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October 2007

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« September 2007 | October 2007 | November 2007 »

All posts

Monday, 1 October

MarkUp 8 [new]
Released (Download).I liked it, it was pretty decent. This issue focuses more on the ga...
!Xorpl [new]
In this abstract exploration game offering no concrete plot or purpose, the player wand...
ColorGrab [new]
[b][u]Ever Wanted That [i]Exact[/i] Color?[/u][/b]Now you can get it! Find a particular...
!Xorpl - 0/10 [new]
In this abstract exploration game offering no concrete plot or purpose, the player wand...
ColorGrab - 0/10 [new]
[b][u]Ever Wanted That [i]Exact[/i] Color?[/u][/b]Now you can get it! Find a particular...
Biete: 3d Filme [new]
Gestern, 17:49 - Biete: 3d Filme (RedLineFilms)Hallo,ich biete 3D - Filmsequenzen an.FÃ...
BrainWorm [new]
Gestern, 15:09 - BrainWorm (Iron Hand)BrainWormBrainWorm ist ein einfach zu begreifend...
Möchte jemand Cogitare schach als team verwirklichen? [new]
Gestern, 13:05 - Möchte jemand Cogitare schach als team verwirklichen? (MystD)Vorwo...
Bin mir nicht sicher! [new]
Gestern, 10:05 - Bin mir nicht sicher! (robin591)+ + + Problem gelöst + + +Ich will...
A Soldier's Inventory [new]
A unique kind of inventory system - Posted by dRuNkEn ImMoRtAl
Lazy Tilesets [new]
For all those lazy people. "99999/10" - Posted by Mice
Simple Platformer Example. [new]
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521
MarkUp 8
Released (Download).I liked it, it was pretty decent. This issue focuses more on the ga...
A Soldier's Inventory
A unique kind of inventory system - Posted by dRuNkEn ImMoRtAl
Lazy Tilesets
For all those lazy people. "99999/10" - Posted by Mice
Simple Platformer Example.
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521
!Xorpl - 0/10
In this abstract exploration game offering no concrete plot or purpose, the player wand...
ColorGrab - 0/10
[b][u]Ever Wanted That [i]Exact[/i] Color?[/u][/b]Now you can get it! Find a particular...
In this abstract exploration game offering no concrete plot or purpose, the player wand...
[b][u]Ever Wanted That [i]Exact[/i] Color?[/u][/b]Now you can get it! Find a particular...
!Xorpl - 8.2
In this abstract exploration game offering no concrete plot or purpose, the player wand...
ColorGrab - 8.7
[b][u]Ever Wanted That [i]Exact[/i] Color?[/u][/b]Now you can get it! Find a particular...
!Xorpl - 8.2
In this abstract exploration game offering no concrete plot or purpose, the player wand...
ColorGrab - 8.7
[b][u]Ever Wanted That [i]Exact[/i] Color?[/u][/b]Now you can get it! Find a particular...

Tuesday, 2 October

Domain issues [new]
Over the weekend we were having an issue with out domain, It should now be resolved.
Biete: Blobs [new]
Heute, 14:27 - Biete: Blobs (David)Schauts euch mal diese Blobs an :happy:Mit der linke...
Intern: 3+1 Dinge auf einmal [new]
Heute, 12:11 - Intern: 3+1 Dinge auf einmal (MewX)So, die verprochenen, wenn auch versp...
als .exe speichern [new]
Heute, 11:59 - als .exe speichern (Chrissy1)Hallo liebe Leutz!Ich weiß dass man es ...
Jump'n run fehler [new]
Heute, 11:21 - Jump'n run fehler (muffin10)Ich hab 2 Fragen:1. Bei meinem Jump'n run S...
waar ben ik in het engels [new]
Kan iemand mij alsjeblieft vertellen hoe je "waar ben ik" zegt in het Engels?...
Domain issues [new]
Over the weekend we were having an issue with our domain, It should now be resolved.
64DWars: Return of the News Posts [new]
Well, the old news post was getting quite old, and filled with random, irrelevant bits....
A New Feature [new]
Well, the old news post was getting quite old, and filled with random, irrelevant bits....
UR [new]
UR is a vertical scrolling shooter developed for the shmup-dev 2007 round 2 contest. Fe...
Cheat System [new]
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Sprite Health [new]
Like draw lives as sprite, but more! - Posted by Mice
Realistic Fire Example [new]
Fire Particles that are Somewhat Real! - Posted by gypt_ice
UR - 0/10 [new]
UR is a vertical scrolling shooter developed for the shmup-dev 2007 round 2 contest. Fe...
Domain issues
Over the weekend we were having an issue with our domain, It should now be resolved.
UR is a vertical scrolling shooter developed for the shmup-dev 2007 round 2 contest. Fe...
A New Feature
Well, the old news post was getting quite old, and filled with random, irrelevant bits....
Cheat System
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Sprite Health
Like draw lives as sprite, but more! - Posted by Mice
Realistic Fire Example
Fire Particles that are Somewhat Real! - Posted by gypt_ice
UR - 7.0
UR is a vertical scrolling shooter developed for the shmup-dev 2007 round 2 contest. Fe...
A New Feature
Well, the old news post was getting quite old, and filled with random, irrelevant bits....
UR - 6.9
UR is a vertical scrolling shooter developed for the shmup-dev 2007 round 2 contest. Fe...
Het is mogelijk om een spel te maken in twee dagen
Het is mogelijk om met Game Maker, de spelontwikkelingssoftware die ik iedereen kan aan...
Het is mogelijk om een spel te maken in twee dagen
span style="font-family:trebuchet ms;"Het is mogelijk om met Game Maker, de s...
Domain issues
Over the weekend we were having an issue with our domain, It should now be resolved.

Wednesday, 3 October

Corner Climbing [new]
Mimics the movement of the creatures in the metroid games. Maybe not the best solution ...
PHP/Javascript code die de browser terug geeft [new]
Hej allemaal,Ik zoek ene PHP of Javascript code die terug geeft welke browser de bezoek...
youtube wilt niet zoeken [new]
titel zecht het al :O bij zoeken op youtube krijg ik altijd geen uitkomsten .. hebben j...
goede gratis forum hosting [new]
ik ga een south park forum maken ( www.allsp.com )maar ik moet een hosting hebben waar ...
XAMPP problemen [new]
ik heb het server programma xampp geinstalleerd met behulp van: http://www.computertota...
Follow Another Object Example 1.0 [new]
Posted by MegaMetroidFan9
g [new]
Corner Climbing
Mimics the movement of the creatures in the metroid games. Maybe not the best solution ...
Follow Another Object Example 1.0
Posted by MegaMetroidFan9
Sprite Generator - Tank: New ver1.1
This extension generates tank sprites.

Thursday, 4 October

Mario's Pizza [new]
Mario's PizzaDit was de 1e site die ik heb moeten maken op mijn nieuwe opleiding, l...
core 2 duo probleem [new]
ik heb een core 2 duo 6300 op mijn moederbord.nu heb ik laats even cpu-z geinstalleert ...
Highscore Lists [new]
Most games nowadays give you a score while you play the game and allow you to put your ...
Highscore tabellen op YoYo Games [new]
In een blogpost kondigt Mark een feature aan die binnenkort, precieze datum is nog niet...
Combo System [new]
Here is a little example on linking keyboard buttons as combo's for special moves in ga...
New Forums + New Admin [new]
Due to user demand, and us staff deciding we wanted it, 64Digits now has a true forum. ...
VERPLAATST: goede gratis forum hosting [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Websites.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topic=1831.0
Example Of Water Waves [new]
(gm6), edit: new links - Posted by Keth
Vehement - 0/10 [new]
[b]Info[/b]Vehement is a fast paced arcade game. Mainly useing particle effects.Music b...
Highscore Lists
Most games nowadays give you a score while you play the game and allow you to put your ...
Highscore tabellen op YoYo Games
In een blogpost kondigt Mark een feature aan die binnenkort, precieze datum is nog niet...
New Forums + New Admin
Due to user demand, and us staff deciding we wanted it, 64Digits now has a true forum. ...
Combo System
Here is a little example on linking keyboard buttons as combo's for special moves in ga...
Vehement - 0/10
[b]Info[/b]Vehement is a fast paced arcade game. Mainly useing particle effects.Music b...
New Forums + New Admin
Due to user demand, and us staff deciding we wanted it, 64Digits now has a true forum. ...
Naar school ga je om te werken aan opdrachten voor school. Dat bent u denk ik wel met m...
span style="font-family: trebuchet ms;"Naar school ga je om te werken aan opd...

Friday, 5 October

mysql/php "SELECT COUNT" [new]
heb ff een klijn probleempje met me mysql..hoe moet je SELECT COUNT gebruiken?ik heb nu...
basic beginnen [new]
Ik wil aan visual basic beginnen maar weet iemand goeie uitleggen en heb je er een spec...
Illegal Files Being Uploaded. [new]
This is a serious matter.I have received a Email from the Data Center, who received an ...
Cheat Code Example/tutorial [new]
example if yor a noob - Posted by CJizzle01
Fancy Help Made Easy [new]
how to create in-game pop-up help - Posted by Mark Overmars
Shatter Effect [new]
A Clumsy but working way to achieve it - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
Hiro's Platform Engine [new]
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord
Tower Defense Example [new]
Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Natho's Legendary Inventory [new]
Download v1.0 - Posted by Natho
Easy Fake Blood/bullet Shell Particles [new]
Menu Example - 0/10 [new]
A Save And Loading Menu Example.
[JSG] Inventory Engine - 0/10 [new]
This is a great Inventory example for a shooting game, because of its ammo feature, amo...
Nearly Perfect Normal Mapping - 0/10 [new]
I came up with this technique while i was at my chick friends house, sitting on her bed...
Illegal Files Being Uploaded.
This is a serious matter.I have received a Email from the Data Center, who received an ...
Menu Example - 0/10
A Save And Loading Menu Example.
[JSG] Inventory Engine - 0/10
This is a great Inventory example for a shooting game, because of its ammo feature, amo...
Nearly Perfect Normal Mapping - 0/10
I came up with this technique while i was at my chick friends house, sitting on her bed...
Fancy Help Made Easy
how to create in-game pop-up help - Posted by Mark Overmars
Illegal Files Being Uploaded.
This is a serious matter.I have received a Email from the Data Center, who received an ...

