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September 2007

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Game Maker.info Blog

Saturday, 1 September

Featured: Game Maker Search
After the first week with our new design I'd like to light out an underappreciated feat...
Featured: Game Maker Search
After the first week with our new design I'd like to light out an underappreciated feat...

Saturday, 8 September

Featured: Game Maker manual
With the site slowly gaining more and more users I'd like to light out another new feat...
Featured: Game Maker manual
a href="/manual"img src="http://gamemaker.info/library/features/manual.g...
Featured: Game Maker manual
With the site slowly gaining more and more users I'd like to light out another new feat...

Saturday, 15 September

Featured: Customize [new]
Are you an active user of 64 Digits? Or do you like to follow what's up with Eo GDC? A...
Featured: Customize
Are you an active user of 64 Digits? Or do you like to follow what's up with Eo GDC? A...
Featured: Customize
Are you an active user of 64 Digits? Or do you like to follow what's up with Eo GDC? A...

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« August 2007 | September 2007 | October 2007 »