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September 2007

Archive Archive

« August 2007 | September 2007 | October 2007 »

All posts

Saturday, 1 September

Featured: Game Maker Search
After the first week with our new design I'd like to light out an underappreciated feat...
Who is Mark Overmars?
Probably it is good to give you all a short biography of who I am. My name is Mark Over...
Find the functions
How to find the right function, fast.
Ask for name code and an easy way to remember GML
Get name code and easy way to remember GML
We're Back?
Aplus isn't around, and I haven't heard otherwise, but I'm guessing this is our new ser...
Featured: Game Maker Search
After the first week with our new design I'd like to light out an underappreciated feat...

Sunday, 2 September

The Surprise Box
Normally GMNews would be able to tell you the low-down on what is happening over at YoY...
100 Blog Members
We have 100 Members to the blog, Yay for us!! Welcome to Bondabrd. If you're wondering ...
The Hive
A song I made for the Bee Hive in Squeebs, think of a sticky gooey inside of a bee hive...
We're Back?
Aplus isn't around, and I haven't heard otherwise, but I'm guessing this is our new ser...
The Hive
A song I made for the Bee Hive in Squeebs, think of a sticky gooey inside of a bee hive...
The Hive
A song I made for the Bee Hive in Squeebs, think of a sticky gooey inside of a bee hive...

Monday, 3 September

We've got a bite!
The Eo fishing boat just reeled in another keeper, and possibly our last big catch of t...

Tuesday, 4 September

Looks like I was wrong...
...Because another one just jumped in the boat! Our 64 Digits moderator, maker of some ...
Der Game Maker geht in die nächste Runde
Leider dürfen wir nicht mehr sagen, aber wer aufmerksam http://blog.yoyogames.com/st...
Jumper Three: Jumps
Jumper Three: JumpsJumper has always been all about jumping.  The original Jumper ...

Wednesday, 5 September

Projects on the Horizon
I'm mulling over three distinct projects.  Let's say... two and a half.&...
File names
Now instead of the download file names being "num_1.zip", "num_2.zip&quo...

Thursday, 6 September

Newsline September 6th
Now that the site update has happened I thought I would update you with a few other pie...
Welcome to The NEW Website
We’ve put a lot of hard work into creating the latest release of the YoYo Games W...
Get free books!
FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! What's the catch, you ask? MarkUp Magazine, has made deals with se...
Pug Fugly's making a game that isn't a shooter?!
Indeed he is.That's right, my current project isn't a shooter, it's some...
Ouverture du Salon de Discussion
Voilà!On en a parlé alors je l'ai fait Le canal IRC vient d'ouvrir à cette a...
Ouverture du Salon de Discussion
Voilà!On en a parlé alors je l'ai fait Le canal IRC vient d'ouvrir à cette a...

Friday, 7 September

Instant Play - Update
Sept 7th…5:45 pm (UK time).Instant Play is now up and working properly and will a...
We went down for a little while
We went down for a little while yesterday, just wanted to say sorry.
Well I submitted this once and I think it got lost once the server 'sploded. Because if...
IRC up and running
As you all know the IRC had to be taken down while permission from the datacentre was r...
IRC up and running
As you all know the IRC had to be taken down while permission from the datacentre was r...

Saturday, 8 September

Featured: Game Maker manual
With the site slowly gaining more and more users I'd like to light out another new feat...
I Love My Wii
I don’t know how it is in other countries but in the Netherland, until last june,...
Game Maker naar Mac, runner naar C++ en vaker updates voor Game Maker
YoYo Games heeft losgelaten dat ze van plan zijn om Game Maker (zowel het programma als...
Mark Overmars heeft eigen weblog
Ook Mark Overmars heeft een eigen weblog (glog noemen ze het daar eigenlijk bij Yoyo Ga...
Featured: Game Maker manual
a href="/manual"img src="http://gamemaker.info/library/features/manual.g...
Featured: Game Maker manual
With the site slowly gaining more and more users I'd like to light out another new feat...

Sunday, 9 September

YoYoGames’ Forum o’doom
The one half-decent thing that the YoYoGames forums had going for them was the fact tha...
Game Maker.info redisign
As promised in my previous post, I'm proud to announce the complete rewrite of Gam...
New Computer
Do you think this machine will run Game Maker games?*Asus® M2N32 SLI Deluxe - NVIDIA®...
Block man
get through the levels without dying. there r keyboard and joystick controls. plz leave...
Game Maker.info redesign
As promised in my previous post, I'm proud to announce the complete rewrite of [url=htt...
Game Maker.info redisign
As promised in my previous post, I'm proud to announce the complete rewrite of Gam...
supprimer moi
Bonjour,J'ai envoyé un message un plusieur admin mais personne ne ma supprimer !!!Do...
supprimer moi
Bonjour,J'ai envoyé un message un plusieur admin mais personne ne ma supprimer !!!Do...
supprimer moi
Bonjour,br /br /br /br /br /br /J'ai envoyé un message un plusieur admin mais person...
supprimer moi
Bonjour,J'ai envoyé un message un plusieur admin mais personne ne ma supprimer !!!Do...
supprimer moi
Bonjour,J'ai envoyé un message un plusieur admin mais personne ne ma supprimer !!!Do...

Monday, 10 September

code cracker
A small little game. All instructions in-game.The music has been cut down to about the ...

Tuesday, 11 September

Glog’s Up for Comments
You need to register again :-(  You’ll find the register link on the right hand ...
I hate fat people
Not fat people in general, just the ones who use their massive bodies to shove you out ...
GM Tween
Allows variables and colors to be tweened from one value to another with one function c...

Wednesday, 12 September

The Player is not your Enemy [new]
One of the most important things to keep in mind when designing a new computer game is ...
The Player is not your Enemy
One of the most important things to keep in mind when designing a new computer game is ...
Nagasaki 2
This is a game that has been three years in the making, and just had the finishing touc...
The Revenge
Na enig twijfelen heb ik besloten...
... om een weblog aan te maken. Dus knip ik bij deze het denkbeeldige lintje door: welk...
Na enig twijfelen heb ik besloten...
span style="font-size:100%;"span style="font-family:trebuchet ms;"....

