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December 2007

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« November 2007 | December 2007 | January 2008 »


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Monday, 3 December

YoYo Needs You!
Again not so much of a news update - this time more of a plea for help. The Open Web Aw...
Site & Forum Converted
As you may have noticed, the forum has been converted to Simple Machines from an outdat...

Saturday, 8 December

GMRace Finals
The final voting for the GMRace has begun. The final vote is public and open to all GMC...

Sunday, 9 December

GM7 “Crack” Virus on YYG
Today Game Maker Blog had a post concerning a “crack” for GM7 Pro, hosted o...

Monday, 10 December

GMRumors Closing Down
Due to lack of interest and public opinion, GMRumors is closing down. A final post has ...

Tuesday, 11 December

Vote for YYG in The Crunchies
YoyoGames is requesting that users vote for them in another online contest. Voting for ...

Wednesday, 12 December

Techcrunch flavoured webby’s
Hi Peeps, It looks like it’s awards season. Techcrunch are currently accepting no...

Thursday, 13 December

YoYoGames Disqualified!
Despite receiving around 25% of the nominations YoYo have failed to reach the final 10...

Friday, 14 December

The Mashable Awards
Hello all, Yesterday was a frustrating day. Despite all your support and about 25% of t...
Mashables Makes Up
A few weeks ago, Jim Peddie of YoyoGames asked in a GLOG entry for users to nominate YY...

Saturday, 15 December

Share your Desktop Wallpaper with WallShare
WallShare by zedman1000 is a small (2.84 MB download) program that enables you to swap...
YoYoGames Reinstated
In a change of fortune it has been announced by YoYoGames that they have been reinstat...

Sunday, 16 December

December Magazine Releases
Download GMTech Issue 9Download MarkUp Issue 10 (December)The past few days have seen b...

Monday, 17 December

Open Web Awards Final!
Hi All, So, Great news! After a slightly bumpy ride, we’ve reached the third and fin...

Friday, 21 December

TheGMRace finalists receive prizes
TheGMRace, the Game Maker competition run by the MarkUp and GameMakerTech Magazines has...

Sunday, 23 December

ShadePlay23’s Game Maker School [new]
Shadeplay23 is the mysterious man behind Game Maker School . He won’t tell you ...
ShadePlay23’s Game Maker School
Shadeplay23 is the mysterious man behind Game Maker School . He won’t tell you ...

Tuesday, 25 December

GameMaker-Tv.com Episode 2 [new]
Bored at Christmas?  The Christmas themed Epsiode 2 of Danny’s GameMaker-TV.com...

Wednesday, 26 December

Yoyo Games Winter Competition [new]
Posted by Mark Overmars
Yoyo Games Winter Competition
Posted by Mark Overmars

Thursday, 27 December

Gnazine, Pt. 2 [new]
And gNAZIne, my Game Maker magazine of choice returns with a stunningly awesome second ...
Yay! A threat. [new]
It’s come it’s come. GameMaker Blog has received its first threat.Reminds o...
TheGMRace Results [new]
TheGMRace is over, voting has closed. There were 186 votes and one clear winner…...

Saturday, 29 December

Why I Should Become A Mod [new]
Someone has been at the GMC for just over a year and it seems to have gone to their he...
YoYo Games [new]
Why is it that ever since GM got on the YoYo train, the GMC started getting a sudden fl...
YoYo Games
Why is it that ever since GM got on the YoYo train, the GMC started getting a sudden fl...

Sunday, 30 December

High scorez [new]
…Fix them already, Nate!For your own abuse fun, simply use the GET values “...
High scorez [new]
…Fix them already, Nate!EDIT: It’s about time the instructions go off: plea...
High scorez
…Fix them already, Nate!EDIT: It’s about time the instructions go off: plea...

Monday, 31 December

The Year. 2007. [new]
2007 has come and gone. Here, by request, is a list of the most popular posts on GameM...
TheGMRace Results Revealed [new]
The MarkUp game development magazine has announced the results of thegmrace in its Janu...
GMB is now officially “immature”! [new]
Who wants to print this out and frame it?
GMTV forums [new]
Somebody forgot to install a spam filter.In other news, I encourage everybody to get Sn...
GMB is now officially “immature”! [new]
Who wants to print this out and frame it?Addition:And the person claiming that this blo...
The Year. 2007.
2007 has come and gone. Here, by request, is a list of the most popular posts on GameM...
TheGMRace Results Revealed
The MarkUp game development magazine has announced the results of thegmrace in its Janu...
GMB is now officially “immature”!
Who wants to print this out and frame it?Addition:And the person claiming that this blo...
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