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January 2008

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« December 2007 | January 2008 | February 2008 »

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Tuesday, 1 January

The GM Race gewonnen door Jelle Straatsma
The GM Race, een competitie die de Engelstalige Game Maker magazines MarkUp en GMTech i...
YoYo Games virus scanner giving false positives?
True or not? What do you think happened? Is he just plain lying, did he unintentionally...
Happy New Year
…The people who are in a “now 2008-enabled timezoneTM“.(Sorry Phil, b...
December ‘07
December 2007 was a slow month for the Game Maker Community, but here are some of the m...
VCH 2007 - shrnutí celého roku
Rok 2007 je již za námi a my vám mùžeme pøinést kompletní vý...
VCH 2007 - shrnutí celého roku
Rok 2007 je již za námi a my vám mùžeme pøinést kompletní vý...
VCH 2007 - shrnutí celého roku
Rok 2007 je již za námi a my vám můžeme přinést kompletní výčet všech uskute...
The GM Race gewonnen door Jelle Straatsma
The GM Race, een competitie die de Engelstalige Game Maker magazines MarkUp en GMTech i...

Wednesday, 2 January

January Magazines (MarkUp 11, GMTech 10)
January is quite an interesting time of the year to look at the magazines. Both becaus...
YoYo Games Accounts
Have you ever wondered how much YoYo had in the bank at the end of 2006, or perhaps who...
Welcome to the new forum! [Issue 10 - Released]
Its great that you managed to find your way to the new forum, why not take the time to ...
Game Maker jaaroverzicht 2007
Nu het jaar weer voorbij is en een nieuw is begonnen, is het tijd voor een Game Makersp...
Corregido bug en el generador de plantillas
Lobo Fenris al habla.Habiamos comprobado que determinados proyectos presentados en los ...
Reparado boton de Paypal
Saludos.Como muchos sabeis, CGM dispone de varios metodos de financiacion, entre otros,...
color_to_cmyk(color [, channel])
Returns a ds_list containing CMYK values of the given color or the value of a specific ...
Returns a string formatted according to the given format string using the given date-ti...
Returns the GM date-time of Easter for the given year.
Returns the travel distance before coming to a stop of an object moving at the given sp...
Copies all contents of a directory to another location.
Draws a curve between two points with the given starting angle.
Inverts the given rectangular area of the screen.
Draws a HUD sprite in a certain position relative to the screen regardless of the view ...
Selects and draws a subimage of a sprite based on a percentage, useful for health or pr...
Draws a HUD string of text in a certain position relative to the screen regardless of t...
Draws text with a drop shadow of the given color, intensity, distance, and direction.
Returns the coefficient of deviation (C.V.) of the given list.
Returns the dispersion of the given list.
Returns the geometric mean of the values in the given list.
Returns the maximum value of the given list.
Returns the minimum value of the given list.
Returns the standard deviation of the elements in a given list.
Returns the standard score (z-score) of the value at position pos in the given list.
Returns the variance of the given list.
Returns the variance-to-mean ratio (V.R.M.) of the given list.
Returns a random number from 0 to x with an exponential ditribution.
Returns the factors of any quadratic equation (ax^2+bx+c=0), where a = 1, b and c are i...
Returns the distance in pixels or time in steps until the calling and given instances a...
Returns the number of the button pressed on the given joystick, or zero if no button is...
Fills the map with {key=name, val=index} pairs for every background.
Fills the map with {key=name, val=index} pairs for every font.
Fills the map with {key=name, val=index} pairs for every object.
Fills the map with {key=name, val=index} pairs for every path.
Fills the map with {key=name, val=index} pairs for every room.
Fills the map with {key=name, val=index} pairs for every sound.
Fills the map with {key=name, val=index} pairs for every sprite.
Fills the map with {key=name, val=index} pairs for every timeline.
Place in Step Event to move the calling instance towards a point, navigating around sol...
Place in Step Event to makes the calling instance move to follow an object or instance ...
Moves the calling instance to the position of the mouse.
normal_detect(x,y,obj [,rad [,res]])
Returns a 2D surface normal for a point on the "surface" of an object.
Returns the distance from a given point to a given line.
Returns the given string encrypted/decrypted with the given key using the RC4 algorithm.
rgb_to_cmyk(r,g,b [,channel])
Returns a ds_list containing CMYK values of the given color or the value of a specific ...
Returns the given text encrypted/decrypted with the rot13 algorithm.
Saves a automatically numbered screenshot in the working directory.
Returns the given string with spaces in between each letter.
Returns the element at the given index within a given string of elements.
string_parse(str, token, ignore_null)
Returns a ds_list containing all substrings taken from str which were seperated by token.
string_parse_number(str, token, ignore_null)
Returns the number of substrings in str seperating them with token.
Returns the given string with the letters in StAgGeReD cAsE.
Returns the string (including an extension if used) that fits within the given width wh...
Returns the given string, word wrapped to the given pixel width, with line break charac...
time_string(format [,sep])
Returns the system time as a string in 12 or 24 hour "HH:MM:SS" format.
Rotates the calling instance toward a desired direction by a given number of degrees.
Game Maker jaaroverzicht 2007
span style="font-family: trebuchet ms;"/spanspan style="font-family: tre...

Thursday, 3 January

Happy New Year 2008
I find it pretty amazing when I think that last year at this time we didn’t have ...
Tutorial Contest
Game Maker tutorials host site GMTutorials.com is announcing a contest to create the be...
Advanced Arrays
Allows for multi-dimensional arrays with tons of extra features that the normal Game Ma...
Team Directory
The topic directory has information about who the staff are, what they do and their use...
New bbcode elements
We now have the [color*], [size*] and [code*] bbcode tags working! Example:[code]player...
Returns a speakable random password of the given length.
string_parse_single(str, token, N, ignore_null)
Returns the Nth substring of str using token as a separator.
New bbcode elements
We now have the [color*], [size*] and [code*] bbcode tags working! Example:[code]player...