Saturday, 6 October

Idiot [new]
What an idiot.   Insulting people trying to help you is a great move isn’t it&#...
What the? [new]
Is Game Maker News dead? Stencyl Blog. [new]
Scorptek’s Game Maker news blog appears to be dead, or at the very least dieing.S...
Naam gezocht [new]
Ik zoek een goede naam voor mijn nieuwe "bedrijfje"... ik ga games/software/w...
timer [new]
this example will show you how to draw:- [b]date[/b]: (day, month, year).- [b]stoper[/b...
Change music Tempo [new]
this is a well made example which shows you how to change the musics tempo.features:not...
Gratis en voor niks maak ik zo een webpage (als ik tijd heb) [new]
ik zelf ben niet zo goed als het gaat om websites maken, maar ik kan het beter als iema...
Auto pimpen [new]
Hoi,om wat beter te worden met Photoshop, bied ik hier aan om auto's te pimpen.Post...
Mysql [new]
Ik wil een beetje met MYSQL beginnen weet iemand een beetje goeie turt om er mee te beg...
Via linux boot veranderen [new]
ik heb net linux geinstalleerd maar nu start hij alleen ubuntu op terwijl ik een dual b...
Windows 98 SE of ME? [new]
Ik heb een pc staan met windows 95.http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/3320/dsci0001zz0....
About another week until my new company is unveiled... [new]
Unfortunately, I won't know for sure whether or not my company name is valid until...
Verdonk en Wilders gaan toch samen [new]
Verdonk en Wilders gaan toch samen 
Cheat Code Example/tutorial [new]
example if yor a noob - Posted by CJizzle01
Natho's Legendary Inventory [new]
Download v1.0 - Posted by Natho
Afterimage Tutorial [new]
GM7 Pro & Lite (2 ways) - Posted by angryempath
Example Of Water Waves [new]
(gm6), edit: new links - Posted by Keth
Tower Defense Example [new]
Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Easy 3d Sound - By Fede-lasse [new]
Easy-to-use script. - Posted by fede-lasse
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View [new]
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Axias
Mouse Effect [new]
Posted by Zyyn
Tower Defense Engine [new]
For unregistered! - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
What the?
Is Game Maker News dead? Stencyl Blog.
Scorptek’s Game Maker news blog appears to be dead, or at the very least dieing.S...
Change music Tempo
this is a well made example which shows you how to change the musics tempo.features:not...
this example will show you how to draw:- [b]date[/b]: (day, month, year).- [b]stoper[/b...
About another week until my new company is unveiled...
Unfortunately, I won't know for sure whether or not my company name is valid until...
Cheat Code Example/tutorial
example if yor a noob - Posted by CJizzle01
Example Of Water Waves
(gm6), edit: new links - Posted by Keth

Sunday, 7 October

Mark’s Game Design Glog [new]
Mark Overmars has started writing a Glog on game design and development, and has two in...
Idiot [new]
What an idiot. Insulting people trying to help you is a great move isn’t it…
Drivers updaten [new]
Hallo allemaal. Ik moest voor fifa 2008 mijn driver updaten, dat is me nu gelukt. Ik mo...
Mario Vs Mario 5 [new]
A fun platform game! It can be played solo or with a friend.It contains modes like Stor...
Mario Vs Mario 5 - 0/10 [new]
A fun platform game! It can be played solo or with a friend.It contains modes like Stor...
Xfire [new]
Xfire, het is een programma waarmee je kunt chatten, bestanden verzenden, games downloa...
VERPLAATST: GMOT verkiezingen [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Forumspellen.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topic=1851.0
Trainers maken [new]
(als dit topic hier niet thuis hoort, verplaats het dan a.u.b)Hey, Ik heb een spel dat ...
naam kabel brand probleem [new]
Hallo ik heb een nieuwe brander in me pc gestopt maar helaas brand hij bij dvd het gelu...
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View [new]
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Aswin
Mark’s Game Design Glog
Mark Overmars has started writing a Glog on game design and development, and has two in...
What an idiot. Insulting people trying to help you is a great move isn’t it…
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Aswin
Mario Vs Mario 5
A fun platform game! It can be played solo or with a friend.It contains modes like Stor...
Mario Vs Mario 5
A fun platform game! It can be played solo or with a friend.It contains modes like Stor...

Monday, 8 October

Shatter Effect [new]
A Clumsy but working way to achieve it - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
Easy Fake Blood/bullet Shell Particles [new]
Aangeboden: 3D-modeller voor spellen [new]
Hoi,om mijn skills voor 3D-modellen te verhogen, wil ik meehelpen aan spellen door ze t...
Thoughts on Instant Play [new]
There has been a lot talked about, or rather written about, the recent addition of an I...
MiniGames (hard nodig, lees topic) [new]
Ik ben met GM bezig met MiniGames 1.0.0 en heb ideeen voor MiniGames nodig.Waar moeten ...
Newsline October 8th [new]
Can’t believe it has been more than 2 weeks since I gave you a news update …...
Hiro's Platform Engine [new]
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord
Drawing Thick Lines [new]
script for drawing thick lines in 6.x - Posted by DesertFox
Thoughts on Instant Play
There has been a lot talked about, or rather written about, the recent addition of an I...
Newsline October 8th
Can’t believe it has been more than 2 weeks since I gave you a news update …...

Tuesday, 9 October

C++ Runner Beta Slated for February [new]
Sandy at YoYo Games has announced in a recent blog post that a beta of the the C++ run...
GMC nazis [new]
Oh boo hoo.One typo. Make a post about it, won’t you?
YYG to Host Online Highscores [new]
Mark Overmars has announced on a recent blog post that YoyoGames will be adding built-i...
YYG Hiring Game Devs? [new]
When YoyoGames first replaced the Game Maker Company in January, 2007, many people comp...
stroom verbruik oude pc [new]
als ik mijn oude pc met 200 mhz procesor en 32mb ram en weet niet hoeveel hij gebruikt ...
Photoshop [new]
Hoi ik heb adobe photoshop elements 2.0 gevonden en nu wil ik me daar een beetje in int...
Topdown War Example - 0/10 [new]
This is an example I made from a game I was working on, but lost intrest in, so I decid...
Text Appears When Over Button [new]
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
Easy Fake Blood/bullet Shell Particles [new]
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
3d Weapons [new]
Posted by mechanikos
Unregistered Rotation [new]
With Moving car and rotation - Posted by garrlker
C++ Runner Beta Slated for February
Sandy at YoYo Games has announced in a recent blog post that a beta of the the C++ run...
GMC nazis
Oh boo hoo.One typo. Make a post about it, won’t you?
YYG to Host Online Highscores
Mark Overmars has announced on a recent blog post that YoyoGames will be adding built-i...
YYG Hiring Game Devs?
When YoyoGames first replaced the Game Maker Company in January, 2007, many people comp...
Dag van de
Vandaag was het de dag van de eetstoornissen. Althans, vandaag was het een of andere sp...
Dag van de
span style="font-family:trebuchet ms;"Vandaag was het de dag van de eetstoorn...

Wednesday, 10 October

DVD schrijf snelheid [new]
ik vroeg me af waarom zijn er op dvd en cd schrijfsnelheden?waarom is de ene dvd 1-8 sp...
Toestelcode [new]
Hey, ik heb een alcatel one touch 565 en mijn vodafone prepaid was verlopen. simlock du...
Asteroids Marathon - 0/10 [new]
A remake of the classic asteroids game, with a never ending challenge to get your top s...
Nightmare [Demo] - 0/10 [new]
Nightmare is a horror-themed FPS based on numerous others, like Sector 5 by DarkSirrius...
Shatter Effect [new]
A Clumsy but working way to achieve it - Posted by LiNkiN_RaGe
Civilian Car Ai V2.0 [new]
No paths! "AMZING! SIMPLY AMAZING! 9/10" - Posted by yo1dog
Radar/minimap All Room Sizes [new]
Fully adjustable radar/minimap uses view - Posted by ArtySpace
Easy 3d Sound - By Fede-lasse [new]
Easy-to-use script. - Posted by fede-lasse
Advanced Clock Example [new]
Posted by samscam
Car Engine / Example [new]
465 + Dls! ~ Bugfix! So much Dls! - Posted by Kakashi_Hatake
Mouse Effect [new]
Posted by Zyyn
Natho's Legendary Inventory [new]
Download v1.0 - Posted by Natho
Afterimage Effect Tutorial & Example [new]
GM7 Pro & Lite (2 ways) - Posted by angryempath
instance_destroy außerhalb des views [new]
10.10.2007 23:06 - instance_destroy außerhalb des views (Padalia)ich habe schon ges...
Jump Through Platforms [new]
Works with multiple characters! - Posted by Bill23
Resident Evil Inventory [new]
How to make your own RE inventory - Posted by killerelectro