Thursday, 13 September

Registration Required [new]
From now on you must register at the glog before you can comment on posts. There is a l...
Personal Attack (This post is late) [new]
I was hesitant about posting negative things about an individual, yes I have done it ab...
Hit & Get [new]
First of all i want to say that its my first game....There is not too much description....
Hit & Get
First of all i want to say that its my first game....There is not too much description....
everybody likes bugs [new]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymh13G8YgQEthere are some other videos by these guys tha...
Registration Required
From now on you must register at the glog before you can comment on posts. There is a l...
Personal Attack (This post is late)
I was hesitant about posting negative things about an individual, yes I have done it ab...
Salūs [new]
A simple game of survival. I trust you can figure the gameplay out fairly quickly.Mouse...
Dividend [new]
everybody likes bugs
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymh13G8YgQEthere are some other videos by these guys tha...
[JSG] Sonic Engine - 0/10 [new]
I used drspazz's example and made it into a game engine. [ Controls ]Z: JumpDown: Use G...
Menu Example - 0/10 [new]
A very easy to customize menu example to put a high-quality menu in your game, the zipp...
A simple game of survival. I trust you can figure the gameplay out fairly quickly.Mouse...
Extension functions
Now when you edit extensions, instead of inputing a number for how many extensions you ...

Friday, 14 September

REZ: Havocs End [new]
An orphaned dark mage searches for his parents' killer in a dark rage while darker char...
Unregistered Rotation
With Moving car and rotation - Posted by garrlker
2d Cloaking Effect
Registered .gm6 - Posted by BenRK
REZ: Havocs End - 0/10 [new]
An orphaned dark mage searches for his parents' killer in a dark rage while darker char...
REZ: Havocs End
An orphaned dark mage searches for his parents' killer in a dark rage while darker char...
REZ: Havocs End - 0/10
An orphaned dark mage searches for his parents' killer in a dark rage while darker char...
Animo voor Game Maker
Sommige van de lezers zullen bekend zijn met Game Maker, het computerprogramma gemaakt ...
Animo voor Game Maker
span style="font-family: trebuchet ms;"Sommige van de lezers zullen bekend zi...

Saturday, 15 September

Featured: Customize [new]
Are you an active user of 64 Digits? Or do you like to follow what's up with Eo GDC? A...
Game Maker Awards 2007 - Results In. [new]
The results of the somehow ‘Official’ and this year very controversial (to ...
I guess its new computer time? [new]
Ever since i saw the announcement of Unreal Tournament 3 (aka 2007) i said that i need ...
Mission 48c [new]
Mission 48C is sort-of a sequel of my other spaceshooting game, Mission 47b, this one i...
Crash Lander 1.1 [new]
Fly around 5 levels of this retro-styled arcade game in order to get the highest score,...
I guess its new computer time?
Ever since i saw the announcement of Unreal Tournament 3 (aka 2007) i said that i need ...
Featured: Customize
Are you an active user of 64 Digits? Or do you like to follow what's up with Eo GDC? A...
Realistic Fire Example
Fire Particles that are Somewhat Real! - Posted by gypt_ice
Example Of Water Waves
(gm6), edit: new links - Posted by Keth
Loading External Resources
Made Easy - Posted by Palondrome
Palette Example - 0/10 [new]
.gm6 and .gmk included.This is a simple little example showing how games such as Cubes ...
SGB 6 Demo - 0/10 [new]
This is a demo for the upcoming game by Into the Void Productions.Story:As it seems an ...
Mission 48c - 0/10 [new]
Mission 48C is sort-of a sequel of my other spaceshooting game, Mission 47b, this one i...
Crash Lander - 0/10 [new]
Fly around 5 levels of this retro-styled arcade game in order to get the highest score,...
Mission 48c
Mission 48C is sort-of a sequel of my other spaceshooting game, Mission 47b, this one i...
Crash Lander 1.1
Fly around 5 levels of this retro-styled arcade game in order to get the highest score,...
Palette Example - 0/10
.gm6 and .gmk included.This is a simple little example showing how games such as Cubes ...
SGB 6 Demo - 0/10
This is a demo for the upcoming game by Into the Void Productions.Story:As it seems an ...
Mission 48c - 0/10
Mission 48C is sort-of a sequel of my other spaceshooting game, Mission 47b, this one i...
Crash Lander 1.1 - 0/10
Fly around 5 levels of this retro-styled arcade game in order to get the highest score,...
Featured: Customize
Are you an active user of 64 Digits? Or do you like to follow what's up with Eo GDC? A...
supprimer moi
Bonjour,J'ai envoyé un message un plusieur admin mais personne ne ma supprimer !!!Do...
supprimer moi
Bonjour,J'ai envoyé un message un plusieur admin mais personne ne ma supprimer !!!Do...

Sunday, 16 September

The Effect of Rewards [new]
Rewards are very important in games. Rewards form one of the motivations to play the ga...
Distributing games: hellhole [new]
Distributing games: the worst section ever. I mean, it used to be good, until somebody ...
Top Game Maker related websites [new]
I started this as a small personal experiment to track which Game Maker sites were the ...
How To Make a Console [new]
Teaches how to make a console type system.
The return to WLM [new]
Sometime before my old computer crapped out on me i made the leap from MSN 7.x to 8.x. ...
How To Make a Console
Teaches how to make a console type system.
The Effect of Rewards
Rewards are very important in games. Rewards form one of the motivations to play the ga...
Collision Checking For Fast Objects
*Closed. Link Broken.* - Posted by Arkano
360 Shot And Shot Explode Example
An intro - intermediate level example - Posted by DiasRaven
The return to WLM
Sometime before my old computer crapped out on me i made the leap from MSN 7.x to 8.x. ...
The Legend of Zelda "GB" - 0/10 [new]
I am continuing it again. I have alot done for this release (see below).Story-Same as ...
The Legend of Zelda "GB" - 0/10
I am continuing it again. I have alot done for this release (see below).Story-Same as ...