Friday, 4 January

YoYo Release Stats
Sandy Duncan from YoYo Games has released some stats on the popularity of their website...
64Digits Shut Down?
Earlier today, 64Digits user TwistyWristy used an exploit in 64Digits to take over Dese...
Back Online
For those of you who checked the website and forum, over the last couple of hours, you ...
Interview with Polystyrene Man - By Obelisk
Jay Vachon, more commonly known as Polystyrene Man, is a good friend of mine. He is als...
Interview with Polystyrene Man - By Obelisk
Jay, more commonly known as Polystyrene Man, is a good friend of mine. He is also proba...
Interview with Polystyrene Man – By Obelisk
Jay, more commonly known as Polystyrene Man, is a good friend of mine. He is also proba...

Saturday, 5 January

Top Down AI Part 3
Final part of my Top Down AI article!
Top Down AI Part 2
Part 2 of my Top Down AI article!
Top Down AI Part 1
A better and more advanced version of my old Advanced Top Down AI article.
Text To Speech
Enables gamemaker to use the windows builtin text to speech.
Luna: Space Defens
Its a space shooting game with a lot of the focus on graphics.The controls are all incl...
Computer Virus
A Computer Virus has infected a Computer.
GM Tech Job Available
Yes, we have a new job position that has opened:Position: ResearcherJob Description: Yo...

Sunday, 6 January

Just because I like to keep you all duly misinformed, meaning convinced that I'll ...
In other news
It’s more deserving of the YoYo name than the GameMaker owners, it’s 64digi...
GML Loading Bar
Create a realtime loading bar in GML. Fully customizable.
Behind TwoLined Movement
This explains the logic behind an extremely effective, smooth, and bugless three-lined ...
ChevyRay: yaRyvehC
Just because I like to keep you all duly misinformed, meaning convinced that I'll ...
Cage Match no more.. again?
Though not directly related to development – the Game Maker Community’s Cagematch (...
Promoting your Game to the GMC
To start off with I will clarify that in this article the “Game Maker Community” re...
Make your code easier to read
You may be perfectly happy coding in a haphazard manner however you should always ensur...
Clone Games
“Clone games” is a subject that personally confuses me. On one hand it is true what...
3D vs. 2D Games
The comparison between 2D and 3D games is, to most, striking. Whilst 3D games give you ...

Monday, 7 January

JaJ niet langer moderator
Voor het Work-in-progress forum is JaJ niet langer moderator. Dit is in overleg gebeurt...
Full RPG Engine WIP
The North, Pohjola
In ancient times winters were hard times for humans. They meant rough fight for surviva...
Stroll - 8.1
Goal of this game is easy: create a way for the people to reach the exit. To evade obst...
JaJ niet langer moderator
Voor het Work-in-progress forum is JaJ niet langer moderator. Dit is in overleg gebeurt...

Tuesday, 8 January

GMTech Issue 10
Game Maker Technology Magazine Issue 10 has been released and has been very well receiv...

Wednesday, 9 January

clubhouse games
Does anyone have the ds game "clubhouse games"? Give me your friendcode.
Recurring Boss
This is a fast-paced song that took me about half and hour to make. I was in more of a...
messhof: clubhouse games
Does anyone have the ds game "clubhouse games"? Give me your friendcode.
La importancia del orden
Saludos gente.Este tema mas que una noticia es una nota informativa.Estamos detectando ...

Thursday, 10 January

Winter Competition Results
The winter competition results are now available on the Competition page. Congratulatio...
Winter Competition Results
The competition ended on December 23rd and has proved to be a huge success. Choosing th...
Winter Competition Results
YoYo’s five judges have announced the results of their $1750 winter competition. ...
Winter Competition Results Announced
Today YoyoGames announced the official results of the Winter Competition. There’s...

Friday, 11 January

Submit to GMTech
So you have heard about this magazine, and you want to see more issues of the magazine;...

Saturday, 12 January

MarkUp Blues
The MarkUp website is looking blue.A big improvement on the old version I think, especi...
RPG Level,Experience, and Damage Example!
Object Ballisitcs
Object BallisticsFind out who shot who.Great for RPGs and TDS.Great for leveling up the...
Texas Hold'em Basics
This example shows how to shuffle the deck, deal out the cards, and how to determine th...
Damaged Mega Man Example
Finally, a full mega man example by me - Posted by Damaged
Shooter Id
gm7 unregistered - Posted by hardcoregamer
Simple Menu Example-unreg
and an invicnible pong A.i. - Posted by grumpymonkey
Text Based Menu
Posted by Chronic
Age of Frontiers (Demo1 1) - 8/10
This is the first demo of my upcoming RTS, Age of Frontiers.Note: This game, if you hav...
inventory example 7.0 -not registred version- - 6.7/10
this is a very good inventory exampleyou can buyits have 7 slots (youcan add more)iits ...
Easy-to-learn Gml Tutorial
BEST WAY TO LEARN GML! - Posted by General Leo
Gunners Game
The frantic schoolyard hand signal game becomes a slow paced PC multiplayer game.
OneDay 2
So I should have completed this game a VERY long time ago. Distractions hurt D:. Anyway...
The battle of the white eagle
The battle of the white eagle is a platform/adventure game. You have to explore worlds,...
The Rise of Prince David
Prince David returns to his home country of Submuloc, an Island off the in the middle o...
10 Ways To Stay Motivated
Motivation seems to be a common problem for anyone working on a game. Everyone has thei...
2D Games Are They Outdated?
The father of 3D games, 2D games, is sadly starting to show it’s age, in the same...
Beginners Guide To The Gmc
IntroductionThe Game Maker Community is a very exciting and helpful place, but a new me...

