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October 2007

Archive Archive

« September 2007 | October 2007 | November 2007 »

64 Digits

Tuesday, 2 October

64DWars: Return of the News Posts [new]
Well, the old news post was getting quite old, and filled with random, irrelevant bits....
A New Feature [new]
Well, the old news post was getting quite old, and filled with random, irrelevant bits....
A New Feature
Well, the old news post was getting quite old, and filled with random, irrelevant bits....
A New Feature
Well, the old news post was getting quite old, and filled with random, irrelevant bits....

Thursday, 4 October

New Forums + New Admin [new]
Due to user demand, and us staff deciding we wanted it, 64Digits now has a true forum. ...
New Forums + New Admin
Due to user demand, and us staff deciding we wanted it, 64Digits now has a true forum. ...
New Forums + New Admin
Due to user demand, and us staff deciding we wanted it, 64Digits now has a true forum. ...

Friday, 5 October

Illegal Files Being Uploaded. [new]
This is a serious matter.I have received a Email from the Data Center, who received an ...
Illegal Files Being Uploaded.
This is a serious matter.I have received a Email from the Data Center, who received an ...
Illegal Files Being Uploaded.
This is a serious matter.I have received a Email from the Data Center, who received an ...

Monday, 15 October

Rating System Fixed [new]
I've revamped the rating system - now it actually works, and I've removed a few loophol...
Rating System Fixed [new]
I've revamped the rating system - now it actually works, and I've removed a few loophol...
Rating System Fixed
I've revamped the rating system - now it actually works, and I've removed a few loophol...

Tuesday, 16 October

Badge Set Contest [new]
After a little poking around, it was decided that the friends badge doesn't really look...
Badge Set Contest [new]
After a little poking around, it was decided that the friends badge doesn't really look...
Badge Set Contest
After a little poking around, it was decided that the friends badge doesn't really look...
Badge Set Contest
Edit: I just fixed the forums, because apparantly nobody else could be bothered to or s...
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« September 2007 | October 2007 | November 2007 »