Thursday, 11 October

opslaan in config [new]
Ik weet niet of het bestaat maar weet iemand een code om te posten naar het bestand con...
List even lang als tekstvakken [new]
Ik heb van die uitklapmenutjes op mn site maar hoe maak ik ze even lang als de tekstvak...
Leuke opmerkingen [new]
Het is de bedoeling dat dit topic vol met citaten komt vol te staan. Allemaal leuke opm...
Browser controleren [new]
Met welke code is het mogelijk om te controleren welke browser je hebt?Dit in verband m...
Via msn een youtube filmpje laten zien. [new]
Hallo,Weet iemand of het mogelijk is om een contact persoon in je msn een youtube filmp...
Map beveiliging [new]
Ik zoek een beveiliging die mappen kan beveiligen,, ze moeten nog functioneren als een ...
2D Spielstand in 3D Welt [new]
Gestern, 22:20 - 2D Spielstand in 3D Welt (Exgaso)Hallo liebe GameMaker CommunityWie v...
ist ein step immer konstant? Auch wenn die fps variiert? [new]
Gestern, 20:55 - ist ein step immer konstant? Auch wenn die fps variiert? (Yeah3)hay g...
joystick_- bzw. kayboard_wait() [new]
Gestern, 19:15 - joystick_- bzw. kayboard_wait() (lolliger_joj)hallo,ich möchte bei...
ganz einfaches 3d...und ich verzweifel [new]
Gestern, 15:41 - ganz einfaches 3d...und ich verzweifel (Jabberwocky)Hi LeutzIch hab m...
Objekt soll ein anderes verfolgen [new]
Gestern, 15:38 - Objekt soll ein anderes verfolgen (ToWe)Wie kann man einstellen (mit ...
Video zentrieren [new]
Gestern, 14:45 - Video zentrieren (Nici)Hi,ich wollte nur mal wissen ob man ein video ...
Idee für neues zwischenforum [new]
Gestern, 14:28 - Idee für neues zwischenforum (Nici)Hi,ich hatte so eine Idee, dass...
Neuer Spielebaukasten [new]
Gestern, 10:54 - Neuer Spielebaukasten (darulaz)"Mit dem "Video Game Creator...
Programmlexikon? [new]
Gestern, 09:59 - Programmlexikon? (OwenJackson)Hallo, seit wenigen Tagen entwickel ich...
Radar/minimap All Room Sizes [new]
Fully adjustable radar/minimap uses view - Posted by ArtySpace
Joy 2 Key Example (gml - Dnd Coming Soon) [new]
I've seen a few people asking for this - Posted by Postality
Text Appears When Over Button [new]
gm6 also exe (zipped) - Posted by noobfarm
Easy 3d Sound - By Fede-lasse [new]
Easy-to-use script. - Posted by fede-lasse
Afterimage Effect Tutorial & Example [new]
GM7 Pro & Lite (2 ways) - Posted by angryempath

Friday, 12 October

Distributing games [new]
New users are killing the forum.
Site That Sells Games For You [new]
Yet another of these topics has arisen in the distributing games section of the communi...
[JSG] RPG Example - 0/10 [new]
Have you ever needed a really great RPG AI sustem or something like that? And found som...
Angels - 0/10 [new]
Angels is a unique RPG that takes place in a magical world, where you fight fearless gh...
hoe installeer ik puppy linux? met een oude pc zonder cd boot optie [new]
hoi ik heb een oude pc en ik wil daar puppy linuxopzetten maar hoe kan ik dat doen? ik ...
Wii draadloos internet [new]
heej,ik heb sins kort een wii en ik vind hem heel erg leuk.maar het internet bij mij op...
[mysql/php] item vervangen [new]
bestaat er ook een query die een item in een cel v/e tabel kunnen veranderen, zonder da...
PCI-Slot koeler (airflow) [new]
Hallo,Eigenlijk zo de topic in show en tell horen, maar omdat ik ook wil weten of zo...
dvd speler [new]
ik heb een probleem met mijn dvd speler. ik wou laatst een game installeren, dus ik doe...
bootable cd/dvd maken. [new]
ben er nu al zo lang mee bezig >.<ik probeer een bootable cdtje te branden om pc ...
YES! Eindelijk! Locoroco muziek allemaal (bijna)!!! [new]
Ik heb EINDELIJK de locoroco muziek gevonden! Je kunt je niet voorstellen hoe blij ik n...
Pencil World - Handgezeichnet [new]
Heute, 17:52 - Pencil World - Handgezeichnet ([Toby])Hallo Leute!Ich bin mal auf eine ...
Schuss [new]
Heute, 16:12 - Schuss (Chrissy1)Ich habe schon einen Thread geöffnet, aber niemand ...
Magic Butterfly [new]
Heute, 12:03 - Magic Butterfly (OwenJackson)Nachdem ich mein erstes Testprojekt beende...
Wieso springt er falsch? [new]
Heute, 11:31 - Wieso springt er falsch? (OwenJackson)Hallo.Ich kapiere eines nicht.Bin...
Naruto Sprites [new]
Heute, 10:59 - Naruto Sprites (OwenJackson)Hi, ich wollte fragen ob jemand weiss wo ic...
windows me bij control panel geen network.... [new]
ik heb de engelse versie van windows ME en ik wil op die pc een server laten draaien ma...
VERPLAATST: GMOT verkiezingen [new]
Bij meerderheid van stemmen is dit geen forumspel . Dit topic is verplaatst naar Algeme...
Mouse Effect [new]
Posted by Zyyn
Tower Defense Engine [new]
For unregistered! - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Unregistered Rotation [new]
With Moving car and rotation - Posted by garrlker
Playing *.swf Files In Game Maker [new]
Heres how to do it cleanly and properly - Posted by freaked
Natho's Legendary Inventory [new]
Download v1.0 - Posted by Natho
Smooth Camera - By Fede-lasse [new]
Good for TDSes. - Posted by fede-lasse
Hiro's Platform Engine [new]
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord
Easy-to-learn Gml Tutorial [new]
BEST WAY TO LEARN GML! - Posted by General Leo
Spiceupyourgametuts Lesson1: [new]
Menus and clock - Posted by General McSlave
Mouselook For Tds! [new]
No more will it be point and click! - Posted by Mice
Distributing games
New users are killing the forum.
Site That Sells Games For You
Yet another of these topics has arisen in the distributing games section of the communi...
UGMS uppe igen
Som de flesta troligtvis vet så hackades UGMS tillsammans med resten av servern den ...
UGMS uppe igen
Som de flesta troligtvis vet så hackades UGMS tillsammans med resten av servern den ...
A kinda jazzy piece I wrote up a while back.... I need to rerecord some of the tracks o...
Een nachtmerrie
DreamOn is af. Eindelijk.Ter informatie, DreamOn is een computerspel dat ik heb gemaakt...
Een nachtmerrie
span style="font-family:trebuchet ms;"/spanspan style="font-family:trebu...

Saturday, 13 October

Firefox tabbladen [new]
Hallo,Ik wil dat als ik firefox opstart er verschillende tabbladen open staan. Dat is n...
yeneration [new]
Ik heb een site gehost bij freehostia en ik heb snel effe een page aangemaakt.Ik maak g...
[JS] explode [<BR>] in js [new]
hoi ik wil achter het aantal regels komen van een text in php gebruik ik altijdexplode(...
Laptop/Computer kopen [new]
Hallo allemaal,Ik was mischien eerst van plan om een nieuwe videokaart te kopen, maar i...
Review: Kororinpa [new]
One of the first games I bought for the Wii (after Zelda) was Kororinpa. In this game y...
Programma om Stem te bewerken? [new]
Is er een gratis programmatje dat niet al te moeilijk te begrijpen is dat zich richt op...
photoshop cdtje stuk heb wel een key...... [new]
ik heb photoshop elements 5.0 maar omdat ik de hd heb moeten wissen is dit programma oo...
php: upload systeempje met download link [new]
hoi ik probeer een soort opload servertje te maken voor mezelf niet dat ik er echt iets...
Angels [new]
Angels is a free game created by me, zro, you appear in a magical world, fighting ghost...
Radian [new]
[b]Radian[/b] is an abstract arcade game, the result of half paying attention in chemis...
Klicker [new]
A useless mini game which was my fourth game i made. In this game you must simply click...
Radian - 9.1 [new]
[b]Radian[/b] is an abstract arcade game, the result of half paying attention in chemis...
Radian - 9.2 [new]
[b]Radian[/b] is an abstract arcade game, the result of half paying attention in chemis...
Advanced Clock Example [new]
Posted by samscam
Review: Kororinpa
One of the first games I bought for the Wii (after Zelda) was Kororinpa. In this game y...
Advanced Clock Example
Posted by samscam
Angels is a free game created by me, zro, you appear in a magical world, fighting ghost...
Radian - 9.1
[b]Radian[/b] is an abstract arcade game, the result of half paying attention in chemis...
A useless mini game which was my fourth game i made. In this game you must simply click...
A kinda jazzy piece I wrote up a while back.... I need to rerecord some of the tracks o...