Sunday, 13 January

Visualize this... [new]
It's been awhile since I've blogged anything, so I thought I'd show a sn...
Affiliation system [new]
We have launched a brand new affiliation system. Read more about it and how to become a...
Pokemon Clicker (Changed) [new]
This one uses less disk space, faster pokemon, and no options of yes or no.
Pokemon Clicker [new]
Just click, them if you can!
Visualize this...
It's been awhile since I've blogged anything, so I thought I'd show a sn...
Affiliation system
We have launched a brand new affiliation system. Read more about it and how to become a...
Space Invaders Example [new]
GMK File - Posted by Youngling
Improved Cricle Healthbars [new]
Cleaner code, more options etc - Posted by Khelder
Rpg Example/engine [new]
LEVELING, BATTLING, AND STATS! - Posted by hardcoregamer
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2 [new]
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 600+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
Flamethrower Tutorial [new]
Halo's flamethrower effect in 2D - Posted by jsorgeagames
Simple Paint
Posted by yamitimi
Dragging The View Example
Drag the view with the mouse - Posted by Erik Leppen
TopDown Example - 0/10 [new]
Pro Version NeededThis is an example that covers a lot of overhead movement. It also de...
Boulders Never Die - 8/10
Boulders Never Die is an action puzzle/strategy game, in which you must build a fortres...
Time Travel Extension [new]
This extension allows for time manipulation and time travaling.
Flamethrower Tutorial
Halo's flamethrower effect in 2D - Posted by jsorgeagames
Pokemon Clicker
Just click, them if you can!
Boulders Never Die - 8.0
Boulders Never Die is an action puzzle/strategy game, in which you must build a fortres...
Pokemon Clicker (Changed)
This one uses less disk space, faster pokemon, and no options of yes or no.
Time Travel Extension
This extension allows for time manipulation and time travaling.
Space Invaders Example
GMK File - Posted by Youngling
Improved Cricle Healthbars
Cleaner code, more options etc - Posted by Khelder
Rpg Example/engine
LEVELING, BATTLING, AND STATS! - Posted by hardcoregamer
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 600+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 750+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
Shaltif: Visualize this...
It's been awhile since I've blogged anything, so I thought I'd show a sn...
GMking.org Updates!
We've done several updates over the past week. First of all, MarkUp Magazine has a new ...
Time Travel Extension
This extension allows for time manipulation and time travaling.

Monday, 14 January

Game Maker Affiliation 2007 Stats [new]
Here are some stats for the performance of GameMakerBlog’s Game Maker Affiliation...
Umbrella Adventure [new]
The Castle of Cake
3D Real Time Strategy [new]
Covers terrain, water, units, drawing, selection, camera control and multi-texturing th...
Corrupted Circuit [new]
This is my first Fruity Loops song. If you want to use it, go ahead, but credit me.This...
Mario Tutorial(s) [new]
1st in the series - Posted by orange451
1000000 Instances! New (jan 12 2008) [new]
Save CPU using fake clones and surfaces - Posted by icuurd12b42
Random Enemy Name Example! [new]
Extremely Easy! - Posted by hardcoregamer
3D Real Time Strategy
Covers terrain, water, units, drawing, selection, camera control and multi-texturing th...
Random Enemy Name Example!
Extremely Easy! - Posted by hardcoregamer
1000000 Instances! New (jan 12 2008)
Save CPU using fake clones and surfaces - Posted by icuurd12b42
Game Maker Affiliation 2007 Stats
Here are some stats for the performance of GameMakerBlog’s Game Maker Affiliation...
Umbrella Adventure
The Castle of Cake
Corrupted Circuit
This is my first Fruity Loops song. If you want to use it, go ahead, but credit me.This...

Tuesday, 15 January

Topdown (2D) Jumpin [new]
Well, a 2D Jumping example. I know this site already has one, but I made this awhile ag...
Random Sound Example [new]
Random Sound Example:So basic its awesome!!:Persistency is the Key!!!File Type: .gm6Cre...
Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block [new]
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Random Grid-style Map Generator [new]
Perfect for strategy games - Posted by Qwertyman
Vivi Chess Interface - 6/10 [new]
Play chess against GNU Chess v5, or against other online.Easy to use layouts make this ...
Adbarlian Castles - 4/10 [new]
Title: ADbarlian CastlesGenre/Category: Action RPGDownload Size: 3.25 MBGame File-Type:...
RPG Example - 0/10 [new]
I made an RPG example/ENGINE.It features 1 attack, 2 different enemies, a stats system ...
War Hogs - 8.2/10 [new]
Premise: In a world full of animal gangs and militias, 3 biker pigs fight for supremacy...
Santa's Little Helpers - 6.8/10 [new]
'Tis a game which combines elements of the platform, SHMUP and RPG genres.An Evil Tyran...
Santa's Little Helpers [new]
'Tis a game which combines elements of the platform, SHMUP and RPG genres.An Evil Tyran...
Topdown (2D) Jumpin
Well, a 2D Jumping example. I know this site already has one, but I made this awhile ag...
Random Sound Example
Random Sound Example:So basic its awesome!!:Persistency is the Key!!!File Type: .gm6Cre...
Random Grid-style Map Generator
Perfect for strategy games - Posted by Qwertyman
Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Santa's Little Helpers - 7.0
'Tis a game which combines elements of the platform, SHMUP and RPG genres.An Evil Tyran...
Vivi Chess Interface - 6/10
Play chess against GNU Chess v5, or against other online.Easy to use layouts make this ...
Adbarlian Castles - 4/10
Title: ADbarlian CastlesGenre/Category: Action RPGDownload Size: 3.25 MBGame File-Type:...
RPG Example - 0/10
I made an RPG example/ENGINE.It features 1 attack, 2 different enemies, a stats system ...
War Hogs - 8.3/10
Premise: In a world full of animal gangs and militias, 3 biker pigs fight for supremacy...
Santa's Little Helpers - 7/10
'Tis a game which combines elements of the platform, SHMUP and RPG genres.An Evil Tyran...
Santa's Little Helpers - 7.3
'Tis a game which combines elements of the platform, SHMUP and RPG genres.An Evil Tyran...

Wednesday, 16 January

Water Surface Reflection In 3d [new]
A surface which reflects 3D terrain - Posted by Waspwort
Bullet Trails - 4/10 [new]
This example will show you how to make nice bullet trails, without the use of complex c...
Bullet Trails - 3.7/10
This example will show you how to make nice bullet trails, without the use of complex c...