Monday, 17 September

GameMaker meets real world [new]
Today my Computing tutor mentioned GameMaker, woot!First time in 7 years anyone in the ...
What’s wrong with this picture? [new]
tuntis will award you a virtual cookie (or something else that sounds moronic) if you f...
Errors fixed [new]
The issues that were happening with the sidebar have been fixed. We apologize for the i...
Car Engine / Example [new]
300 + Dls! ~ Bugfix! So much Dls! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake
Easy To Customize Menu Example! [new]
It looks professional! - Posted by macxthegamer
Long Time... No Blog [new]
After delaying a blog post time and time again, I've finally decided to write one up. T...
[TZ] Domains [new]
As I have mentioned a couple time I am trying to be a self-eomployed web designer. Beca...
Hangly Man? [new]
Well, lets see if this game goes anywhere. I have hardly touched GM much for some time ...
Pharaoh's Redone Game Design - about time. [new]
Hey, Everybody! I haven't blogged for awhile. I actually deleted most of my old blogs ...
Screencasting [new]
I keep wondering, could these 64Digits blogs be used for asking questions? I decide to ...
[Mazi] Lamenting blog [new]
Normally I don't talk about my life in the real world but I haven't written anything in...
Newbie I ish [new]
Cha I am teh noob right now but Im learning quickly through my uber Nerdy friend Yaywal...
[FFX] Blog for the sake of blogging! [new]
Yep ever got the feeling you want to blog but don't know what to blog about? Well i hav...
N.D.A.I Messenger up and running! [new]
Well, this is the day of release (not to public, to my college) for the N.D.A.I Messeng...
Apparatus v0.4 - 0/10 [new]
GM Version: GM7File Size: 2.61mbScreen Resolution: 800*600Changes Screen Resolution: Fa...
Black Shadow - 0/10 [new]
Its out for trying, I've got a good deal of content to play with so tell me what you al...
Easy To Customize Menu Example!
It looks professional! - Posted by macxthegamer
Apparatus v0.4 - 0/10
GM Version: GM7File Size: 2.61mbScreen Resolution: 800*600Changes Screen Resolution: Fa...
Black Shadow - 0/10
Version .12 replacing .11, fixes control issues and improves jumping. Still some minor...
Errors fixed
The issues that were happening with the sidebar have been fixed. We apologize for the i...
Errors fixed
The issues that were happening with the sidebar have been fixed. We apologize for the i...
Errors fixed
The issues that were happening with the sidebar have been fixed. We apologize for the i...

Tuesday, 18 September

Contributing relations [new]
Not another GameMakerTech versus MarkUp post – oh yes.Being the controversial guy tha...
Hoe veel mensen zijn er bij jullie thuis? [new]
Beetje simpele en onnuttige vraag, maar met hoeveel mensen zijn jullie thuis, dus hoeve...
Laat je schoolspul zien... [new]
Heb jij een helmaal leipe schooltas of is jouw agenda megacool? Heb jij je boek van maa...
NFS: Prostreet [new]
Hoi,ik heb wat shots etc gezien en het ziet er prachtig uit!Hopelijk gaat mijn bakkie h...
Ringtones naar mobiel downloaden [new]
Hoi,mijn mobiel(Motorola W375) heeft een beetje l*llige hoeveelheid opslag voor rington...
[tut]simpel jumpstyle/trance enzo liedje maken (Beginners) AF [new]
Voor de Mensen onder ons die ook Fl Willen leren wil ik een een tut gaan maken.waarom n...
Hell for me... [new]
...would be an eternal dentist appointment.I have a pathological fear of dentists. The ...
Infinite Space Example [new]
Make rooms that go on... forever! - Posted by Kyle_Solo
Configurable Controls Example [new]
Allows user to decide what keys to use. - Posted by Big J
Eggman Nega!!! [new]
----------------------------[:)] Games I've Been Playing [:)] --------------------...
Hell for me...
...would be an eternal dentist appointment.I have a pathological fear of dentists. The ...
Configurable Controls Example
Allows user to decide what keys to use. - Posted by Big J
Shrooms and Booms
First off, I spent a little time in class making a little pixel explosion, and a little...

Wednesday, 19 September

GMKing Yellow Red Green Blue [new]
And a nice link to GameMaker Blog as well
Less crack, more ham [new]
No, not the latest anti-drugs message produced in association with the Royal Butchers A...
vraagje over domeinen [new]
dit is vast een nuteloze en domme vraag maarja.ik liet laast zien wat anderen van yourh...
Nieuwe Mobiel Gezocht [new]
Hallo Allemaal,Ik ben op zoek naar een nieuwe mobiel.Dit zijn de eisen-bluetooth-mp3 en...
execute_string(); in PHP [new]
Hej iedereen,Zoals m'n titel al zegt: ik wil een string uitvoeren in PHP, dus zoals...
Nieuwste nieuws uit database [new]
Hey,Ik heb op mijn site 5 vlakken waar nieuws in komt te staan vanuit de database, nu i...
What you're gonna get for christmas! [new]
Yes, some of you, probably very few, have heard about the project I originally intended...
Fast Smooth Light And Shadow Example V3.0! [new]
Top-down example (light stops at wall) - Posted by Keth
Mouse Controlled Menu Example/tutorial [new]
200+ downloads - "very nice" - 225popcap - Posted by me123
Easy One-object Rain [new]
Well commented rain engine - Posted by ryguydavis
Less crack, more ham
No, not the latest anti-drugs message produced in association with the Royal Butchers A...
Fast Smooth Light And Shadow Example V3.0!
Top-down example (light stops at wall) - Posted by Keth
Mouse Controlled Menu Example/tutorial
200+ downloads - "very nice" - 225popcap - Posted by me123
Easy One-object Rain
Well commented rain engine - Posted by ryguydavis
GMKing Yellow Red Green Blue
And a nice link to GameMaker Blog as well
Darwin Not Available
DNA is a weird abstract game made for the 3day project. (htpp://3dp.jajproductions.nl)Y...
Darwin Not Available - 0/10
DNA is a weird abstract game made for the 3day project. (htpp://3dp.jajproductions.nl)Y...
Super Ninja - 0/10
Game description:Super Ninja is a microgame I made in about 1 hour for a little girl's ...
What you're gonna get for christmas!
Yes, some of you, probably very few, have heard about the project I originally intended...