Sunday, 14 October

New game? New game. [new]
I made a game. It's an arcade game. You should play my game.http://gmc.yoyogames.c...
GMC Adds Google Analytics [new]
Recently it came to our attention that the GMC is now using Google Analytics to track t...
Dubbing Wrecks Movies [new]
This is the English-only GMC I’m talking about.If you can read, write and underst...
www.sandervandoesburg.tk (mijn eigen site) [new]
ik heb een site gemaakt in 3 daagjes (niet 24 uur per dag) en ik ben ook vanaf 3 daagje...
html plaatje op verkeerde plek [new]
waarom als ik dit type:[code]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Trans...
ik kan in spellen geen ctrl+eentoets gebruiken. [new]
hey, in bepaalde spellen moet ik ctrl inhouden en een toets indrukken, bijvoorbeeld spa...
VERPLAATST: List even lang als tekstvakken [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Programmeren.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topic=1876.0
GMC Adds Google Analytics
Recently it came to our attention that the GMC is now using Google Analytics to track t...
New game? New game.
I made a game. It's an arcade game. You should play my game.http://gmc.yoyogames.c...
Dubbing Wrecks Movies
This is the English-only GMC I’m talking about.If you can read, write and underst...

Monday, 15 October

mycom geeft vista 64bit versie inplaats van 32 bits.... [new]
ik heb een pc bij mycom gekocht waarop stond dat er een 32bit versie bij zat dat was oo...
Clean the World. [new]
I was informed by Grego that today is Blog Action Day. This issue being promoted was th...
The GM Race [new]
Tell your dog, friends, family, cat… everybody you know!The race has begun.so cliche
is vissen zielig? [new]
mijn vraag, is vissen zielig?ik vind van niet, als je de vis goed behandeld.en jullie?
PHP: Include linken [new]
Ik ben net overgestapt van Iframes naar php include, omdat dit makkelijker werkt en de ...
Zit vast in Tomb Raider Anniversary [new]
Hoi,ik zit vast in de Croft Manor in Tomb Raider Anniversary.Ik heb de grabdinges en wr...
Rating System Fixed [new]
I've revamped the rating system - now it actually works, and I've removed a few loophol...
Health, Team, Project, Website, Engine [new]
Hi, I've been away for while. Miss me? ;DI was tired. I'm still tired. Lately...
The GM Race Begins [new]
Today GMTech Magazine and MarkUp Magazine announced a contest called The GM Race, which...
The Game Maker Race! [new]
Yes, its been in the planning for some time, and yes this could be thebiggest contest t...
programma die muis+toetsenbord opneemt [new]
is er een programma die je muis en toetsenboord opneem en afspeelt bev.:ik druk eerst o...
Tower Defense Engine [new]
For unregistered! - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Dragging Rooms (tutorial) [new]
Sorry this field is too short. - Posted by Aidiakapi
Double Jump Example [new]
Posted by waaaaaaah
Mouselook For Tds! [new]
No more will it be point and click! - Posted by Mice
Rating System Fixed [new]
I've revamped the rating system - now it actually works, and I've removed a few loophol...
Rating System Fixed
I've revamped the rating system - now it actually works, and I've removed a few loophol...
Clean the World.
I was informed by Grego that today is Blog Action Day. This issue being promoted was th...
The GM Race
Tell your dog, friends, family, cat… everybody you know!The race has begun.so cliche
The GM Race Begins
Today GMTech Magazine and MarkUp Magazine announced a contest called The GM Race, which...
The Game Maker Race!
Yes, its been in the planning for some time, and yes this could be thebiggest contest t...
Instance Nearest Extended
Find the nth-nearest instance that meets a requirement

Tuesday, 16 October

Health, Team, Project, Website, Engine [new]
Hi, I've been away for while. Miss me? I was tired. I'm still tired. Lately, ...
html problemen [new]
waarom als ik dit html script: [code]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4....
Function for changing between two or more integers [new]
Sometimes when programming, no matter what language you're using, you need to have a va...
DeMeulenfrutters.nl compleet vernieuwd! [new]
Hallo,De website DeMeulenfrutters.nl is zojuist compleet vernieuwd. Ik heb er hard aan ...
[JAVASCRIPT] functie om te kijken naar de lengte van een variable [new]
hallo helpende handen ,Ik heb een vraagje, ik ben nu voor het leren van programmeren (...
Music: secured! [new]
I just finished calling in a favor from my bestest of friends.  My first game (unm...
The GM Race [new]
Yes, its been in the planning for some time, and yes this could be thebiggest contest t...
Badge Set Contest [new]
After a little poking around, it was decided that the friends badge doesn't really look...
Spiceupyourgametuts Lesson1: [new]
Menus and clock - Posted by General McSlave
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Gateway Example [new]
Open and shut a gate with spacebar. - Posted by PL productions
Pokémon Goldensky Engine [new]
Posted by Pidgeot
A Tad More Advanced Tank Tutorial [new]
firing at mouse, rotation - Posted by general sirhc
Badge Set Contest [new]
After a little poking around, it was decided that the friends badge doesn't really look...
Function for changing between two or more integers
Sometimes when programming, no matter what language you're using, you need to have a va...
Music: secured!
I just finished calling in a favor from my bestest of friends.  My first game (unm...
Health, Team, Project, Website, Engine
Hi, I've been away for while. Miss me? I was tired. I'm still tired. Lately, ...
Badge Set Contest
After a little poking around, it was decided that the friends badge doesn't really look...
The GM Race
Yes, its been in the planning for some time, and yes this could be thebiggest contest t...
Badge Set Contest
Edit: I just fixed the forums, because apparantly nobody else could be bothered to or s...
MarkUp - Nevember
Hey there again, we seem to be out of reviews, so if you would like to get your extensi...

Wednesday, 17 October

Game Maker Competition [new]
The GM Tech and MarkUp magazines are holding a Game Maker competition under the name Th...
Spriter gezocht [new]
Ik zoek een spriter voor een rpg gameer moet nog veel worden gespritezoals:gras;water;e...
Microsoft Outlook probleem [new]
Hallo,Ik heb een e-mail adres, en ik wil graag als ik een e-mail beantwoord of ontvang,...
Kan iemand de cover van FiFa 08 scannen? [new]
Hoi,is hier misschien iemand die de PC-versie van FiFa 08 heeft?Kun je dan even het pap...
HTML Achtergrond in het midden [new]
Ik heb een achtergrondplaatje, die moet in het midden komen te staan, de rest van de ac...
video kaart kopen [new]
ik heb het idee om een nieuwe video kaart te kopen omdat deze die ik nu heb heeel slech...
Rpg Character Placement Tutorial / Example [new]
New Room; Correct sprite and location... - Posted by jsmithLMSL
Instance Creation Code [new]
Sheading light on a little known feature - Posted by Chronic
Gm Mode7 [new]
Posted by Arkano
Afterimage Effect Tutorial & Example [new]
GM7 Pro & Lite (2 ways) - Posted by angryempath
Sprite Health [new]
Like draw lives as sprite, but more! - Posted by Mice
In-game Loading Bar [new]
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Extensive Particles Tutorial [new]
Covers every area of particles! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Gm Mode7
Posted by Arkano
Afterimage Effect Tutorial & Example
GM7 Pro & Lite (2 ways) - Posted by angryempath
Sprite Health
Like draw lives as sprite, but more! - Posted by Mice
In-game Loading Bar
Loading Bar for Slow Processes! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Extensive Particles Tutorial
Covers every area of particles! - Posted by RhysAndrews
Game Maker Competition
The GM Tech and MarkUp magazines are holding a Game Maker competition under the name Th...

Thursday, 18 October

Smile Creater [new]
Smile Creater version 1.0(SCV1)This program is create Emoticon "Smile"by choo...
Play! Doh! [new]
if you live in the ode yoo ess of ay, then you're both lucky and smart - because y...
Rekemachine [new]
Ik ga Echt goed php leren ik ben bezig met een rekemachine hij is een beetje vaag maar ...
Frames soef [new]
Oke vage titel maar ik bedoel je frames ook onzichbaar maken
No scroll op page [new]
hoi, is het mogelijk om in watdanook er voor tezorgen dat er geen scroll zichtbaar zond...
Veilig maken van formulier [new]
Hoe maak ik zoon plaatje waar ik een code moet overtypen (waarschijnlijk in php) en als...
Zit er wifi op een wii? [new]
Weet iemand of er wifi op een nintendo wii zit?Groetjes Jelle
Spawn At Random Spawn Point [new]
Example showing easiest way how - Posted by e_barroga
2d Flail Weapon Example [new]
semi-realistic - Posted by jabelar
Smooth Camera - By Fede-lasse [new]
Good for TDSes. - Posted by fede-lasse
Natho's Legendary Inventory V1.1 [new]
UPDATE! Download v1.1! - Posted by Natho
Hiro's Platform Engine [new]
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord
Mouse Controlled Menu Example/tutorial [new]
200+ downloads - "very nice" - 225popcap - Posted by me123
Playing *.swf Files In Game Maker [new]
Heres how to do it cleanly and properly - Posted by freaked
2d Shooting. [new]
Shoot Like in Duck Doom Deluxe. :] - Posted by clod14
GM Tutorial - Scrolling Shooter Probleme [new]
18.10.2007 22:07 - GM Tutorial - Scrolling Shooter Probleme (Mythos)Hi,ich Versuche mi...
Windows start Melodie gesucht [new]
18.10.2007 19:55 - Windows start Melodie gesucht (Nici)Hallo,kann mir jemand sagen, wo...
Leiste [new]
18.10.2007 19:11 - Leiste (Kaosmeister)Aloha, Leutz! Ich hab ne (denke ich zumindest) ...
Schießen [new]
18.10.2007 18:28 - Schießen (vinka94)HiIch arbeite zurzeit mit meinem Kumpel an ein...
42? [new]
18.10.2007 17:44 - 42? (copyboy)Liebe Community,ich hab mir in letzter Zeit öfters ...
Eingabeleiste [new]
18.10.2007 17:36 - Eingabeleiste (Nici)ich hab mal ne frage:ich möchte so eine eing...
Rpg Character Placement Tutorial / Example [new]
New Room; Correct sprite and location... - Posted by jsmithLMSL
Smile Creater [new]
Smile Creater version 1.0(SCV1)This program is create Emoticon "Smile"by choo...
Hiro's Platform Engine
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord
Mouse Controlled Menu Example/tutorial
200+ downloads - "very nice" - 225popcap - Posted by me123
Smile Creater
Smile Creater version 1.0(SCV1)This program is create Emoticon "Smile"by choo...
Play! Doh!
if you live in the ode yoo ess of ay, then you're both lucky and smart - because y...
Rpg Character Placement Tutorial / Example
New Room; Correct sprite and location... - Posted by jsmithLMSL