Thursday, 17 January

Exclusive Interview with Winter Competition winner [new]
A week ago YoYoGames announced the results of their $1750 winter games competition, the...
Making a realistic rocket that moves towards the mouse [new]
Ever wanted a simple rocket for a td? Here you go!
Easy Checkpoint Example [new]
A very easy drag and drop Checkpoint example:
Falling Fruit [new]
Jungle themed song.
Ai Command Stack (new Unreg Version) [new]
Tell your AIs to do many things - Posted by icuurd12b42
2d Super Mario Galaxy Gravity Non-circular Planets [new]
InDepth Description Added - Posted by $pecter
Motion Planning Tutorial [new]
VERY easy and heavily commented! - Posted by Fede-lasse
Making a realistic rocket that moves towards the mouse
Ever wanted a simple rocket for a td? Here you go!
Easy Checkpoint Example
A very easy drag and drop Checkpoint example:
Exclusive Interview with Winter Competition winner
A week ago YoYoGames announced the results of their $1750 winter games competition, the...
Motion Planning Tutorial
VERY easy and heavily commented! - Posted by Fede-lasse
Ai Command Stack (new Unreg Version)
Tell your AIs to do many things - Posted by icuurd12b42
New GMTech Website
The new GMTech is here, recently you would of known that we removed the old WordPress w...

Friday, 18 January

Mario [new]
THi is a demo
Simple 2d Shadow Engine New Version ! [new]
2d Shadows Based On Lights For Beginners - Posted by nonya24
What Is A Dll? [new]
The DLL explained for Game Maker - Posted by Smarty
Kf Topdown Lighting Engine (1.1 Update) Now In Zip [new]
Lighting, movement, shadows etc. - Posted by kikko fergae
Word Censor [new]
"****", as easy as using an array... - Posted by Rixeno
Typewriter Text [new]
Posted by Lukearentz
Cutstom Health Bars [new]
Posted by Saijee
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Water Surface Reflection In 3d [new]
A surface which reflects 3D terrain - Posted by Waspwort
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
THi is a demo
Word Censor
"****", as easy as using an array... - Posted by Rixeno
Simple 2d Shadow Engine New Version !
2d Shadows Based On Lights For Beginners - Posted by nonya24
Het schijnt dat sommige lezers vinden dat ik niet vaak genoeg een bijdrage toevoeg hier...
span style="font-family: trebuchet ms;"/spanspan style="font-family: tre...

Saturday, 19 January

dos opdracht [new]
waarom werkt deze dos code niet?Code:COPY \spel.exe C:\Documents and Settings\spel.exe ...
Basic Platform Controlls [new]
How to add a platform engine with Joystick support
Het DukeSoft Forum - Voor GM, Hack-tutorials, show and tell enz. Weinig regels! [new]
Nou, ten eerste hallo iedereen En ten tweede, Zouden jullie je aan willen melden op het...
Water Surface Reflection In 3d [new]
A surface which reflects 3D terrain - Posted by Waspwort
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Typewriter Text [new]
Posted by Lukearentz
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Automatic Tileset System [new]
Don't need to place individual pieces. - Posted by Lucana_Van_Xant
Sprite Based Menu Unreg [new]
using D&D with code of 10 words - Posted by balls01
Water Surface Reflection In 3d [new]
A surface which reflects 3D terrain - Posted by Waspwort
Basic Platform Controlls
How to add a platform engine with Joystick support

Sunday, 20 January

VERPLAATST: Het DukeSoft Forum - Voor GM, Hack-tutorials, show and tell enz. Weinig regels! [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Websites.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topic=2813.0
Nomination de 2 nouveaux modérateurs... [new]
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,Par ce message, je vous informe de la nomination au po...
Rather Quiet [new]
It has been rather quiet on this glog the past period. I have been extremely busy with ...
[C++] Soort alarm?(zoals in GM) [new]
hoj.Ik heb een vraag over C++. hoe kan ik een timer/alarm(denk dat jullie me beter begr...
[php] Alle tekens (zonder een voor een invoeren) replacen [new]
is er een korte manier ipv teken voor teken om alle tekens te replacen naar ""...
Erwten schieter topic! [new]
 Dit is het topic om te praten over erwtenschieters, blaaspijpjes (PVC) en alles w...
Fishy 2 The Second Dive [new]
It's not complete.
More Griping about Games - Menus [new]
I decided to gripe more about the fact that simple additions that make the experience m...
Cloverfield [new]
I watched Cloverfield last night. I bring this up because I was very impressed with the...
Not again... [new]
You ever feel like there's too much to do, and not only is there too much to do, b...
Home Base [new]
Get your blocks home.
Water Surface Reflection In 3d [new]
A surface which reflects 3D terrain - Posted by Waspwort
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
2d Super Mario Galaxy Gravity Non-circular Planets [new]
InDepth Description Added - Posted by $pecter
Sprite Based Menu Unreg [new]
using D&D with code of 10 words - Posted by balls01
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Mario Tutorial(s) [new]
1st in the series - Posted by orange451
Ablach Blackrat: More Griping about Games - Menus [new]
I decided to gripe more about the fact that simple additions that make the experience m...
ChevyRay: Cloverfield [new]
I watched Cloverfield last night. I bring this up because I was very impressed with the...
BBaller: Not again... [new]
You ever feel like there's too much to do, and not only is there too much to do, b...
Sprite Based Menu Unreg
using D&D with code of 10 words - Posted by balls01
Rather Quiet
It has been rather quiet on this glog the past period. I have been extremely busy with ...
Fishy 2 The Second Dive
It's not complete.
Nomination de 2 nouveaux modérateurs...
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,Par ce message, je vous informe de la nomination au po...
Ablach Blackrat: More Griping about Games - Menus
I decided to gripe more about the fact that simple additions that make the experience m...
ChevyRay: Cloverfield
I watched Cloverfield last night. I bring this up because I was very impressed with the...
BBaller: Not again...
You ever feel like there's too much to do, and not only is there too much to do, b...
Home Base
Get your blocks home.
Nomination de 2 nouveaux modérateurs...
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,Par ce message, je vous informe de la nomination au po...
Nomination de 2 nouveaux modérateurs...
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,br /br /br /br /Par ce message, je vous informe de la ...
Nomination de 2 nouveaux modérateurs...
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,Par ce message, je vous informe de la nomination au po...
Nomination de 2 nouveaux modérateurs...
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,Par ce message, je vous informe de la nomination au po...

