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January 2008

Archive Archive

« December 2007 | January 2008 | February 2008 »

Tutorials and Examples

Saturday, 12 January

Damaged Mega Man Example
Finally, a full mega man example by me - Posted by Damaged
Shooter Id
gm7 unregistered - Posted by hardcoregamer
Simple Menu Example-unreg
and an invicnible pong A.i. - Posted by grumpymonkey
Text Based Menu
Posted by Chronic
Easy-to-learn Gml Tutorial
BEST WAY TO LEARN GML! - Posted by General Leo

Sunday, 13 January

Space Invaders Example [new]
GMK File - Posted by Youngling
Improved Cricle Healthbars [new]
Cleaner code, more options etc - Posted by Khelder
Rpg Example/engine [new]
LEVELING, BATTLING, AND STATS! - Posted by hardcoregamer
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2 [new]
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 600+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
Flamethrower Tutorial [new]
Halo's flamethrower effect in 2D - Posted by jsorgeagames
Simple Paint
Posted by yamitimi
Dragging The View Example
Drag the view with the mouse - Posted by Erik Leppen
Flamethrower Tutorial
Halo's flamethrower effect in 2D - Posted by jsorgeagames
Space Invaders Example
GMK File - Posted by Youngling
Improved Cricle Healthbars
Cleaner code, more options etc - Posted by Khelder
Rpg Example/engine
LEVELING, BATTLING, AND STATS! - Posted by hardcoregamer
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 600+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 750+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL

Monday, 14 January

Mario Tutorial(s) [new]
1st in the series - Posted by orange451
1000000 Instances! New (jan 12 2008) [new]
Save CPU using fake clones and surfaces - Posted by icuurd12b42
Random Enemy Name Example! [new]
Extremely Easy! - Posted by hardcoregamer
Random Enemy Name Example!
Extremely Easy! - Posted by hardcoregamer
1000000 Instances! New (jan 12 2008)
Save CPU using fake clones and surfaces - Posted by icuurd12b42

Tuesday, 15 January

Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block [new]
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Random Grid-style Map Generator [new]
Perfect for strategy games - Posted by Qwertyman
Random Grid-style Map Generator
Perfect for strategy games - Posted by Qwertyman
Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex

Wednesday, 16 January

Water Surface Reflection In 3d [new]
A surface which reflects 3D terrain - Posted by Waspwort

Thursday, 17 January

Ai Command Stack (new Unreg Version) [new]
Tell your AIs to do many things - Posted by icuurd12b42
2d Super Mario Galaxy Gravity Non-circular Planets [new]
InDepth Description Added - Posted by $pecter
Motion Planning Tutorial [new]
VERY easy and heavily commented! - Posted by Fede-lasse
Motion Planning Tutorial
VERY easy and heavily commented! - Posted by Fede-lasse
Ai Command Stack (new Unreg Version)
Tell your AIs to do many things - Posted by icuurd12b42

Friday, 18 January

Simple 2d Shadow Engine New Version ! [new]
2d Shadows Based On Lights For Beginners - Posted by nonya24
What Is A Dll? [new]
The DLL explained for Game Maker - Posted by Smarty
Kf Topdown Lighting Engine (1.1 Update) Now In Zip [new]
Lighting, movement, shadows etc. - Posted by kikko fergae
Word Censor [new]
"****", as easy as using an array... - Posted by Rixeno
Typewriter Text [new]
Posted by Lukearentz
Cutstom Health Bars [new]
Posted by Saijee
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Water Surface Reflection In 3d [new]
A surface which reflects 3D terrain - Posted by Waspwort
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Word Censor
"****", as easy as using an array... - Posted by Rixeno
Simple 2d Shadow Engine New Version !
2d Shadows Based On Lights For Beginners - Posted by nonya24

Saturday, 19 January

Water Surface Reflection In 3d [new]
A surface which reflects 3D terrain - Posted by Waspwort
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Typewriter Text [new]
Posted by Lukearentz
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Automatic Tileset System [new]
Don't need to place individual pieces. - Posted by Lucana_Van_Xant
Sprite Based Menu Unreg [new]
using D&D with code of 10 words - Posted by balls01
Water Surface Reflection In 3d [new]
A surface which reflects 3D terrain - Posted by Waspwort