Friday, 19 October

New Design [new]
Every so often, we like to spice things up a bit and introduce a new change into the ol...
Gunz probleem met inloggen op ijji.com??? [new]
hallo ik hebeen probleem met het inloggen op ijji.com.het probleem is dat ik niet kan i...
Gunz probleem met inloggen op ijji.com??? [new]
hallo ik heb een probleem met het inloggen van gunz op de site ijji.comhet probleem is ...
Daemon tools error [new]
Ik gebruik daemontools om een image te mounten. Het bestand is battlefield2.iso. Ik kri...
Logo contest [new]
Met de introductie van het nieuwe logo kwam er veel commentaar en opperde enkele leden ...
Prizes for Games [new]
The GM race have announced that the top 20 games in their competition will now earn th...
Oh no! More business talk! [new]
Seems like everyone's trying to get some green these days. I just met with a thirt...
Zoom Zoom Zoom! [new]
So the game design of my untitled project has been done, and now I'm up to level a...
Go(o)d&(D)evil II [new]
Gestern, 22:06 - Go(o)d&(D)evil II (kowiak)http://file.imagecrate.de/7014_Image4.p...
Asteroiden [new]
Gestern, 20:26 - Asteroiden (levarris07)Hab da wieder eine Frage:Wie kann ich einen zu...
Messagebox - Schriftart streikt [new]
Gestern, 20:07 - Messagebox - Schriftart streikt (Shabraxxx)Moin moin, leutz. Ich hÃÂ...
GML Code extern laden [new]
Gestern, 18:52 - GML Code extern laden ([Toby])Hallo,ich hätte eine Frage.Geht es d...
Suche jemanden der gut Pixeln kann! [new]
Gestern, 16:41 - Suche jemanden der gut Pixeln kann! (vega29)Undzwar suche ich jemande...
Raumschiffspiel - Hilfe [new]
Gestern, 15:58 - Raumschiffspiel - Hilfe (levarris07)SS-StarhipsBrauche Hilfe für e...
Go(o)d&(D)evil II [new]
19.10.2007 22:06 - Go(o)d&(D)evil II (kowiak)http://file.imagecrate.de/7014_Image4...
Asteroiden [new]
19.10.2007 20:26 - Asteroiden (levarris07)Hab da wieder eine Frage:Wie kann ich einen ...
Messagebox - Schriftart streikt [new]
19.10.2007 20:07 - Messagebox - Schriftart streikt (Shabraxxx)Moin moin, leutz. Ich hÃ...
GML Code extern laden [new]
19.10.2007 18:52 - GML Code extern laden ([Toby])Hallo,ich hätte eine Frage.Geht es...
Suche jemanden der gut Pixeln kann! [new]
19.10.2007 16:41 - Suche jemanden der gut Pixeln kann! (vega29)Undzwar suche ich jeman...
Raumschiffspiel - Hilfe [new]
19.10.2007 15:58 - Raumschiffspiel - Hilfe (levarris07)SS-StarhipsBrauche Hilfe für...
Fake 3d Physics Example [new]
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 100+ downloads - Posted by trigger22
Natho's Legendary Inventory V1.1 [new]
UPDATE! Download v1.1! - Posted by Natho
Resident Evil Inventory [new]
How to make your own RE inventory - Posted by killerelectro
Playing *.swf Files In Game Maker [new]
Heres how to do it cleanly and properly - Posted by freaked
2d Shooting. [new]
Shoot Like in Duck Doom Deluxe. :] - Posted by clod14
Move To Mouse Click [new]
click and make your player move there - Posted by lilneo
Scollbars Using Views Example [new]
Vertical/horizontal with arrows/sliders - Posted by jabelar
New Design
Every so often, we like to spice things up a bit and introduce a new change into the ol...
Prizes for Games
The GM race have announced that the top 20 games in their competition will now earn th...
Oh no! More business talk!
Seems like everyone's trying to get some green these days. I just met with a thirt...
Zoom Zoom Zoom!
So the game design of my untitled project has been done, and now I'm up to level a...
Move To Mouse Click
click and make your player move there - Posted by lilneo
Playing *.swf Files In Game Maker
Heres how to do it cleanly and properly - Posted by freaked
2d Shooting.
Shoot Like in Duck Doom Deluxe. :] - Posted by clod14

Saturday, 20 October

More about Rewards [new]
I have been discussing rewards before, indicating how important it is that you carefull...
spoken [new]
IK zag op eens op het internet een plaatje van een kerk in mijn stad daar zag ik ietst ...
3 plaatje onder elkaar [new]
Ik heb drie plaatje en die wil als achtergrond maar als ik er een neem komt de andere w...
Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 100+ downloads - Posted by trigger22
Resident Evil Inventory [new]
How to make your own RE inventory - Posted by killerelectro
Fake 3d Physics Example [new]
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
VERPLAATST: Veilig maken van formulier [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Programmeren.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topic=1922.0
Best of: augustus en september [new]
Best of: augustus en septemberGame maker is zo waanzinnig populair dat er per dag tient...
HTML-Quelltext auslesen [new]
Heute, 18:26 - HTML-Quelltext auslesen (tricktickler)Ich hab ein Problem und zwar wÃÂ...
J&R laufproblem [new]
Heute, 15:28 - J&R laufproblem (gala)hi,ich hab für ein jump and run spiel paar...
Registrierung [new]
Heute, 10:00 - Registrierung (Calpirinha)Guten Morgen,Ich habe ein Problem mit der Reg...
The curse of the GMA [new]
Game Maker Awards 2007.Marred in controversy and with over 800 posts the GMC topic has ...
Gray Day Upload [new]
Gray Day Upload wilt imageshack overtreffen, geen advertentie's en een snellere ser...
Objekt stoppen [new]
Heute, 00:57 - Objekt stoppen (simon191)hallo ich versuche ein Pong spiel zu machen (P...
HTML-Quelltext auslesen [new]
Gestern, 18:26 - HTML-Quelltext auslesen (tricktickler)Ich hab ein Problem und zwar wÃ...
J&R laufproblem [new]
Gestern, 15:28 - J&R laufproblem (gala)hi,ich hab für ein jump and run spiel pa...
Registrierung [new]
Gestern, 10:00 - Registrierung (Calpirinha)Guten Morgen,Ich habe ein Problem mit der R...
Fake 3d Physics Example [new]
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Spawn At Random Spawn Point [new]
Example showing easiest way how - Posted by e_barroga
Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 100+ downloads - Posted by trigger22
Learn Gml From Scratch [new]
By making a pool table - Posted by icuurd12b42
Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 200+ downloads - Posted by trigger22
More about Rewards
I have been discussing rewards before, indicating how important it is that you carefull...
Best of: augustus en september
Best of: augustus en septemberGame maker is zo waanzinnig populair dat er per dag tient...
The curse of the GMA
Game Maker Awards 2007.Marred in controversy and with over 800 posts the GMC topic has ...
Resident Evil Inventory
How to make your own RE inventory - Posted by killerelectro

Sunday, 21 October

S-FmodEx [new]
For those wondering where I have been lately...S-FmodEx...it's another complete re...
Jumper Three: Potions [new]
Jumper Three: PotionsIn my last blog entry, I hinted at potions which will change Ogmo&...
Step-Event - GML Code Problem [new]
Heute, 01:03 - Step-Event - GML Code Problem (Michaelp800)Hallo Leutz!Habe ein Problem...
Spawn At Random Spawn Point [new]
Example showing easiest way how - Posted by e_barroga
Zufälliges Bild [new]
Heute, 19:25 - Zufälliges Bild (simon191)Hallo Weis einer wie ichsowas machen kann ...
GML Befehl von COLORIZE SPRITE [new]
Heute, 18:59 - GML Befehl von COLORIZE SPRITE (Mirbu)Hi ich habe schon in ein paar Spi...
Exe to Java [new]
Heute, 13:05 - Exe to Java (simon191)Hallo,ja ich möchte gerne ein Fertiges Spiel i...
Leute für neues Projekt gesucht. [new]
Heute, 19:46 - Leute für neues Projekt gesucht. (gamer)Ich suche diese Leute für...
2d Flail Weapon Example [new]
semi-realistic - Posted by jabelar
A Tad More Advanced Tank Tutorial [new]
firing at mouse, rotation - Posted by general sirhc
Simple Platformer Example. [new]
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521
Rpg Example [new]
Easily intergrated, and well commented - Posted by Flea1991
tekst editior [new]
IK zoek een script of pakket of zo voor dit.ec.bmp
Zeer ernstig movie maker probleem [new]
Als ik windows movie maker opstart krijg ik de melding: "file for video effects an...
pc afgesloten bestand beschadigd kan niet meer verwijderen [new]
een titel in goed nederlands  maar ik was dus aan het downloaden en ik moest de u...
Fake 3d Physics Example [new]
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Spawn At Random Spawn Point [new]
Example showing easiest way how - Posted by e_barroga
For those wondering where I have been lately...S-FmodEx...it's another complete re...
Jumper Three: Potions
Jumper Three: PotionsIn my last blog entry, I hinted at potions which will change Ogmo&...
2d Flail Weapon Example
semi-realistic - Posted by jabelar
A Tad More Advanced Tank Tutorial
firing at mouse, rotation - Posted by general sirhc
Simple Platformer Example.
Good for beginners. - Posted by Blackdragon521
Rpg Example
Easily intergrated, and well commented - Posted by Flea1991
Fake 3d Physics Example
using GMPhysics by Chris Giles - Posted by Keth
Spawn At Random Spawn Point
Example showing easiest way how - Posted by e_barroga