Thursday, 20 September

In brief [new]
GMTech have given their website a redesign and GMKing have a new homepageMy GameMaker A...
Exe upload [new]
Weet iemand nog een goed upload voor exe met rs upload lukt het niet meer om goed te up...
Lego NXT filmpjes (mijne iig) [new]
Hier kun je je lego NXT (of andere lego filmpjes) posten...Hier zijn mijne:Bal oppakken...
heb jijzelf werk? [new]
ik zie net weer dat topic waar gevraagt word wat voor een werk je vader doet..maar ik w...
Directx 10 probleem [new]
Hallo,Ik ben recentelijk over gestapt naar windows vista.Alles werkt normaal maar als i...
Nieuw logo [new]
Hé, het is me opgevallen dat GMOT ineens een nieuw logo heeft bovenaan.vindt het wel...
Cheat System [new]
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Healthbar Example! [new]
How to make more than one healthbar! - Posted by stubbjax02
Menu Example ~ 405+ Dls! [new]
"Well done" Update!! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake
Lazy Tilesets [new]
For all those lazy people - Posted by Mice
In brief
GMTech have given their website a redesign and GMKing have a new homepageMy GameMaker A...
Cheat System
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Wormslike 2d Engine
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Menu Example ~ 560+ Dls!
"Well done" Update!! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake

Friday, 21 September

GMking.org has a new homepage! [new]
GMking.org has a new homepage, the new page acts like a portal to link all of the proje...
Fake blood [new]
gmtv.gmshack.com have finally produced their first video, a week-end extra, released on...
Incomplete Complete Version [new]
Arhhh, the joys of the GMC.Indeed, the incomplete complete guide to game distribution i...
Create for Instant Play [new]
As I am sure everybody has noticed we now have the Instant Play feature on the YoYo Gam...
Scholieren staken tegen loze tussenuren [new]
ZEVENBERGEN/OUDENBOSCH - Bijna zeshonderd scholieren van het Markland College in Zevenb...
Muziek Software [new]
Wie weet nog goede gratis muzieksoftware.Het maakt niet uit waarvoor.Het mag echt van m...
[PHPBB] Google Ads allen zicht baar voor gasten [new]
Hoe krijg ik het voor elkaar dat allen gasten mijn google adsense te zien krijgen?
Nieuwe MP3-koptelefoon [new]
Hoi,de bijgeleverde koptelefoon van mijn MP3 begint kuren te krijgen, de linker oordop ...
Drawing To Object Example [new]
Now it's easy as... - Posted by jakman4242
Follow Another Object Example 1.0 [new]
Posted by MegaMetroidFan9
Knife Lodging [new]
for unregistred ppl - Posted by grumpymonkey
Mini-map Example [new]
Without scaling sprites, documented - Posted by Evilish
Easy Fake Blood/bullet Shell Particles [new]
Simple Healthbar Example [new]
Drawing a graphical healthbar. - Posted by Solace-CS
Curving Shot Example [new]
You know it! - Posted by jakman4242
GMking.org has a new homepage!
GMking.org has a new homepage, the new page acts like a portal to link all of the proje...
Create for Instant Play
As I am sure everybody has noticed we now have the Instant Play feature on the YoYo Gam...
Fake blood
gmtv.gmshack.com have finally produced their first video, a week-end extra, released on...
Incomplete Complete Version
Arhhh, the joys of the GMC.Indeed, the incomplete complete guide to game distribution i...
Drawing To Object Example
Now it's easy as... - Posted by jakman4242
Mini-map Example
Without scaling sprites, documented - Posted by Evilish

