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October 2007

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Mark's Glog

Thursday, 4 October

Highscore Lists [new]
Most games nowadays give you a score while you play the game and allow you to put your ...
Highscore Lists
Most games nowadays give you a score while you play the game and allow you to put your ...

Saturday, 13 October

Review: Kororinpa [new]
One of the first games I bought for the Wii (after Zelda) was Kororinpa. In this game y...
Review: Kororinpa
One of the first games I bought for the Wii (after Zelda) was Kororinpa. In this game y...

Wednesday, 17 October

Game Maker Competition [new]
The GM Tech and MarkUp magazines are holding a Game Maker competition under the name Th...
Game Maker Competition
The GM Tech and MarkUp magazines are holding a Game Maker competition under the name Th...

Saturday, 20 October

More about Rewards [new]
I have been discussing rewards before, indicating how important it is that you carefull...
More about Rewards
I have been discussing rewards before, indicating how important it is that you carefull...

Friday, 26 October

Game Maker Resources [new]
There are many great games on the YoYo Games site. But one of the things I noticed is t...
Game Maker Resources
There are many great games on the YoYo Games site. But one of the things I noticed is t...

Tuesday, 30 October

My Atari Games [new]
I programmed my first computer games in the eighties. First on the big Unix computer of...
My Atari Games
I programmed my first computer games in the eighties. First on the big Unix computer of...

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« September 2007 | October 2007 | November 2007 »