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August 2007

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YoYo Games Glog

Wednesday, 1 August

Update - Info on Beta II
I realise we’ve been very quiet…there are a few reasons for this…main...

Monday, 20 August

Latest News [new]
As we step up to the move to Beta II, I thought I’d start to post a more regular ...
Latest News
As we step up to the move to Beta II, I thought I’d start to post a more regular ...

Friday, 31 August

It’s time for Testing ! [new]
1. Don’t share this info outside of the Glog.2. BUG REPORTS to the HELDESK ONLY P...
Testing, Testing, Testing ! [new]
Here is the list of comments from the Beta II testing cycle
Testing, Testing, Testing !
Here is the list of comments from the Beta II testing cycle
Testing, Testing, Testing !
Here is the list of comments from the Beta II testing cycleShare This

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« July 2007 | August 2007 | September 2007 »