Saturday, 22 September

Newsline 22nd September [new]
Lots of things happening….Met with Mark and other members of the YoYo Team in Lon...
Cynical view of 22nd September YoYo News [new]
More possible platforms. Nothing definite. Wait until at least next year to hear any...
Support YoYo Games! [new]
In the latest post on YoYo Games’ Glog, Sandy asks Game Maker users to support t...
Audio Software [new]
Hoi Allemaal,Weet er iemand of er audio software is, om 2 liedjes aan elkaarte plakken ...
New Game [new]
I'm making a new game with cosmind. Actually, I'm making two games with cosmi...
Statistics [new]
The statistics from our survey is finally out!
side scrolling shooter [new]
[gm6 registered]this a a side scrolling shooter example.features:health bar over enemy ...
1/2/3/4 player split screen [new]
[gm6]this entire example was made using DND, therefore i didn't make it! but it was add...
Alpha Masking [new]
Aplha Masking makes the edges of objects/sprites smooth or AA (anti-aliased). its diffe...
Muziek mixen [new]
Weet iemand een programma waarmee je muziek aan elkaar kan mixen graag geen demo of trial.
geluid opnemen van kompjoetur [new]
Als ik met fruityloops een liedje exporteer als bijvoorbeeld wave bestand, dan hoor ik ...
[Review]Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 [new]
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: The March of the Mini’s.Review geschreven door Sam Assenber...
Learn Gml From Scratch [new]
By making a pool table - Posted by icuurd12b42
Probleme mit meinem RTS Game [new]
22.09.2007 22:17 - Probleme mit meinem RTS Game (mrcool234)Sorry ich habe die Sufu ben...
Spielfigur schießt nicht [new]
22.09.2007 21:56 - Spielfigur schießt nicht (domimah)||Zitat-Anfang: Original von W...
execute_string geht nicht mehr? [new]
22.09.2007 19:51 - execute_string geht nicht mehr? (Nobody-86)Moin Leute,bin ich jetzt...
Funktionen klappen nicht [new]
22.09.2007 19:14 - Funktionen klappen nicht (jusu)Hallo.Ich habe eine Frage.Ich bin vo...
Inventar soll sich mit dem View mitbewegen [new]
22.09.2007 17:14 - Inventar soll sich mit dem View mitbewegen (Punish0r)Hey Commu,Ich ...
In alle Richtungen [new]
22.09.2007 17:08 - In alle Richtungen (ToWe)Ich möchte es erreichen, dass sich mein...
Sprache über ini [new]
22.09.2007 16:08 - Sprache über ini (Nici)Wie kann ich die Sprache über eine ini...
Das Ostfriesenabitur [new]
22.09.2007 15:56 - Das Ostfriesenabitur (Firecool)Hallo.Ich hab heute morgen ein Ostfr...
"unendliche" Variablen bzw. "undenliche" Texte [new]
22.09.2007 15:06 - "unendliche" Variablen bzw. "undenliche" Texte ...
Live [new]
22.09.2007 12:44 - Live (knuckles12)LIVE - Eine LebenssymulationIch weis noch nicht wa...
Follow Another Object Example 1.0 [new]
Posted by MegaMetroidFan9
Knife Lodging [new]
for unregistred ppl - Posted by grumpymonkey
Easy Fake Blood/bullet Shell Particles [new]
Simple Healthbar Example [new]
Drawing a graphical healthbar. - Posted by Solace-CS
Curving Shot Example [new]
You know it! - Posted by jakman4242
Newsline 22nd September
Lots of things happening….Met with Mark and other members of the YoYo Team in Lon...
Curving Shot Example
You know it! - Posted by jakman4242
Cynical view of 22nd September YoYo News
More possible platforms. Nothing definite. Wait until at least next year to hear any...
Support YoYo Games!
In the latest post on YoYo Games’ Glog, Sandy asks Game Maker users to support t...
Easy Fake Blood/bullet Shell Particles
Simple Healthbar Example
Drawing a graphical healthbar. - Posted by Solace-CS
1/2/3/4 player split screen
[gm6]this entire example was made using DND, therefore i didn't make it! but it was add...
Alpha Masking
Aplha Masking makes the edges of objects/sprites smooth or AA (anti-aliased). its diffe...
The statistics from our survey is finally out!
side scrolling shooter
[gm6 registered]this a a side scrolling shooter example.features:health bar over enemy ...
New Game
I'm making a new game with cosmind. Actually, I'm making two games with cosmi...

Sunday, 23 September

een html scipt invoegen in een fck editor [new]
hoi allemaal ik heb een vraag:hoe kan ik een script invoegen zoals die van youtube: [co...
Welk office-pakket gebruik jij? [new]
Ik vroeg me af welk office pakket jij gebruikt om je je...-werkstukken(Word/writer)-ber...
Need a DLL or Extension? [new]
GMtoolbox claims to offer a database of almost every Game Maker DLL and Extension ever...
GMHV Hiatus [new]
Hope it’s permanent…
Basic tank turret AI [new]
this turret ai example has the fallowing:[b]well[/b] commentedunregistered supportpoint...
Text Appears When Over Button [new]
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
Clock Example [new]
Posted by Nixa
Goed werkende windows media player code voor mijn site gezocht [new]
Ik zoek een goed werkende windows media player code voor mijn site.Hij moet voor muziek...
Routinen für Dual Stick Joysticks [new]
Gestern, 23:19 - Routinen für Dual Stick Joysticks (autorhythm)Ich würde gerne w...
von unten passiert nichts von oben bleibt stehen wie ne wand [new]
Gestern, 21:59 - von unten passiert nichts von oben bleibt stehen wie ne wand (robin59...
Suche: Droid (3D, nicht animiert) [new]
Gestern, 19:20 - Suche: Droid (3D, nicht animiert) (Melancor)Ich habe vor, ca.25 Droide...
Programmierer des Jahres [new]
Gestern, 18:20 - Programmierer des Jahres (ToWe)Wer mich kennt, der weiß, dass ich ...
Suche: Motor Sound [new]
Gestern, 01:32 - Suche: Motor Sound (Nemesis)Hallo Community,ich brauche für mein ne...
VERPLAATST: RTS maken [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Programmeren.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topic=1788.0
Rpg Example [new]
Easily intergrated, and well commented - Posted by Flea1991
Need a DLL or Extension?
GMtoolbox claims to offer a database of almost every Game Maker DLL and Extension ever...
GMHV Hiatus
Hope it’s permanent…
Basic tank turret AI
this turret ai example has the fallowing:[b]well[/b] commentedunregistered supportpoint...

