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August 2007

Archive Archive

« July 2007 | August 2007 | September 2007 »

Game Maker News

Wednesday, 1 August

GMK File Format Cracked
Scorptek has confirmed that hackers have been busy cracking the key to unlocking Game M...
GMA ?07 Nominations
It is that time of year again, the time of year for the annual Game Maker Awards ceremo...
GMA ‘07 Nominations
It is that time of year again, the time of year for the annual Game Maker Awards ceremo...

Tuesday, 7 August

GMC Forum Changes
The Game Maker Community has undergone some (minor) forum changes in the last 24 hours....

Monday, 13 August

Weekly Update
Lately, many of the third party Game Maker communities have not been having the best of...

Wednesday, 15 August

YoYo further explains
Over the past few days, YoYo Games has further explained and added additional informati...

Tuesday, 21 August

Monday Update [new]
Today Sandy posted an update to the Yoyo Games GLOG, where he gives details about the n...
Interview: Offline Activation [new]
GMNews asked Game Maker users about their experiences with Game Maker 7’s offline...
Monday Update
Today Sandy posted an update to the Yoyo Games GLOG, where he gives details about the n...
Interview: Offline Activation
GMNews asked Game Maker users about their experiences with Game Maker 7’s offline...

Monday, 27 August

Game Maker.info Revamp [new]
Quoted from their website, “Game Maker.info is a service run by Johannes Stoop an...
Game Maker.info Revamp
Quoted from their website, “Game Maker.info is a service run by Johannes Stoop an...

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« July 2007 | August 2007 | September 2007 »