Monday, 22 October

Welke programma's staan op jou pc? [new]
Ik vroeg me af welke programma's jij dagelijks gebruikt, of die op je pc zijn ge...
Huiswerk [new]
Hoi ik vraag me zelf wel is of wie hier allemaal perfect zijn hw maakt ik moet meteen ...
[Review]Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings [new]
Age of Empires II: The Age of KingsEen aantal volken, grondstoffen, een leger en jijzel...
naardekern.nl [new]
Hey,Ik heb laatst een coaching-website gemaakt, voor een klant die een coaching praktij...
Welke programma's staan op jou pc? [new]
Ik vroeg me af welke programma's jij dagelijks gebruikt, of die op je pc zijn geÃÂ...
Basic Gml Lesson 1 [new]
[UPDATED : JUNE 7 2007] - Posted by AaronSaltsman0_o
Follow Another Object Example 1.0 [new]
Posted by MegaMetroidFan9
Natho's Legendary Inventory V1.1 [new]
UPDATE! Download v1.1! - Posted by Natho
Scollbars Using Views Example [new]
Vertical/horizontal with arrows/sliders - Posted by jabelar
Smooth Camera - By Fede-lasse [new]
Good for TDSes. - Posted by fede-lasse
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Tower Defense Engine [new]
For unregistered! - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Instance Creation Code [new]
Sheading light on a little known feature - Posted by Chronic
Waypoint Racing Example [new]
faking ai - Posted by Eva unit-01
Follow Another Object Example 1.0
Posted by MegaMetroidFan9
Waypoint Racing Example
faking ai - Posted by Eva unit-01

Tuesday, 23 October

Uw eigen gemaakte smilies [new]
Hier kunt u uw eigen gemaakte smilies laten zien, en andere mensen kunnen ze gebruiken,...
Brand in armando museum amersfoort [new]
Gistermiddag rond half 2 ontstond in het Armando museum in Amersfoort een grote brand. ...
programma's zoeken [new]
is er een soort zoek machine voor je pc waarop je kan zoeken wat je grootste bestanden ...
Je eigen gemaakte smily [new]
Hier kunt je je eigen gemaakte smilies laten zien, en andere mensen kunnen ze gebruiken...
Basic Gml Lesson 1 [new]
[UPDATED : JUNE 7 2007] - Posted by AaronSaltsman0_o
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View [new]
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Aswin
Scollbars Using Views Example [new]
Vertical/horizontal with arrows/sliders - Posted by jabelar
Smooth Camera - By Fede-lasse [new]
Good for TDSes. - Posted by fede-lasse
Natho's Legendary Inventory V1.1 [new]
UPDATE! Download v1.1! - Posted by Natho
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Tower Defense Engine [new]
For unregistered! - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Instance Creation Code [new]
Sheading light on a little known feature - Posted by Chronic
Detailization (now Commented) [new]
Posted by pepolshet
Scollbars Using Views Example
Vertical/horizontal with arrows/sliders - Posted by jabelar
Smooth Camera - By Fede-lasse
Good for TDSes. - Posted by fede-lasse
Tower Defense Engine
For unregistered! "7/10" - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Instance Creation Code
Sheading light on a little known feature - Posted by Chronic

Wednesday, 24 October

Some news updates [new]
Over the last month we received a lot of messages from people who appreciate our work a...
Whoops - No Changes. [new]
Normally I would moan about people who have problems with their site and don’t do...
probleem meet een spel [new]
ik weet niet of dat dit ondewerp hier thuishoortmaar ik heb een spel op mijn computer s...
game design and development [new]
beste leden,Ik moet profiel keuzes gaan maken en al dat soort gezeik:)en dat moet afges...
front download [new]
IK heb een front gedownload maar waar moet ik hem zetten zodat ik hem kan gebruiken bij...
GR-tool: Base Converter [new]
Niet weer hè? Jawel! Dit keer een programma om getallen om te rekenen van het ene na...
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View [new]
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Aswin
Natho's Legendary Inventory V1.1 [new]
UPDATE! Download v1.1! - Posted by Natho
Some news updates
Over the last month we received a lot of messages from people who appreciate our work a...
Whoops - No Changes.
Normally I would moan about people who have problems with their site and don’t do...
How To Make Healthbars Follow The View
A Picture Example by Azuregames - Posted by Aswin
Natho's Legendary Inventory V1.1
UPDATE! Download v1.1! - Posted by Natho
Some news updates
Over the last month we received a lot of messages from people who appreciate our work a...

Thursday, 25 October

GMTV part 666 [new]
….Decide what host to use already, or how about getting a domain or paid hosting?...
Wat doen jullie zoal 's nachts? [new]
Na een tijdje geen PC gehad te hebben, ben ik weer "back on rails".Nu is mijn...
Pro-V power 250 Watt [new]
HalloIk heb een oude PC van m'n vader gekregen. (Ik zit d'r nu op)Moet alleen w...
Hiro's Platform Engine [new]
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord
GMTV part 666
….Decide what host to use already, or how about getting a domain or paid hosting?...
Hiro's Platform Engine
A (sorta) Simple Platform Engine! - Posted by HiroLord

Friday, 26 October

Game Maker Resources [new]
There are many great games on the YoYo Games site. But one of the things I noticed is t...
Afblijven [new]
Wat vinden jullie van de film afblijven? Mij lijkt het allemaal wel duidelijk, en de bo...
verwijdert [new]
verwijdert{kan een mod dit verwijderen}
Paint van Windows XP [new]
Zou iemand voor mij de paint van windows XP willen uploaden?(www.upsteam.co.nr)Graag al...
Smash Bros. Brawl [Pro] [new]
Smash Bros. Brawl, old news. They're adding new things everyday, though. They just ad...
Poll! [new]
Not much going on. Same as always.This is just a post to tell the events that are relat...
Let's go to tha GAME! [VH] [new]
So, I'm going to a football game tonight, that, according to what everyone is saying, w...
Episodic games. [new]
Do you think episiodic games would work in the GM scene?Because I've had this idea late...
[TWIN]dance+sk8h8 [new]
Yeah, the tickets for the school danceing Tuesday. I'm planning on asking someone out b...
Wreck [new]
You may or may not have heard about my mix-up with an officer recently. Either way, I w...
7 things V3 should have [new]
So, Here is a list of things that could go in v3 (Admins: Take a look):1. A folder syst...
[DF81] Saw 4 [new]
Was a trap. If you've seen the other Saw movies, you've gotta see this one. If not, wat...
Missed yah peoplez [new]
Well, I've been gone for a week - I missed yah guys. Here I tell my tale.I am currently...
Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 250+ downloads - Posted by trigger22
Ai Command Stack [new]
Tell your AIs to do many things - Posted by icuurd12b42
Learn Gml From Scratch [new]
By making a pool table - Posted by icuurd12b42
Nice Looking Scrolling Starfield [new]
Making a space shooter??? - Posted by felpman
Basic Gml Lesson 1 [new]
[UPDATED : JUNE 7 2007] - Posted by AaronSaltsman0_o
Drop Shadowed Text [new]
Easy shadowed text. - Posted by ArtySpace
Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 250+ downloads - Posted by trigger22
View Auto Zoom, Like Super Smash Bros [new]
Keep multiple objects always in view - Posted by jabelar
Pokemon Walking (unreg) [new]
Pokemon walk, doors, deactivating. - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Object As A Healthbar [new]
Posted by jcgurango
Offlinetid inom kort [new]
På grund av att forumet fungerar ganska så, eh, bristfälligt (läs: uselt) ...
Offlinetid inom kort [new]
På grund av att forumet fungerar ganska så, eh, bristfälligt (läs: uselt) ...
Game Maker Resources
There are many great games on the YoYo Games site. But one of the things I noticed is t...
Offlinetid inom kort
På grund av att forumet fungerar ganska så, eh, bristfälligt (läs: uselt) ...
Offlinetid inom kort
På grund av att forumet fungerar ganska så, eh, bristfälligt (läs: uselt) ...