Monday, 24 September

Castle of Elite [new]
I am going to regularly review games, both games on the YoYo Games site and other games...
Jumping thru the ground [new]
this allows you to jump thru the ground and land on top.features:GML version-uncommente...
It has begun: a journey into professional independent game development... [new]
My new friends at EO, I bring you profound news about a personal venture that I have of...
New Details on Edenb's New Game [new]
Copied From the original concept.Core Concept:Lead your little character through a gard...
Goodbye [new]
Halo 3 is coming out tomorrow. So I'll be gone for awhile. (a while)Is anyone else...
Car Engine / Example [new]
300 + Dls! ~ Bugfix! So much Dls! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake
1 Object Buttons Example [new]
useful for menus etc. - Posted by metal-games
Realistic Fire Example [new]
Fire Particles that are Somewhat Real! - Posted by gypt_ice
Infinite Space Example [new]
Make rooms that go on... forever! - Posted by Kyle_Solo
Clock Example [new]
gm6 & gmk - Posted by Nixa
How To Make An Awesome Tank [new]
Fully Working Tank With Turret - Posted by Zorgges
Healthbar Example! [new]
How to make more than one healthbar! - Posted by stubbjax02
Text Appears When Over Button [new]
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
Easy-to-learn Gml Tutorial [new]
BEST WAY TO LEARN GML! - Posted by General Leo
Rpg Example [new]
Easily intergrated, and well commented - Posted by Flea1991
Car Engine / Example [new]
465 + Dls! ~ Bugfix! So much Dls! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake
It has begun: a journey into professional independent game development...
My new friends at EO, I bring you profound news about a personal venture that I have of...
New Details on Edenb's New Game
Copied From the original concept.Core Concept:Lead your little character through a gard...
Halo 3 is coming out tomorrow. So I'll be gone for awhile. (a while)Is anyone else...
Castle of Elite
I am going to regularly review games, both games on the YoYo Games site and other games...
Jumping thru the ground
this allows you to jump thru the ground and land on top.features:GML version-uncommente...

Tuesday, 25 September

Just a little MMORPG [new]
Oh yes. A real community issue I have make 1 client and 1 server.in order to let pe...
visual basic help/tuts [new]
ik ben van plan om visual basic te leren omdat een taal als c++ of delphi nog te moeili...
screencam's [new]
welke (gratis) screencams zijn er? vermeld graag:Naam:Downloadlocatie:Grenzen: (zoals, ...
Marzipan [new]
Hoi,ik zag laatst dat het project Marzipan (Link) gecancelled is en niet meer te downlo...
www.johansweb.com [new]
heey mensen,ik had een ide om mijn site met kline ship waar je dingen kan kopen om te b...
Text Appears When Over Button [new]
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
Clock Example [new]
gm6 & gmk - Posted by Nixa
How To Make An Awesome Tank [new]
Fully Working Tank With Turret - Posted by Zorgges
Healthbar Example! [new]
How to make more than one healthbar! - Posted by stubbjax02
Just a little MMORPG
Oh yes. A real community issue I have make 1 client and 1 server.in order to let pe...
Clock Example
gm6 & gmk - Posted by Nixa

Wednesday, 26 September

gastenboek+teller [new]
Weet iemand een script voor een gastenboek die ook een teller heeft die zegt hoeveel me...
Naam Dance with the wolves remix [new]
Hoi,weet iemand misschien hoe de versie van Angerfist - Dance with the Wolves heet, die...
Spriter gezocht [new]
Hoi,nu ik een fatsoenlijke computer heb, wil ik weer met Game Maker aan de slag.Maar mi...
Lazy Tilesets [new]
For all those lazy people. "99999/10" - Posted by Mice
Knife Lodging [new]
for unregistred ppl - Posted by grumpymonkey
1 Object Buttons Example [new]
useful for menus etc. - Posted by metal-games
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View [new]
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Axias
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Knife Lodging
for unregistred ppl - Posted by grumpymonkey
1 Object Buttons Example
useful for menus etc. - Posted by metal-games
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Axias

Thursday, 27 September

Make-a-Game [new]
Sinds 1 september is Make-a-Game weer begonnen.Dit is een wedstrijd van Kennisnet waar ...
SSB character select [new]
a simple SSB character selection menu.features:2 playersdont start till both players ar...
probleem met freehostia [new]
ik heb met een html editor heb ik een site gemaakt.maar ik heb dus 2 pagina's maar ...
informatie uit pagina opvragen [new]
Hallo, ik wil wat informatie opvragen uit een pagina.Het gaat met cijfers etc.Ik wil di...
Gastenboek [new]
ik hoop dat het topic hier goed staat.Hallo,Weet er iemand goede software voor een gast...
Halo 3 [new]
Hoi, hier even over halo. ik wil graag weten welke hullie het bestvinden (indien je er ...
versterker [new]
Ik zoek een versterker voor te dj'en goedkoop en goed weet er een iemand graag met ...
Game Maker Survey [new]
I like surveys.GMTutorials recently released the results of a survey they ran at the G...
Running Game Maker 6 [new]
in wine - Posted by cheeseboy16
webalbum [new]
Hallo,We zoeken een webalbum generator waarbij je veel kunt instellen.Dus niet zon flut...
Xbox (360) kopen [new]
Hallo mensen, ik was van plan om misschien een xbox of xbox 360 te kopen. Ik zou graag ...
PHP-programmeurs gezocht voor groot online RPG project [new]
Beste,Ick-in-noot (Jesse) en ik (Jelmar) zijn van plan een groot online text-baded RPG ...
Klammerfehler beim Script [new]
27.09.2007 21:52 - Klammerfehler beim Script (Drachen)Hallo an alleIch hoffe mir kann ...
Wie erstelle ich ein "dynamisches" Bild? [new]
27.09.2007 20:19 - Wie erstelle ich ein "dynamisches" Bild? (Firecool)Hallo....
Running Game Maker 6 [new]
in wine - Posted by cheeseboy16
Lazy Tilesets [new]
For all those lazy people. "99999/10" - Posted by Mice
Sinds 1 september is Make-a-Game weer begonnen.Dit is een wedstrijd van Kennisnet waar ...
Game Maker Survey
I like surveys.GMTutorials recently released the results of a survey they ran at the G...
SSB character select
a simple SSB character selection menu.features:2 playersdont start till both players ar...