Monday, 21 January

Creating Your Game [new]
Learn to efficiently develop your game without losing interest and giving up.
Shaltif Paints [new]
I haven't done one of these in awhile...Nothing really new, impressive or differen...
YoYo Games: what would make the website much better [new]
I’m not quite satisfied with the YoYoGames.com website: it certainly is lacking i...
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Mario Tutorial(s) [new]
1st in the series - Posted by orange451
[Programeer werdstrijd 2][PHP] Woordenfilter [new]
Hoi, hoe kan het ook anders, ik organiseer wedstrijd 2 voor de programmeurs hier en na...
VERPLAATST: Geld verdienen [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Websites.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topic=2833.0
VERPLAATST: banner maken [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Computers & Internet.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topi...
VERPLAATST: Photoshop leren [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Computers & Internet.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topi...
Geld verdienen [new]
Hoi allemaal,Ik heb een handige site gevonden om geld te verdienen. Dit verdiende geld ...
banner maken [new]
meschien een domme vraag maar ik wil graag een banner.en nu wil ik weten hoe ik een ban...
Photoshop leren [new]
Hallo iedereen,Ik heb hier een .PDF staan met de basis van Photoshop, om het programma ...
YoYoGames Press Release Jan 21st 2008 [new]
I haven’t seen this at the YoYo blog yet, but this is a press release from YoYoGa...
Welke sprite-programma gebruik jij? [new]
Ik vraag me af welk sprite-programma jullie (het meest) gebruiken.Ik kan er nog wat &qu...
[Programeer werdstrijd 2][PHP][Nu met prijs] Woordenfilter [new]
Hoi, hoe kan het ook anders, ik organiseer wedstrijd 2 voor de programmeurs hier en na...
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
2d Super Mario Galaxy Gravity Non-circular Planets [new]
InDepth Description Added - Posted by $pecter
Moving To Future Position [new]
Perfected - Posted by freya_crescent
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Simple Menu Example-unreg [new]
and an invicnible pong A.i. - Posted by grumpymonkey
Automatic Tileset System [new]
Don't need to place individual pieces. - Posted by Lucana_Van_Xant
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Fade Effect [new]
Very simple, very nice! - Posted by lars141
NIT Scripts [new]
Read and write NIT images using only GML.
Computer Virus [new]
A rogue virus has infected a computer and it's up to you to make sure it's su...
Falling Fruit [new]
Computer Virus - 6/10 [new]
A rogue virus has infected a computer and it's up to you to make sure it's su...
Shaltif: Shaltif Paints [new]
I haven't done one of these in awhile...Nothing really new, impressive or differen...
3d Rts Tutorial
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Mario Tutorial(s)
1st in the series - Posted by orange451
Shaltif: Shaltif Paints
I haven't done one of these in awhile...Nothing really new, impressive or differen...
Creating Your Game
Learn to efficiently develop your game without losing interest and giving up.
YoYo Games: what would make the website much better
I’m not quite satisfied with the YoYoGames.com website: it certainly is lacking i...
YoYoGames Press Release Jan 21st 2008
I haven’t seen this at the YoYo blog yet, but this is a press release from YoYoGa...
NIT Scripts
Read and write NIT images using only GML.
NIT Scripts
Read and write NIT images using only GML.

Tuesday, 22 January

Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Simple Menu Example-unreg [new]
and an invicnible pong A.i. - Posted by grumpymonkey
Automatic Tileset System [new]
Don't need to place individual pieces. - Posted by Lucana_Van_Xant
Anima8or [new]
Eehj ik heb een vraagje heeft er iemand een tut voor mij van anima8or?Alvast MEGA bedan...
<html/js> In een afbeelding verschillende links zetten. [new]
Hoi iedereen! Voor school moet ik en een groepje een opdracht maken. Nu wil ik graag we...
WiFi in Linux (Slax 7) [new]
Ja, hoe krijg ik WiFi aan de praat met een Linux live CD?Twee screenshots heb ik gemaak...
[C++]Een script met argumenten [new]
Hoj.Ik heb een bestand met een main() loop.nu heb ik ook een bestand GiveIp.cpp, die wo...
Een smilie doet het niet? [new]
Ik kwam er net achter dat als je de omhoogkijkende smilie doet (genaamd roll eyes) ...
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Fade Effect [new]
Very simple, very nice! - Posted by lars141
Dg Paint Example [new]
Make your own Paint Programs - Posted by DefuzionGames
Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block [new]
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Homing - Chase Nearest Instance [new]
Detects Nearest Obj/Inst and Chases - Posted by Louis8k8
Automatic Tileset System [new]
*Updated* - Posted by Lucana_Van_Xant
Window Manipulation Control [new]
Customize the window border! - Posted by Fede-lasse
Mouse Menu [new]
A simple alternative for mouse hovers - Posted by rigozeta
2d Super Mario Galaxy Gravity Non-circular Planets [new]
InDepth Description Added - Posted by $pecter
Lighting Example [new]
"Disco Lighting" - Posted by aviraldg
Parameter String And Count [new]
Aka "Command-Line Arguments" - Posted by halo shg
Fade Effect [new]
Very simple, very nice! - Posted by lars141
Moving To Future Position [new]
Perfected - Posted by freya_crescent
Clicking Only The Object On Top [new]
Not the objects underneath - Posted by Iron_M
Dg Paint Example [new]
Make your own Paint Programs - Posted by DefuzionGames
Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block [new]
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Random Grid-style Map Generator [new]
Perfect for strategy games - Posted by Qwertyman
Text Based Menu [new]
Posted by Chronic
Simple Menu Example-unreg
and an invicnible pong A.i. - Posted by grumpymonkey
IMPORTANTE: Nuevos cambios en el generador de plantillas
¡Saludos makeros!Debido a una reciente conversacion acerca de la inclusion de conten...
DOID en el Mobile World Congress 2008
La Asociación de Desarrolladores de Ocio Interactivo Digital (DOID) contará con u...

