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December 2007

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Game Maker News

Saturday, 8 December

GMRace Finals
The final voting for the GMRace has begun. The final vote is public and open to all GMC...

Sunday, 9 December

GM7 “Crack” Virus on YYG
Today Game Maker Blog had a post concerning a “crack” for GM7 Pro, hosted o...

Monday, 10 December

GMRumors Closing Down
Due to lack of interest and public opinion, GMRumors is closing down. A final post has ...

Tuesday, 11 December

Vote for YYG in The Crunchies
YoyoGames is requesting that users vote for them in another online contest. Voting for ...

Friday, 14 December

Mashables Makes Up
A few weeks ago, Jim Peddie of YoyoGames asked in a GLOG entry for users to nominate YY...

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