Friday, 28 September

Katakijin Ninja Update + Video! [new]
Well if you've been keeping up with my gazillion WIPs, you would know that I had shown ...
im inactive [new]
Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact 64D's down all the time.http://64digits.c...
My Comeback [new]
I haven't update my page for a while, but here I am blogging once again. I have been wo...
OMG FINALLY!!! [new]
64 digits is finally back!!! I'm so glad.Did you know today is a national holiday... We...
[Mazi] Irrlicht vs blade3d vs Visual3d.NET [new]
Finally 64 digits is up. But for how long? It is like every time they "try" t...
64digits autopsy report [new]
Victim: 64digits, an internet community of EPIC proportionsTime of Death: Within 10 min...
PartyTime [new]
Nieuw! www.partytime.co.nr! Jaa, dan denken jullie, wat is partytime.co.nr nou? Nou ik ...
flash-maker [new]
ik ga mischien een tool maken waarbij je flash games kan maken zonder enige kennis te h...
the desktop destruction [new]
dit spel is best grappig en je kunt je ermee afreagerenje kunt hierbij met allerlei wap...
Settlers VI vraag [new]
Hoe kun je je ridder een nieuwe titel geven. In het boekje staat dat het iets moet zijn...
Help spoet [new]
Ik drukte op een knopje en nu is alles groot weet iemand daar een oplossing voor
[xhtml] een div verticaal centreren op het scherm [new]
De titel zegt het al. Ik probeer een div (dat de costructie is voor de compleete webpag...
objekte hinter bestimmten background zeichnen? [new]
Gestern, 23:13 - objekte hinter bestimmten background zeichnen? (HIM666)hi,muss leider...
Sprite Farbe ändern [new]
Gestern, 23:10 - Sprite Farbe ändern (Nici)ich hab mal ne Frage:Mit welchem befehl ...
Unterschiede im D&D bzw. in der GML [new]
Gestern, 22:54 - Unterschiede im D&D bzw. in der GML (domimah)Da ist vorhabe mein ...
Need Sounds [new]
Gestern, 19:04 - Need Sounds (Lahm)Hallo,Ich brauche ein paar Sounds. Da das ganze nic...
Augen auf beim Notebookkauf [new]
Gestern, 19:01 - Augen auf beim Notebookkauf (Verwurster)Hallo Community,da ich Arbeit...
45°schräg laufen können [new]
Gestern, 16:40 - 45°schräg laufen können (Timma)Ich habe diesen "magic-c...
Suche: Ferbwähler [new]
Gestern, 16:01 - Suche: Ferbwähler (Nici)Hi,ich suche so etwas wie den ColorPicker v...
Single Player RPG (noch kein Name) [new]
Gestern, 15:34 - Single Player RPG (noch kein Name) (Kosar)Single Player RPG Nach mehr...
Gewichtheber [new]
Gestern, 10:50 - Gewichtheber (Rey Mysterio)Ich plane ein Speil, wo men ein Gewicht pe...
Transparente Sprites ? [new]
Gestern, 01:03 - Transparente Sprites ? (Mirbu)Hallo aaalso mein Problem is ich hab mi...
Mark's Glog [new]
with tips on game design and development - Posted by Mark Overmars
Running Game Maker 6
in wine - Posted by cheeseboy16

Saturday, 29 September

[Dg77] Youtube, puzzle solution and 1337 [new]
Okay, let’s get started with the blog:[b]Youtube[/b]I made a few videos on my channel ...
Sloth (cont.) [new]
New game in development.v.1 of walking animation:[img]http://64digits.com/users/AtomicM...
Chapter Two [new]
F1ak3r's 7th blog! Yahoo! From now on, I'm going to stop this blog numbering thing. It'...
Charr your gonna kick me huh? [new]
Dominic:you are my everything, you are everything to me, you are the only one I truley ...
Landkartenprogramm [new]
Heute, 11:37 - Landkartenprogramm (RoFra)Hi!Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Landkarte...
transparentes "loading-screen" [new]
Heute, 09:23 - transparentes "loading-screen" (lolliger_joj)gleich nochmal n...
objekte deaktivieren [new]
Heute, 09:15 - objekte deaktivieren (lolliger_joj)hallobei meinem spiel soll man mit l...
Game Maker Tip: Fancy Help [new]
As has been indicated in a previous post, it is very important to provide help during t...
Orbit Effect [new]
GMTV are back with a second weekend extra tutorial, this time explaining how to make a ...
Connect with other Game Maker Websites! [new]
I am pleased to announce that the Game Maker Affiliation Service has now delivered ove...
Text Appears When Over Button [new]
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Mark's Glog [new]
with tips on game design and development - Posted by Mark Overmars
KoljPercussionPack - .wav formaat. [new]
~KoljPercussionPack~Voor de mensen die liedjes maken en moeite hebben met het maken van...
op photoshop elements een plaatje doorzichtig maken [new]
hoe maak ik een plaatje op photoshop elemtns 5.0 doorzichtig? zodat je het plaatje/laye...
toetsenbord smeren. [new]
helaas heeft mijn moeder mijn logitech kapot gemaakt. dus noe moet ik een toetsenbord v...
Mijn site als teamspeak server gebriuken? [new]
Weet iemand of het mogelijk is om mijn site als teamspeak server te gebruiken? en zoja....
hoe kan ik 2/3 monitors achter 1 computer doen? [new]
hoe kan ik 2 of 3 monitors acher 1 computer doen zonder een nieuwe video kaart te kopen...
Downtime [new]
We are now back up after some rather unexpected downtime: I apologize to EVERYONE who c...
BrainWorm [new]
BrainWorm is a puzzle game that will boil your brain and give your endurance a hard tes...
BrainWorm - 0/10 [new]
BrainWorm is a puzzle game that will boil your brain and give your endurance a hard tes...
We are now back up after some rather unexpected downtime: I apologize to EVERYONE who c...
Game Maker Tip: Fancy Help
As has been indicated in a previous post, it is very important to provide help during t...
Mark's Glog
with tips on game design and development - Posted by Mark Overmars
Connect with other Game Maker Websites!
I am pleased to announce that the Game Maker Affiliation Service has now delivered ove...
BrainWorm is a puzzle game that will boil your brain and give your endurance a hard tes...
Orbit Effect
GMTV are back with a second weekend extra tutorial, this time explaining how to make a ...
Easy-to-learn Gml Tutorial
BEST WAY TO LEARN GML! - Posted by General Leo
Text Appears When Over Button
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
We are now back up after some rather unexpected downtime: I apologize to EVERYONE who c...
We are now back up after some rather unexpected downtime: I apologize to EVERYONE who c...