Wednesday, 23 January

Data Packaging [new]
Here we explore a robust algorithm for combining multiple data pieces into a single pac...
the switch statement [new]
Have you ever wondered what the switch statement does, but then looked in the manual an...
Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block [new]
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Solved ! [new]
Hallo,ik wil dus een php pagina....die iets checkt...en als het ja is dan gaat hij naar...
XP gebruiker [new]
Heej,Ik heb best wel haast dus een beetje vluchtig getypt:Weet iemand hoe ik vanaf een ...
laptop CD/DVD drive defect [new]
hallo iedereen,ik heb een probleempje met een laptop met win xp, 700 mb en 2 ghz:de cd/...
Homing - Chase Nearest Instance [new]
Detects Nearest Obj/Inst and Chases - Posted by Louis8k8
PC geeft rare piepjes :S [new]
Hallo,Mijn pc met Gigabyte moederbord deed het niet. (beter gezegt...hij detecteerde mi...
Text Based Menu [new]
Posted by Chronic
Tower - 8.0 [new]
I've created this game for a Gamemaker competion on the Dutch gmc. Goal of the com...
Random Grid-style Map Generator [new]
Perfect for strategy games - Posted by Qwertyman
Mouse Menu [new]
A simple alternative for mouse hovers - Posted by rigozeta
2d Super Mario Galaxy Gravity Non-circular Planets [new]
InDepth Description Added - Posted by $pecter
Lighting Example [new]
"Disco Lighting" (DEAD LINK - FIX QUICK) - Posted by aviraldg
Parameter String And Count [new]
Aka "Command-Line Arguments" - Posted by halo shg
Dg Paint Example [new]
Make your own Paint Programs - Posted by DefuzionGames
What Is A Dll? [new]
The DLL explained for Game Maker - Posted by Smarty
Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block [new]
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Fade Effect [new]
Very simple, very nice! - Posted by lars141
Lighting Example [new]
"Disco Lighting" - Posted by aviraldg
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
A Supreme RD Engine (10/10).. - Posted by Master_Computer
Tower - 8/10 [new]
I've created this game for a Gamemaker competion on the Dutch gmc. Goal of the com...
Katakijin Demo - 9.2/10 [new]
A platform fighter where you play a Ninja determined to avenge his clan.Controls are cu...
Cryptic - 5.4/10 [new]
This is a game me and Jamesey have been working on, i dont really know much about it si...
Tower - 8.1 [new]
I've created this game for a Gamemaker competion on the Dutch gmc. Goal of the com...
Data Packaging
Here we explore a robust algorithm for combining multiple data pieces into a single pac...
the switch statement
Have you ever wondered what the switch statement does, but then looked in the manual an...
Homing - Chase Nearest Instance
Detects Nearest Obj/Inst and Chases - Posted by Louis8k8
Dg Paint Example
Make your own Paint Programs - Posted by DefuzionGames
Topdown Smooth Wall, Detecting The Side Of Block
Player Hit & Pushing Blocks Example. - Posted by flexaplex
Random Grid-style Map Generator
Perfect for strategy games - Posted by Qwertyman
Text Based Menu
Posted by Chronic
Mouse Menu
A simple alternative for mouse hovers - Posted by rigozeta
2d Super Mario Galaxy Gravity Non-circular Planets
InDepth Description Added - Posted by $pecter
Lighting Example
"Disco Lighting" - Posted by aviraldg
Parameter String And Count
Aka "Command-Line Arguments" - Posted by halo shg
10.000 bruggen
Dit is niet het bericht waar ik op doelde met de laatste melding van mijn vorige bijdra...
Data Packaging
Here we explore a robust algorithm for combining multiple data pieces into a single pac...
10.000 bruggen
span style="font-family:trebuchet ms;"Dit is niet het bericht waar ik op doel...

Thursday, 24 January

Efficient Prime Number Generator [new]
Implements a very efficient algorithm to find primes at a very fast pace.
Unsupervised Learning with Neutral Networks [new]
Two teams of AI play capture the flag, internally tweaking weights based on the results...
Procedurally Generated Content [new]
A simple space shooter in which all game content -- enemies, weapons, bosses, even stat...
Lighting Engine [new]
This engine demonstrates how various techniques can be combined to filter out light beh...
Sliding Against Solids [new]
This example demonstrates how scanning techniques can be used to side against solids of...
xp daarien op vmware virtual machine [new]
ik heb net vmware virtual machine player geinstalleerd maar ik weet niet hoe ik hier no...
banner voor hamburgerspel.com [new]
Hallo,Ik zoek iemand die een banner wil maken van www.hamburgerspel.com. Het moet een b...
[Ajax] Fade script [new]
Hoi, ik wil iets in ajax maar ik kan die verdoemde scripttaal (nog) niet wil ieamnd mij...
Gratis spraakherkenning? [new]
Hallo,Weet iemand of er een geheel gratis (en legaal) spraakherkennigsprogramma bestaat...
G-force: Super Mooie Music Visualizer! [new]
Ben je die saaie wmp dingen ook zo zat? Download g-force! Het is een music visualizer, ...
What Is A Dll? [new]
The DLL explained for Game Maker - Posted by Smarty
Fade Effect [new]
Very simple, very nice! - Posted by lars141
It's a good day [new]
Aye, it is a good day, like the title says. A very good one, which will be a nice contr...
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Moving To Future Position [new]
Perfected - Posted by freya_crescent
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Kf Topdown Lighting Engine (1.1 Update) Now In Zip [new]
Lighting, movement, shadows etc. - Posted by kikko fergae
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
A Supreme RD Engine (10/10).. - Posted by Master_Computer
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Clicking Only The Object On Top [new]
Not the objects underneath *Updated* - Posted by Iron_M
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
A Supreme RD Engine (7/10).. - Posted by Master_Computer
ChevyRay: It's a good day [new]
Aye, it is a good day, like the title says. A very good one, which will be a nice contr...
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Efficient Prime Number Generator
Implements a very efficient algorithm to find primes at a very fast pace.
Unsupervised Learning with Neutral Networks
Two teams of AI play capture the flag, internally tweaking weights based on the results...
Procedurally Generated Content
A simple space shooter in which all game content -- enemies, weapons, bosses, even stat...
Lighting Engine
This engine demonstrates how various techniques can be combined to filter out light beh...
Sliding Against Solids
This example demonstrates how scanning techniques can be used to side against solids of...
Fade Effect
Very simple, very nice! - Posted by lars141
ChevyRay: It's a good day
Aye, it is a good day, like the title says. A very good one, which will be a nice contr...

