKi...

Wednesday, 15 August

YoYo further explains
Over the past few days, YoYo Games has further explained and added additional informati...

Friday, 17 August

Three Word Contest Results
It took us longer than we had planned, but we finally have the Winter 2006-2007 contest...

Saturday, 18 August

Down Time
As you may know the site was inaccessible yesterday (August 17th), this was caused due ...

Monday, 20 August

Latest News [new]
As we step up to the move to Beta II, I thought I’d start to post a more regular ...
In the press~ish [new]
As part of an feature I have been writing for the 7th issue of the MarkUp game developm...
In the press~ish
As part of an feature I have been writing for the 7th issue of the MarkUp game developm...
Latest News
As we step up to the move to Beta II, I thought I’d start to post a more regular ...

Tuesday, 21 August

Monday Update [new]
Today Sandy posted an update to the Yoyo Games GLOG, where he gives details about the n...
Interview: Offline Activation [new]
GMNews asked Game Maker users about their experiences with Game Maker 7’s offline...
Monday Update
Today Sandy posted an update to the Yoyo Games GLOG, where he gives details about the n...
Interview: Offline Activation
GMNews asked Game Maker users about their experiences with Game Maker 7’s offline...

Wednesday, 22 August

Drip Drop, LEAK [new]
You know that other GameMaker TV website…..
Drip Drop, LEAK
You know that other GameMaker TV website…..

Friday, 24 August

War of words? [new]
Revel Games’ GM TV.Ahh, we can see the professionalism with which the project is ...
War of words?
Revel Games’ GM TV.Ahh, we can see the professionalism with which the project is ...
Eo has kidnapped four new members!
Yes, we've been kidnapped and converted! But there's no need to help us ...

Saturday, 25 August

Game Maker.info renewed
Game Maker.info has undergone a complete metamorphose. While the site still offers all ...
Game Maker.info renewed
Game Maker.info has undergone a complete metamorphose. While the site still offers all ...

Sunday, 26 August

GMA: New design [new]
Yesterday I put together a new design for the Gamemaker affiliation service.I am quite ...
New Gamemaker.info [new]
Simon Donkers has given the GameMaker.info website a face-lift.  There are new feature...
Deja vu? [new]
Time to pick another game maker video site to fall out with.Reviewing content created i...
An Untitled Story [new]
I just released An Untitled Story.Go to the Play page to download a demo and try it out...
New Gamemaker.info
Simon Donkers has given the GameMaker.info website a face-lift.  There are new feature...
Deja vu?
Time to pick another game maker video site to fall out with.Reviewing content created i...
An Untitled Story
I just released An Untitled Story.Go to the Play page to download a demo and try it out...

Monday, 27 August

Game Maker.info Revamp [new]
Quoted from their website, “Game Maker.info is a service run by Johannes Stoop an...
Game Maker.info Revamp
Quoted from their website, “Game Maker.info is a service run by Johannes Stoop an...

Tuesday, 28 August

YoYo doesn’t care about piracy of GameMaker [new]
YoYoGames doesn’t care about the piracy of GameMaker 6. Perhaps this would be ob...
Interesting Week [new]
It’s been a, how can I put it, interesting past week for GameMakerBlog.50 comment...
YoYo doesn’t care about piracy of GameMaker
YoYoGames doesn’t care about the piracy of GameMaker 6. Perhaps this would be ob...
Interesting Week
It’s been a, how can I put it, interesting past week for GameMakerBlog.50 comment...

Thursday, 30 August

A quality read… MarkUp or GMTech [new]
I noticed a few days back that one of the increasingly-at-each-others-throats magazines...
A quality read… MarkUp or GMTech? [new]
I noticed a few days back that one of the increasingly-at-each-others-throats magazines...
Recording for posts [new]
The guy behind GMHV posts at the GMC offering to record sounds for people, fair enough ...

Friday, 31 August

It’s time for Testing ! [new]
1. Don’t share this info outside of the Glog.2. BUG REPORTS to the HELDESK ONLY P...
Testing, Testing, Testing ! [new]
Here is the list of comments from the Beta II testing cycle
Testing, Testing, Testing !
Here is the list of comments from the Beta II testing cycle
Testing, Testing, Testing !
Here is the list of comments from the Beta II testing cycleShare This
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