Sunday, 20 January

Water Surface Reflection In 3d [new]
A surface which reflects 3D terrain - Posted by Waspwort
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
2d Super Mario Galaxy Gravity Non-circular Planets [new]
InDepth Description Added - Posted by $pecter
Sprite Based Menu Unreg [new]
using D&D with code of 10 words - Posted by balls01
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Mario Tutorial(s) [new]
1st in the series - Posted by orange451
Sprite Based Menu Unreg
using D&D with code of 10 words - Posted by balls01

Monday, 21 January

3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Mario Tutorial(s) [new]
1st in the series - Posted by orange451
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
2d Super Mario Galaxy Gravity Non-circular Planets [new]
InDepth Description Added - Posted by $pecter
Moving To Future Position [new]
Perfected - Posted by freya_crescent
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Simple Menu Example-unreg [new]
and an invicnible pong A.i. - Posted by grumpymonkey
Automatic Tileset System [new]
Don't need to place individual pieces. - Posted by Lucana_Van_Xant
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Fade Effect [new]
Very simple, very nice! - Posted by lars141
3d Rts Tutorial
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Mario Tutorial(s)
1st in the series - Posted by orange451

Tuesday, 22 January

Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Simple Menu Example-unreg [new]
and an invicnible pong A.i. - Posted by grumpymonkey
Automatic Tileset System [new]
Don't need to place individual pieces. - Posted by Lucana_Van_Xant
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Fade Effect [new]
Very simple, very nice! - Posted by lars141
Dg Paint Example [new]
Make your own Paint Programs - Posted by DefuzionGames
Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block [new]
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Homing - Chase Nearest Instance [new]
Detects Nearest Obj/Inst and Chases - Posted by Louis8k8
Automatic Tileset System [new]
*Updated* - Posted by Lucana_Van_Xant
Window Manipulation Control [new]
Customize the window border! - Posted by Fede-lasse
Mouse Menu [new]
A simple alternative for mouse hovers - Posted by rigozeta
2d Super Mario Galaxy Gravity Non-circular Planets [new]
InDepth Description Added - Posted by $pecter
Lighting Example [new]
"Disco Lighting" - Posted by aviraldg
Parameter String And Count [new]
Aka "Command-Line Arguments" - Posted by halo shg
Fade Effect [new]
Very simple, very nice! - Posted by lars141
Moving To Future Position [new]
Perfected - Posted by freya_crescent
Clicking Only The Object On Top [new]
Not the objects underneath - Posted by Iron_M
Dg Paint Example [new]
Make your own Paint Programs - Posted by DefuzionGames
Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block [new]
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Random Grid-style Map Generator [new]
Perfect for strategy games - Posted by Qwertyman
Text Based Menu [new]
Posted by Chronic
Simple Menu Example-unreg
and an invicnible pong A.i. - Posted by grumpymonkey

Wednesday, 23 January

Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block [new]
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Homing - Chase Nearest Instance [new]
Detects Nearest Obj/Inst and Chases - Posted by Louis8k8
Text Based Menu [new]
Posted by Chronic
Random Grid-style Map Generator [new]
Perfect for strategy games - Posted by Qwertyman
Mouse Menu [new]
A simple alternative for mouse hovers - Posted by rigozeta
2d Super Mario Galaxy Gravity Non-circular Planets [new]
InDepth Description Added - Posted by $pecter
Lighting Example [new]
"Disco Lighting" (DEAD LINK - FIX QUICK) - Posted by aviraldg
Parameter String And Count [new]
Aka "Command-Line Arguments" - Posted by halo shg
Dg Paint Example [new]
Make your own Paint Programs - Posted by DefuzionGames
What Is A Dll? [new]
The DLL explained for Game Maker - Posted by Smarty
Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block [new]
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Fade Effect [new]
Very simple, very nice! - Posted by lars141
Lighting Example [new]
"Disco Lighting" - Posted by aviraldg
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
A Supreme RD Engine (10/10).. - Posted by Master_Computer
Homing - Chase Nearest Instance
Detects Nearest Obj/Inst and Chases - Posted by Louis8k8
Dg Paint Example
Make your own Paint Programs - Posted by DefuzionGames
Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Random Grid-style Map Generator
Perfect for strategy games - Posted by Qwertyman
Text Based Menu
Posted by Chronic
Mouse Menu
A simple alternative for mouse hovers - Posted by rigozeta
2d Super Mario Galaxy Gravity Non-circular Planets
InDepth Description Added - Posted by $pecter
Lighting Example
"Disco Lighting" - Posted by aviraldg
Parameter String And Count
Aka "Command-Line Arguments" - Posted by halo shg