Friday, 25 January

World premier contribution [new]
Hello girls and boys. Welcome to my world premier contribution to the GM blog. Unfortun...
Extendable Lifebar [new]
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
Moving To Future Position [new]
Perfected - Posted by freya_crescent
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Clicking Only The Object On Top [new]
Not the objects underneath *Updated* - Posted by Iron_M
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
New GMB Feature: Vote. [new]
You can now vote “for” or “against” posts on GameMakerBlog.If y...
[PowerISO] Error: The file format is invaled or unsupported. [new]
Hey. Ik heb net Bioshock.iso gedownload, maar als ik hem probeer te openen in PowerISO ...
Brawl only clan [new]
Hey samen met een paar andere mensen heb ik een Super smash bros Brawl clan gemaakt. Di...
wat te doen als je je verveeld en geen zin hebt in programmeren/gamen? [new]
ik heb het vooral nu best vaak dat ik me gewoon verveel dan zit ik gewoon 3 uur lang si...
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
New GMTech Jobs [new]
We are always looking for new people to join the GM TECH magazine to produce content. B...
Moving To Future Position [new]
Perfected - Posted by freya_crescent
Kf Topdown Lighting Engine (1.1 Update) Now In Zip [new]
Lighting, movement, shadows etc. - Posted by kikko fergae
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
A Supreme RD Engine (7/10).. - Posted by Master_Computer
Rotating Tank V1.1 [new]
V1.1 Released! - Posted by Zenthul
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Tds Shadows [new]
Without the need of surfaces! - Posted by Fede-lasse
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
Please, Reply Already!!! - Posted by Master_Computer
World premier contribution
Hello girls and boys. Welcome to my world premier contribution to the GM blog. Unfortun...
Extendable Lifebar
Sprite Based - Posted by Kylo
New GMB Feature: Vote.
You can now vote “for” or “against” posts on GameMakerBlog.If y...
New GMTech Jobs
We are always looking for new people to join the GM TECH magazine to produce content. B...
Moving To Future Position
Perfected - Posted by freya_crescent
Kf Topdown Lighting Engine (1.1 Update) Now In Zip
Lighting, movement, shadows etc. - Posted by kikko fergae

Saturday, 26 January

RPG movement better example [new]
I modified this example for better understanding my code from the previous because of s...
VERPLAATST: download page [new]
Dit topic is verplaatst naar Programmeren.http://www.gmot.nl/index.php?topic=2901.0
3d model mooie texture maken [new]
hoi iedereen. k wil graag voor een model dat ik gemaakt heb een mooie texture makenik h...
download page [new]
ik heb een eigen website en ik maak games.maar ik heb dus een game gemaakt en die moet ...
pc wordt sloom-->vista opnieuw installeren en geleik xp dual boot? [new]
deze pc wordt nu opeens kut sloom.... en ik wil graag dual boot met xp en bij al me vor...
Windows Neptune installatie blijft hangen [new]
Voor mensen zich dingen flink gaan afvragen: Link naar WikipediaOke, tijdens de install...
XP to Linux [new]
Hoe kan ik van een Windows XP computer een Linux computer maken?Er staat nu Windows XP ...
Afsteken vuurwerk beperkt [new]
CitaatAfsteken vuurwerk beperktDEN HAAG - Vuurwerk mag straks alleen nog op door de gem...
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
A Supreme RD Engine (7/10).. - Posted by Master_Computer
Laptop doet raar met progs die online gaan [new]
Ik heb hier een goeie dell laptop die plotseling de laatste tijd erg vaag doet. Wat de ...
Ads [new]
Ik zoek Ads voor mijn website net als Google Ads. Maar ik zoek er 1 die ook op Paypal u...
12gb hd ruimte komt niet meer terug [new]
ik zie op de schijf beheer dat er 11,72gb ruimte vrij is.... (dus niet op de partities!...
Wat heb je vandaag voor kleren aan? [new]
Oke, in het gothic topic liep het een beetje uit de hand dus ik open een nieuw topic.Wa...
vista xp dual boot [new]
deze pc wordt nu opeens kut sloom.... en ik wil graag dual boot met xp en bij al me vor...
Trillian [new]
Ik heb een probleem met Trillian, hij heeft mijn contactlijst bewaard, en die wil ik ve...
Geluidje gezocht [new]
Weet iemand hoe het leidje heet dat je hoort in de intro bij:aanpakken & wegwezente...
Maybe Tomorrow [new]
Here's a little quickie loop i improvised. Enjoy.
Descent - preview [new]
Just a little thing I've been working on. Wow, has it really been that long since I las...
Maps Remix [new]
Maps - YeahYeahYeahsRemix by Basil.
Rotating Tank V1.1 [new]
V1.1 Released! - Posted by Zenthul
Worlds Easiest Minimap [new]
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Tds Shadows [new]
Without the need of surfaces! - Posted by Fede-lasse
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Cheat System [new]
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
Please, Reply Already!!! - Posted by Master_Computer
Top Down Shooter Tutorial [new]
A detailed TDS tutorial, requires pro - Posted by Timmeh
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Simple Inverse Kinematics Example [new]
Posted by Maestrocity
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Rotating Tank V1.1 [new]
V1.1 Released! - Posted by Zenthul
Top Down Shooter Tutorial [new]
A detailed TDS tutorial, requires pro - Posted by Timmeh
Trollspatterer Healthbar Tutorial [new]
Draw healthbars for multiple characters. - Posted by Trollsplatterer
Multiplayer Example [new]
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
Deathmatch Deathscroll [new]
... - Posted by Eva unit-01
RPG movement better example
I modified this example for better understanding my code from the previous because of s...
Worlds Easiest Minimap
This is a WERY basic minimap - Posted by wzx3000
Maybe Tomorrow
Here's a little quickie loop i improvised. Enjoy.
Descent - preview
Just a little thing I've been working on. Wow, has it really been that long since I las...
Maps Remix
Maps - YeahYeahYeahsRemix by Basil.