Sunday, 30 September

Lettergroottes in Firefox "messed up" [new]
Mensen, ik zit met een probleempje, misschien dat iemand de oplossing weet.Sinds Firefo...
Linkchanges [new]
Over the past couple of days there have been a few minor changes to GameMakerBlog. Thes...
DarkStudio.nl [new]
Hallo,misschien wisten sommige het al, ik was bezig met een website aan het maken.Met w...
vektorael [new]
970KBvektorael is a kinda bland TDS I made that only has FFADM as a poke into online pr...
Turn Based Battle [new]
not made by me, but by a fellow "Tutorial Heaven" supporter.not commented, so...
Three word book reviews [new]
Well actually slightly more than that. 9 words, I lied.When choosing the booksBeginning...
hoe weet ik welke router ik heb? [new]
ik probeer via de hulp van http://www.portforward.com mijn poort open te zetten voor ha...
WAR [new]
This game is a game I whipped up in like three days. basically, theres a bunch of enemy...
Warlords2007 [new]
Classic remake of the old Atari classic in 3D. It has a classic mode and a super mode. ...
WAR - 0/10 [new]
This game is a game I whipped up in like three days. basically, theres a bunch of enemy...
Gun Creation Project 2.0 - 0/10 [new]
UTILITY for making gun graphics in your games! 89,698,752,000 Possible combinations so ...
Face Creation Project 1.0 - 0/10 [new]
Simple little face creator.Future versions will have backdrops, full torso, and props t...
Warlords2007 - 0/10 [new]
Classic remake of the old Atari classic in 3D. It has a classic mode and a super mode. ...
AdvDrw - 0/10 [new]
AdvDrw has 5scripts,for info on them check the DRAWeventdrwply=Draw a regular polygondr...
Destructable Terain Example - 0/10 [new]
Destructable Terain Example
vektorael - 0/10 [new]
970KBvektorael is a kinda bland TDS I made that only has FFADM as a poke into online pr...
Fragen zum Jump'n'Run Tutorial [new]
30.09.2007 21:39 - Fragen zum Jump'n'Run Tutorial (The Dust)Da im Thread des Tutorials...
Hilfe gesucht [new]
30.09.2007 21:30 - Hilfe gesucht (Nico)Ich möchte ein Plattform game bauen, in dem ...
*Kairo* [new]
30.09.2007 18:26 - *Kairo* (gala)Hi leute, als mir langweilig war hab ich einpaar gesc...
Maker's Mag Reloaded [new]
30.09.2007 17:53 - Maker's Mag Reloaded (RoFra)Hallo!Bottleneck hat seinen Rücktrit...
Sprites ändern [new]
30.09.2007 16:29 - Sprites ändern (gamerflash)Ich hab schon seit längerer Zeit d...
Hilfe Game Maker Fehleermeldung [new]
30.09.2007 13:12 - Hilfe Game Maker Fehleermeldung (mrcool234)Ich sitze gerade an mein...
Vor/Hinter Objekt? [new]
30.09.2007 12:56 - Vor/Hinter Objekt? (Lokutus)hihoo!!Jemand ne Idee, wie ich checken ...
MarkUp, Issue 8, October 2007 [new]
The MarkUp Issue 8 Spooky special, for October 2007 has been released.Exclusive Preview...
MarkUp, Issue 8, October 2007
The MarkUp Issue 8 Spooky special, for October 2007 has been released.Exclusive Preview...
Over the past couple of days there have been a few minor changes to GameMakerBlog. Thes...
Car Engine / Example [new]
465 + Dls! ~ Bugfix! So much Dls! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
A Tad More Advanced Tank Tutorial
firing at mouse, rotation - Posted by general sirhc
970KBvektorael is a kinda bland TDS I made that only has FFADM as a poke into online pr...
Wormslike 2d Engine
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Jump Through Platforms
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Turn Based Battle
not made by me, but by a fellow "Tutorial Heaven" supporter.not commented, so...
Three word book reviews
Well actually slightly more than that. 9 words, I lied.When choosing the booksBeginning...
Nineteen, Sweet Nineteen
Its mah birthday people! I turned 19 today! Woo! So gimme caek! And shiny gifts!Rawr?As...
This game is a game I whipped up in like three days. basically, theres a bunch of enemy...
Classic remake of the old Atari classic in 3D. It has a classic mode and a super mode. ...
970KB[b][url=http://64digits.com/games/4215/vektorael.zip]This isn't all that needed,so...
Car Engine / Example
465 + Dls! ~ Bugfix! So much Dls! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake
WAR - 0/10
This game is a game I whipped up in like three days. basically, theres a bunch of enemy...
Gun Creation Project 2.0 - 0/10
UTILITY for making gun graphics in your games! 89,698,752,000 Possible combinations so ...
WAR - 8.2
This game is a game I whipped up in like three days. basically, theres a bunch of enemy...
Warlords2007 - 7.4
Classic remake of the old Atari classic in 3D. It has a classic mode and a super mode. ...
vektorael - 8.0
970KB[b][url=http://64digits.com/games/4215/vektorael.zip]This isn't all that needed,so...
WAR - 8.2
This game is a game I whipped up in like three days. basically, theres a bunch of enemy...
Warlords2007 - 7.4
Classic remake of the old Atari classic in 3D. It has a classic mode and a super mode. ...
Announcing MarkUp Issue 8
The MarkUp Issue 8 Spooky special, for October 2007 has been released.read more
Announcing MarkUp Issue 8
pThe MarkUp Issue 8 Spooky special, for October 2007 has been released.br //ppa href=ht...
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