Thursday, 24 January

What Is A Dll? [new]
The DLL explained for Game Maker - Posted by Smarty
Fade Effect [new]
Very simple, very nice! - Posted by lars141
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Moving To Future Position [new]
Perfected - Posted by freya_crescent
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Kf Topdown Lighting Engine (1.1 Update) Now In Zip [new]
Lighting, movement, shadows etc. - Posted by kikko fergae
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
A Supreme RD Engine (10/10).. - Posted by Master_Computer
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Clicking Only The Object On Top [new]
Not the objects underneath *Updated* - Posted by Iron_M
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
A Supreme RD Engine (7/10).. - Posted by Master_Computer
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Fade Effect
Very simple, very nice! - Posted by lars141

Friday, 25 January

Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Moving To Future Position [new]
Perfected - Posted by freya_crescent
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Clicking Only The Object On Top [new]
Not the objects underneath *Updated* - Posted by Iron_M
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Moving To Future Position [new]
Perfected - Posted by freya_crescent
Kf Topdown Lighting Engine (1.1 Update) Now In Zip [new]
Lighting, movement, shadows etc. - Posted by kikko fergae
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
A Supreme RD Engine (7/10).. - Posted by Master_Computer
Rotating Tank V1.1 [new]
V1.1 Released! - Posted by Zenthul
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Tds Shadows [new]
Without the need of surfaces! - Posted by Fede-lasse
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
Please, Reply Already!!! - Posted by Master_Computer
Extendable Lifebar
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Moving To Future Position
Perfected - Posted by freya_crescent
Kf Topdown Lighting Engine (1.1 Update) Now In Zip
Lighting, movement, shadows etc. - Posted by kikko fergae

Saturday, 26 January

Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
A Supreme RD Engine (7/10).. - Posted by Master_Computer
Rotating Tank V1.1 [new]
V1.1 Released! - Posted by Zenthul
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Tds Shadows [new]
Without the need of surfaces! - Posted by Fede-lasse
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Cheat System [new]
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
Please, Reply Already!!! - Posted by Master_Computer
Top Down Shooter Tutorial [new]
A detailed TDS tutorial, requires pro - Posted by Timmeh
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Simple Inverse Kinematics Example [new]
Posted by Maestrocity
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Rotating Tank V1.1 [new]
V1.1 Released! - Posted by Zenthul
Top Down Shooter Tutorial [new]
A detailed TDS tutorial, requires pro - Posted by Timmeh
Trollspatterer Healthbar Tutorial [new]
Draw healthbars for multiple characters. - Posted by Trollsplatterer
Multiplayer Example [new]
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
Deathmatch Deathscroll [new]
... - Posted by Eva unit-01
Worlds Easiest Minimap
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000

Sunday, 27 January

Cheat System [new]
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Top Down Shooter Tutorial [new]
A detailed TDS tutorial, requires pro - Posted by Timmeh
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Simple Inverse Kinematics Example [new]
Posted by Maestrocity
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Rotating Tank V1.1 [new]
V1.1 Released! - Posted by Zenthul
Top Down Shooter Tutorial [new]
A detailed TDS tutorial, requires pro - Posted by Timmeh
Trollspatterer Healthbar Tutorial [new]
Draw healthbars for multiple characters. - Posted by Trollsplatterer
Multiplayer Example [new]
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
Deathmatch Deathscroll [new]
... - Posted by Eva unit-01
Cheat System [new]
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Simple Inverse Kinematics Example
Posted by Maestrocity
Multiplayer Example
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
Rotating Tank V1.1
V1.1 Released! - Posted by Zenthul

