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August 2007

Archive Archive

« July 2007 | August 2007 | September 2007 »

GM Tutorials

Thursday, 2 August

click drag and drop things as in a level editor and a dress-up game, or what ever you n...
Select a character and use him/her/it!Press F1 ingame
Bouncing balls
Ancient example of builders bouncing on slopes. I think I made it, but I'm not even sur...
Bomberman example
Small example of filling a bomberman-like room with random pieces of wall. Is not playa...

Wednesday, 8 August

How to have a light source like a torch or something in a dark cave. Is using objects t...

Monday, 13 August

Grenade AI
Ok, basically a long time ago I read the expert section of the GMC forum on AI and I go...

Wednesday, 15 August

multi player example
2 play battle

Saturday, 25 August

push movement
as the title says
easy collision
a d&d easy examplefor use in ur games its without bugs!

Tuesday, 28 August

Advanced Enemy AI Part 1
Teaches advanced users to code top down enemy AI.
TopDown Enemy AI
Teaches advanced user how to code top down enemy AI.
Advanced Enemy AI Part one
Teaches advanced users to code top down enemy AI.

Wednesday, 29 August

Using random with AI
How using random functions alongside your AI can spice things up a bit...
Very basic painting system
How to make a very basic painting system.
How to make AI dodge something
How to make AI dodge some thing like dodging a bullet.

Thursday, 30 August

New moderators
New moderators for GMT!
User changed sprites
Allowing the user to change sprites, for paint programs, game creators, modding, etc.

Friday, 31 August

How to make it you cant use the shooting button if your out of ammo.

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« July 2007 | August 2007 | September 2007 »