Saturday, 27 October

October Update [new]
Mark Overmars has updated his personal blog with a new post which will assist you in fi...
[Review]Rayman 2: The Great Escape [new]
Rayman 2: The Great Escape De wereld wordt overheerst door het kwaad. Piraten neme...
Jou beeldscherm [new]
Hey mensen,Ik zit nu op een leuk beeldschermpje, 72 cm van rechtsonder naar linksboven....
Html kleur [new]
ik heb een standaard kleur in html aangemaakt door bij <body>tekst="red"...
[REZBLOG] When did kenon get productive? [new]
[center][h1]Lastest news[/h1][img]http://64digits.com/users/REZ/currentevent.png[/img][...
╫Feel my Nougats╫ [new]
Things lately have been so boring! Last night was fun, I suppose. I went to a 'party'. ...
Futile Efforts [new]
It appears that my efforts to acquire the 6000 hits badge were futile. Now since there ...
$KaBlog[3]="Multi-Task"; [new]
Been a while since I blogged, not as long as before but still a while. Stuff has happen...
Current News: remixed music from DooM [new]
I've spent quite a while adding over twenty songs remixed from the original Id classic ...
[t] Manliest Power Point [new]
Has been made.[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/thernody/BIGROBOT/manly.png[/...
[eagly] de bom diggy bom [new]
My style is de bomb diggy bomb de dang de dang diggy diggy.Hehehehehehehehehe.So I star...
64digits-A nation [new]
Note: This is the second time writing this, the first time IE fucked up and decided to ...
New Avatar and Zombeez nearing Completion [new]
I haven't talked much about Zombees, but I'll tell you this. It will soon be my first r...
[Mazi] Top 5 hardest games to beat [new]
Just because a game is hard doesn't mean it is bad. However, harder games are notorious...
Submissions Open [new]
Submission of songs should now work, so upload away: any problems should be reported in...
Varia [new]
A game heavily inspired by the Gradius Series, Raiden 2, Cho Ren Sha 68k, and other sho...
Chips World [new]
To start off with, Chips World is a W.I.P that I had cancled in 2006 but I recently dec...
Gear World - 8.2 [new]
(Entry for a GMClans battle...)[b]Description[/b]You play as a strange robot with memor...
The Class 2 [new]
This is a sequel to 'The Class'. The new changes are:-Better Graphics-Spitwad abilities...
Botchey Goes Butcher [new]
This is a little game I made today to irritate my friend. You play as Botchey(my friend...
Varia - 9.4 [new]
A game heavily inspired by the Gradius Series, Raiden 2, Cho Ren Sha 68k, and other sho...
Gear World - 7.6 [new]
(Entry for a GMClans battle...)[b]Description[/b]You play as a strange robot with memor...
Varia - 9.8 [new]
A game heavily inspired by the Gradius Series, Raiden 2, Cho Ren Sha 68k, and other sho...
Gear World - 7.7 [new]
(Entry for a GMClans battle...)[b]Description[/b]You play as a strange robot with memor...
The Class 2 - 6.8 [new]
This is a sequel to 'The Class'. The new changes are:-Better Graphics-Spitwad abilities...
Varia - 9.9 [new]
A game heavily inspired by the Gradius Series, Raiden 2, Cho Ren Sha 68k, and other sho...
Savefile Menus V2 [new]
No more dialog boxes! 350+ downloads! - Posted by trigger22
Ai Command Stack [new]
Tell your AIs to do many things - Posted by icuurd12b42
Learn Gml From Scratch [new]
By making a pool table - Posted by icuurd12b42
Varia - 9.8/10 [new]
A game heavily inspired by the Gradius Series, Raiden 2, Cho Ren Sha 68k, and other sho...
Chips World - 0/10 [new]
To start off with, Chips World is a W.I.P that I had cancled in 2006 but I recently dec...
Closest Enemy Example - 3.5/10 [new]
This example shows you how to make your character shoot towards the nearest enemy and f...
Gear World - 7.9 [new]
(Entry for a GMClans battle...)[b]Description[/b]You play as a strange robot with memor...
October Update
Mark Overmars has updated his personal blog with a new post which will assist you in fi...
Ai Command Stack
Tell your AIs to do many things - Posted by icuurd12b42
Learn Gml From Scratch
By making a pool table - Posted by icuurd12b42
Chips World
To start off with, Chips World is a W.I.P that I had cancled in 2006 but I recently dec...
Gear World - 7.9
(Entry for a GMClans battle...)[b]Description[/b]You play as a strange robot with memor...
The Class 2 - 6.8
This is a sequel to 'The Class'. The new changes are:-Better Graphics-Spitwad abilities...
Botchey Goes Butcher
This is a little game I made today to irritate my friend. You play as Botchey(my friend...
Submissions Open
Submission of songs should now work, so upload away: any problems should be reported in...
Savefile Menus V2
No more dialog boxes! 350+ downloads! - Posted by trigger22
Varia - 9.8
A game heavily inspired by the Gradius Series, Raiden 2, Cho Ren Sha 68k, and other sho...
Gear World - 7.8
(Entry for a GMClans battle...)[b]Description[/b]You play as a strange robot with memor...
Submissions Open
Submission of songs should now work, so upload away: any problems should be reported in...
LODM - Forgotten Temple
This is being used for a level in my game, Legend of the Dark Moon. It will be used fo...

Sunday, 28 October

Varia [new]
Blast your way through enemies as you reach ever closer to the core. Fight screen-filli...
New Game In-Dev: Paper Flight [new]
So I guess I should start using this Blog for something.  Well, it's a Gaming...
Random stuff [new]
So, after getting some relief from finishing Varia, it's back to coping with schoo...
goede server [new]
Hallo, ik heb net een mixje opgenomen van een half uurtje. Ik wil hem uploaden maar hij...
pcfreaks [new]
sorry onze server is momenteel ontoegankelijk voor mij  . dus laat ik het hier maa...
Racestuur, wat voor 1 zal ik nemen? [new]
Ik zit te overwegen om een racestuur te kopen, maar ik heb er eigenlijk helemaal geen e...
Verhalen maak wedstrijd[winnaar krijgt een game van zijn/haar verhaal] [new]
Welkom bij de "verhalen maak wedstrijd #1",Het is de bedoeling dat je een ver...
code [new]
wat is de code voor dit:als soort spannend is maak de volgende tekst:blablablablablabla...
Varia [new]
Fast paced shoot-em-up
Vervanger Publisher [new]
Ik ben opzoek naar een (gratis?) vervanger van Microsoft Publisher. Weet iemand een goe...
Logo contest: Stemronde 1 [new]
Hier onder alle inzendingen voor de logo contest, op volgorde van inzending. Stemmen ka...
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Pause Game Example [new]
Very easy to use!! - Posted by Josho13
GameMakerTech Issue 8 Released [new]
Reverting back to monthly publication didn’t go well for GameMakerTech.Anyway, is...
Game Maker TV back on track [new]
GMTV dead?Despite all the delays along the way it looks like the first real episode wil...
VERPLAATST: HTML In javascript [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Programmeren.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topic=1980.0
HTML In javascript [new]
Ja, ik wil HTML in Javascript. Als voorbeeld wil ik dit:Code:<div><b>Hallo&...
Vraag over PHP + mysql [new]
Hoi,ik heb een vraag. Ik heb een soort systeem gemaakt die info uit de database haalt i...
GMTech Issue 8 Released [new]
Game Maker Technology magazine has just released Issue 8 of their e-magazine. It can be...
Wii Winkelkanaal koppelen met Nintendo 24/7 [new]
Ik heb een Wii ( ) en in het winkel kanaal staat dat ik mijn Wii kan koppelen met mijn ...
3800+ overclocken [new]
ik wil mijn AMD 2x 3800+ overclocken maar hoe? ik weet dat er een risico aan zit maar w...
First Person Shooter waffen [new]
28.10.2007 22:26 - First Person Shooter waffen (Nemesis)Hallo Community,Ich glaub mal ...
Sprite verschwindet!!! HELP! [new]
28.10.2007 21:23 - Sprite verschwindet!!! HELP! (xxskxx)Hi!Ich versuche ein Breakout S...
Wer erstellt einfaches Hit the Ball Spiel? mit "Bezahlung" [new]
28.10.2007 20:13 - Wer erstellt einfaches Hit the Ball Spiel? mit "Bezahlung"...
Mehrspieler aber nicht im WEB [new]
28.10.2007 19:55 - Mehrspieler aber nicht im WEB (Hacky14)Hi,habe zwar schon im Forum ...
Basic Script And Gml Tutorial [new]
Learn scripting and GML with this! - Posted by Fyeregg
OLD Super Mario Bros Update 7: Now working! - 9/10 [new]
(NOTE: Somehow when this was first uploaded, it for some reason uploaded a 404 page. Th...
LODM - Forgotten Temple [new]
This is being used for a level in my game, Legend of the Dark Moon. It will be used fo...
Blast your way through enemies as you reach ever closer to the core. Fight screen-filli...
GameMakerTech Issue 8 Released
Reverting back to monthly publication didn’t go well for GameMakerTech.Anyway, is...
Game Maker TV back on track
GMTV dead?Despite all the delays along the way it looks like the first real episode wil...
GMTech Issue 8 Released
Game Maker Technology magazine has just released Issue 8 of their e-magazine. It can be...
Fast paced shoot-em-up
New Game In-Dev: Paper Flight
So I guess I should start using this Blog for something.  Well, it's a Gaming...
Random stuff
So, after getting some relief from finishing Varia, it's back to coping with schoo...
Allows for the use of a single Wii Remote (unofficially, Wiimote) in Game Maker.
New Competition
Hey there everyone! It's me, cactus. I've been allowed to start a little co...
GiiMote 2.3
Allows for the use of a single Wii Remote (unofficially, Wiimote) in Game Maker.
Blast your way through enemies as you reach ever closer to the core. Fight screen-filli...
Fast paced shoot-em-up
Fast paced shoot-em-up