Monday, 28 January

Cheat System [new]
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
Please, Reply Already!!! - Posted by Master_Computer
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
*Fix Link...or I'll have to close* - kc - Posted by Master_Computer
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Trollspatterer Healthbar Tutorial [new]
Draw healthbars for multiple characters. - Posted by Trollsplatterer
Typewriter Text V3 [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
*LINK FIXED* - Posted by Master_Computer
Grid Based Movement [new]
Posted by candc32

Tuesday, 29 January

3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Trollspatterer Healthbar Tutorial [new]
Draw healthbars for multiple characters. - Posted by Trollsplatterer
Typewriter Text V3 [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Homing - Chase Nearest Instance [new]
Detects Nearest Obj/Inst and Chases - Posted by Louis8k8
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
*LINK FIXED* - Posted by Master_Computer
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Tool Tip Example [new]
w/Fading and shadow - Posted by aviraldg
1000000 Instances! New (jan 12 2008) [new]
Save CPU using fake clones and surfaces - Posted by icuurd12b42
Lukearent's Simple Fog Of War V1 [new]
Novice Level FOW - Posted by Lukearentz
Grid Based Movement [new]
Posted by candc32
Tds Shadows [new]
Without the need of surfaces! - Posted by Fede-lasse
Lukearentz's Typewriter Text V3 [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Lukearentz's Typewriter Text V3 [new]
Simple How To Example 1000+Views 100+Dl - Posted by Lukearentz
Trollspatterer Healthbar Tutorial
Draw healthbars for multiple characters. - Posted by Trollsplatterer
Lukearentz's Typewriter Text V3
Simple How To Example 1000+Views 100+Dl - Posted by Lukearentz

Wednesday, 30 January

3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Tool Tip Example [new]
w/Fading and shadow - Posted by aviraldg
Tds Shadows [new]
Without the need of surfaces! - Posted by Fede-lasse
Homing - Chase Nearest Instance [new]
Detects Nearest Obj/Inst and Chases - Posted by Louis8k8
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
*LINK FIXED* - Posted by Master_Computer
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2 [new]
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 875+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
What Is A Dll? [new]
The DLL explained for Game Maker - Posted by Smarty
Clicking Only The Object On Top [new]
Not the objects underneath *Updated* - Posted by Iron_M
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2 [new]
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 950+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
Lukearentz's Simple Fog Of War V1 [new]
Novice Level FOW - Posted by Lukearentz
Tool Tip Example [new]
*Please Fix Broken Link Soon* -- kc - Posted by aviraldg
Tool Tip Example
*Please Fix Broken Link Soon* -- kc - Posted by aviraldg
3d Rts Tutorial
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Homing - Chase Nearest Instance
Detects Nearest Obj/Inst and Chases - Posted by Louis8k8

Thursday, 31 January

Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2 [new]
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 875+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
What Is A Dll? [new]
The DLL explained for Game Maker - Posted by Smarty
Clicking Only The Object On Top [new]
Not the objects underneath *Updated* - Posted by Iron_M
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2 [new]
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 950+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
1000000 Instances! New (jan 12 2008) [new]
Save CPU using fake clones and surfaces - Posted by icuurd12b42
Deathmatch Deathscroll [new]
... - Posted by Eva unit-01
Tds Shadows [new]
Without the need of surfaces! - Posted by Fede-lasse
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Top Down Shooter Tutorial [new]
A detailed TDS tutorial, requires pro - Posted by Timmeh
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2 [new]
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 950+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
What Is A Dll?
The DLL explained for Game Maker - Posted by Smarty
Clicking Only The Object On Top
Not the objects underneath *Updated* - Posted by Iron_M

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« December 2007 | January 2008 | February 2008 »