Monday, 29 October

Questions [new]
I humbly ask for guidance. :)How feasible is making a living through shareware? Being i...
Duels [new]
Hey iedereen!ik heb een te gek spel gevonden op internet, genaamd: Duels.Het is een soo...
Nieuwe accu voor W375 [new]
Hoi,door mijn computer bij mijn vader, die nogal eng is(mijn vorige MP3 flipte als ie i...
Wat vind jij het leukste schoolvak? [new]
Hey allemaal,Ik ben om de een of andere rede wel benieuwd wat jullie het leukste school...
laatste kans voor ubuntu: dual boot met vista 100% werkend.... [new]
aangezien ik problemen had met ubuntu de vorige keer had ik gezegt het verlopig niet me...
advertenties [new]
Hallo,ik zou willen proberen om met mijn site een beetje geld te verdienen. Ik krijg nu...
Blog Splatter [new]
It's been a while (again) since I've updated this =) so i think ill take it f...
Kaufen / Shopen [new]
29.10.2007 21:51 - Kaufen / Shopen (-=-XDevil-=-)Hi leuts...Ich hätte da mal so ein...
Blend Mode oder wie? (Sauber Kanten) [new]
29.10.2007 20:14 - Blend Mode oder wie? (Sauber Kanten) (Yeah3)Hallo,meine Frage:Wie b...
ATI Catalyst Setup - Earthsim? [new]
29.10.2007 15:56 - ATI Catalyst Setup - Earthsim? (DanielGM61)Eine schnelle Frage zwis...
Systeminformation abrufen mit dll [new]
29.10.2007 11:58 - Systeminformation abrufen mit dll (DanielGM61)Mit welcher dll kann ...
Update: Mandelbrot und Pythagoras-Baum [new]
29.10.2007 11:20 - Update: Mandelbrot und Pythagoras-Baum (DanielGM61)Wie erschaffe ic...
Basic Gml Lesson 1 [new]
[UPDATED : JUNE 7 2007] - Posted by AaronSaltsman0_o
Wormslike 2d Engine [new]
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Pokemon Walking (unreg) "9.5/10" [new]
Pokemon walk, doors, deactivating. - Posted by mmaarrkkuuss
Clayster's Star Wars Lightsaber Quest - 0/10 [new]
Ok I have been using game Maker for a years now and not once have I seen a lightaber e...
Blog Splatter
It's been a while (again) since I've updated this =) so i think ill take it f...
I humbly ask for guidance. :)How feasible is making a living through shareware? Being i...
Wormslike 2d Engine
Destructable 2d terain - Posted by cambesa
Text file editing a tedious process with endless loops? Try Superedit! Read, write, i...
Programmeren is problemen opsplitsen
Mensen, hoe maak ik een platformspel? Geen idee. Oh wacht ik vraag 't forum wel hoe je ...
Programmeren is problemen opsplitsen
span style="font-family: trebuchet ms;"Mensen, hoe maak ik een platformspel? ...

Tuesday, 30 October

Rpg Example [new]
Easily intergrated, and well commented - Posted by Flea1991
Rpg Example
Easily intergrated, and well commented - Posted by Flea1991
I got rocked by the internet [new]
I just had an exam over the internet. I was to translate a text from japanese to swedis...
My Atari Games [new]
I programmed my first computer games in the eighties. First on the big Unix computer of...
Máxima: ‘Nederlandse identiteit nog niet ontdekt’ [new]
Máxima: ‘Nederlandse identiteit nog niet ontdekt’Den Haag, 25 sept. Er bestaat...
YoYo Games [new]
Hoi, wat vinden jullie van YoYo Games? Ik vind dat Game Maker er wel op vooruitgegaan i...
Random inhoud uit map in andere zetten [new]
Hoi,omdat ik tijdelijk geen MP3 heb, ga ik het 128MB dinkie van mijn broer lenen.Dit is...
Tabelranden en mouseover effect [new]
Hoi,zoals je op deze pagina ziet bij de tabellen:http://www.azerty.nl/producten/zoek/17...
Game Maker Tutorials [new]
Het is dan eindelijk zover, mijn Game Maker Tutorials site is voor het grootste gedeelt...
IP ermitteln (wie bei whatismyip.com) [new]
Gestern, 20:38 - IP ermitteln (wie bei whatismyip.com) (Yeah3)Kann man mit dem GameMak...
Vista & DX10 und andere Affären [new]
Gestern, 20:13 - Vista & DX10 und andere Affären (F4LL0UT)Was haltet Ihr eigent...
Game Maker 6.1 - Und was alles möglich ist! [new]
Gestern, 16:29 - Game Maker 6.1 - Und was alles möglich ist! (-=-XDevil-=-)HalliHal...
3D-Panzer [new]
Gestern, 16:08 - 3D-Panzer (-=-XDevil-=-)Tralalala... ich bins mal wieder..^^Ziel: Ich...
Ambitions [new]
I'm full of them. If you shake me up, they'll fizz out of my eyeballs all over your po...
64DigitsInformer Issue #1 [new]
Here is the first issue of the unofficial 64digits magazine, 64DigitsInformer. We will ...
(Whistle) Bin a while, huh? [new]
WellÂ…..it seems I havenÂ’t updated for the last millennia. I guess I should try to mak...
[423] Brainstorm [new]
Yes, apparently IÂ’m having a brainstorm of 64Brawl right now. IÂ’ve been obsessing ove...
Nice Looking Scrolling Starfield [new]
Making a space shooter? "10/10" -unreg- - Posted by felpman
View Auto Zoom, Like Super Smash Bros [new]
Keep multiple objects always in view - Posted by jabelar
Drop Shadowed Text [new]
Easy shadowed text. Rated 9/10! - Posted by ArtySpace
Cool Looking Scrolling Starfield! [new]
130+DLs! -unregistered compatible!- - Posted by felpman
Chocobo theme [new]
Remake of the awesome chocobo theme from the Final Fantasy games. I really have no clue...
My Atari Games
I programmed my first computer games in the eighties. First on the big Unix computer of...
I got rocked by the internet
I just had an exam over the internet. I was to translate a text from japanese to swedis...
Cool Looking Scrolling Starfield!
170+DLs! -unregistered compatible!- - Posted by felpman
View Auto Zoom, Like Super Smash Bros
Keep multiple objects always in view - Posted by jabelar
Drop Shadowed Text
Easy shadowed text. Rated 9/10! - Posted by ArtySpace
Chocobo theme
Remake of the awesome chocobo theme from the Final Fantasy games. I really have no clue...

Wednesday, 31 October

Kriege mein Menü nicht erstellt und dass bei 2 Spielern die Leben einzeln angezeigt werden!!! [new]
Heute, 16:32 - Kriege mein Menü nicht erstellt und dass bei 2 Spielern die Leben ei...
GM 7 mit WINE [new]
Heute, 13:41 - GM 7 mit WINE (knuckles12)Hallo Ich bin nun auf Linux umgestiegen (Kubu...
GMB 6 months on [new]
Yesterday GameMakerBlog reached 6 months online. 6 months in which I have spouted my vi...
Halloween = fail. [‡] [new]
Halloween. I hate Halloween. I haven't been trick-or-treating in about 6 years, ever ...
AI Engine Nearly Complete [64B] [new]
For a few days now, I've been spending some time working on the basic AI for 64Brawl. ...
Interesting Blog [new]
31-10-07 ([url=http://www.pyzam.com/toys/view/tictacscare]Haloween[/url])DistortionI ca...
Football and USBness [new]
If people have read any of my previous blogs, then you would know the I play Slot Back ...
Multiplayer [new]
Im making a multiplayer game. With some help from Josh Dreamland. Its called Shootdown ...
Fruity Loops, and other stuff. [new]
First of all, I have been recently playng around with the demo of fruityloops. When I h...
Hauton Village [new]
A shadow has fallen on the small village of Haunton; two strange beings of shadowy orig...
Kajou Kazuma [new]
Kajou Kazuma is an abstract, never-ending, wave-based arcade shooter. You control the o...
Mazimadu's Bubbles [new]
This is just a game I made in 1 week. It is essentially a clone of the Bubbles flash g...
Forbidden Garden [new]
Hello!Now is my game Forbidden Garden, done to 100%.But I only wanted to be done becaus...
Greasemonkey - GMOT Header script [new]
Goedendag![code]// ==UserScript==// @name GMOT Header script// @namespace http://www.gm...
PIII Overclock [new]
Hallo Ik kom niet verder met mijn overclock van 866 MHz naar 1105. Het gaat hier om een...
Blue screen of death [new]
Hallo,Ik heb al 5x ongeveer een BOSD (Blue screen of death) gehad.Dit is zwaar irritant...
Detailization (now Commented) [new]
Posted by pepolshet
Object As A Healthbar [new]
Posted by jcgurango
Pause Game Example [new]
Very easy to use!! - Posted by Josho13
Perftest V7 - 0/10 [new]
This is a small utility I made for testing purposes with gamemaker 7! (why can't I choo...
Hauton Village - 6/10 [new]
A shadow has fallen on the small village of Haunton; two strange beings of shadowy orig...
Kajou Kazuma - 7.6/10 [new]
Kajou Kazuma is an abstract, never-ending, wave-based arcade shooter. You control the o...
Mazimadu's Bubbles - 8.5/10 [new]
This is just a game I made in 1 week. It is essentially a clone of the Bubbles flash g...
Forbidden Garden - 0/10 [new]
Hello!Now is my game Forbidden Garden, done to 100%.But I only wanted to be done becaus...
Kajou Kazuma - 7.6 [new]
Kajou Kazuma is an abstract, never-ending, wave-based arcade shooter. You control the o...
Kajou Kazuma - 7.5 [new]
Kajou Kazuma is an abstract, never-ending, wave-based arcade shooter. You control the o...
GMB 6 months on
Yesterday GameMakerBlog reached 6 months online. 6 months in which I have spouted my vi...
Hauton Village
A shadow has fallen on the small village of Haunton; two strange beings of shadowy orig...
Kajou Kazuma - 7.6
Kajou Kazuma is an abstract, never-ending, wave-based arcade shooter. You control the o...
Helps in making intelligent AI. Very easy to use, and with a detailed help file.
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