Sunday, 27 January

Full GM Decmpiler in the Wild [new]
Yesterday a complete, cross-platform Game Maker decompiler was released. The tool was a...
animated gif van 2.6 mb uploaden [new]
Waar kan dat? Soms kan het wel bij sommige sites, maar dan is ie niet meer animated en ...
San andreas start niet op in windows xp die op vmware draait [new]
ik heb vmware geinstalleerd.... en daar weer op xp en daar weer op gta san andreas alle...
Kubuntu, en nu? [new]
Ik heb nu Kubuntu draaiend op mijn PC, en ik heb een vraag.. (er zullen er natuurlijk m...
Na afsluiten gaat de pc niet uit. [new]
Toen ik windows 98 naar windows 2000 update, gaat de pc niet meer uit na het afsluiten ...
Team gezocht [new]
Heej allemaal!Ten eerste wil ik me even voorstellen omdat ik hier nieuw ben, ik ben een...
Cheat System [new]
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Top Down Shooter Tutorial [new]
A detailed TDS tutorial, requires pro - Posted by Timmeh
Typewriter Text [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Simple Inverse Kinematics Example [new]
Posted by Maestrocity
64Digits Disaster [new]
In the wake of the decompiler release, GearGOD was removed from 64Digits staff for rele...
I’m Scared! [new]
Earlier this week an invitation appeared in my PM inbox at the GMC asking if I could re...
AvA's portfolio [new]
Na lang wachten heb ik dus toch mijn portfolio gemaakt.Hij is nu online te bezichtigen ...
beste site [new]
ik vroeg me af welke site jullie de beste vonden.je kan stemmen in de poll.ik zelf vind...
Landjuweel 2008, het spektakel dat je raakt [new]
CitaatEen Landjuweel is een zevenjaarlijks treffen van alle Brabantse gildebroeders en ...
ik zoek dragonball z platform games exes [new]
je hebt op internet van die platfrom dragonball z vechtgames. zijn hier ook exes van du...
Hyves [new]
Aangezien iedereen hyves heeft, heb ik de GMOT hyves gemaakt.Antwoord op de vraag is: g...
64Digits Disaster [new]
In the wake of the decompiler release, GearGOD was removed from 64Digits staff due to n...
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Rotating Tank V1.1 [new]
V1.1 Released! - Posted by Zenthul
Top Down Shooter Tutorial [new]
A detailed TDS tutorial, requires pro - Posted by Timmeh
Trollspatterer Healthbar Tutorial [new]
Draw healthbars for multiple characters. - Posted by Trollsplatterer
Multiplayer Example [new]
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
Deathmatch Deathscroll [new]
... - Posted by Eva unit-01
Cheat System [new]
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
64Digits Disaster [new]
In the wake of the decompiler release, several staff member decided to demote GearGOD d...
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Simple Inverse Kinematics Example
Posted by Maestrocity
Full GM Decmpiler in the Wild
Yesterday a complete, cross-platform Game Maker decompiler was released. The tool was a...
Multiplayer Example
Simple 3-8 player Multiplayer Example - Posted by -=NuBC4k3=-
64Digits Disaster
In the wake of the decompiler release, several staff member decided to demote GearGOD d...
I’m Scared!
Earlier this week an invitation appeared in my PM inbox at the GMC asking if I could re...
Rotating Tank V1.1
V1.1 Released! - Posted by Zenthul
As many will already know, we have recently had an attack by a previous staff member. T...

Monday, 28 January

Revel & High Scorez, Pt. 2 [new]
And this shows you, my dear readers, the true nature of one of the people behind GMTV. ...
Cheat System [new]
Easy Online Tutorial - Posted by mememe
Vooruit- en achteruitspoelen in MCI [new]
De titel zegt het al, hoe moet ik vooruit- en achteruispoelen met MCI commands? Ik kan ...
Van wat voor fims houd jij? [new]
Tja, RA dacht: "ik start ook maar weer eens een topic"...Ik vroeg me af van w...
2.000 topics!!! [new]
Er zijn 2.000 topics!!!!!  (inmiddels 2.007, nu 2.008 ) In nog niet eens een jaar!...
Freeware fotoprogramma [new]
Hallo,Ik zoek een (gratis) programma, om van allemaal (heel veel) kleine foto's een...
Privacy [new]
vandaag is het de internationale data privacy dag van 2008. Wat doe jij om jouw privacy...
(opnieuw) nieuwe layout spatie games website [new]
(ik wist niet helemaal zeker waar dit onderwerp hoorde)Ik heb de "rough drawings&q...
Gescheide ouders? [new]
Ik lees en zie steeds vaker dat ouders scheiden van elkaar.Maar hoe ervaar jij dat zijn...
Andere PC van WiFi mee laten genieten? [new]
Is het mogelijk, als ik over 2 weken een nieuwe PC krijg.. om die het internet van m...
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
Please, Reply Already!!! - Posted by Master_Computer
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
*Fix Link...or I'll have to close* - kc - Posted by Master_Computer
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Trollspatterer Healthbar Tutorial [new]
Draw healthbars for multiple characters. - Posted by Trollsplatterer
Typewriter Text V3 [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
*LINK FIXED* - Posted by Master_Computer
Grid Based Movement [new]
Posted by candc32
Game Maker Game Maker Exe Dekompiler in freier Wildbahn
Unsere Informationsquelle Game Maker News weiß zu berichten, dass ein Game Maker Exe D...

Tuesday, 29 January

Keuzevakken [new]
Wij hebben op school een soort module, dit is een keuzevak, dit doe je 2 uur in de week...
TK'ers (TeamKillers) [new]
Wat vind jij van teamkillers? Vind je het leuk, haat je dat, of hoor je er zelf bij?Dit...
[edit] foutje, verwijder maar... [new]
Edit3: Verwijder dit topic maar.-----Wat vind jij van Teamkillers? Moeten zij verdwijen...
Website Centreren [new]
Hallo Allemaal,Ik had voor het eerst een website gemaakt in Microsoft Publisher maar de...
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Trollspatterer Healthbar Tutorial [new]
Draw healthbars for multiple characters. - Posted by Trollsplatterer
Typewriter Text V3 [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
64th in the charts…. [new]
64digits have taken a break from being hacked (for a couple of days at least - the lat...
Homing - Chase Nearest Instance [new]
Detects Nearest Obj/Inst and Chases - Posted by Louis8k8
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
*LINK FIXED* - Posted by Master_Computer
3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Tool Tip Example [new]
w/Fading and shadow - Posted by aviraldg
1000000 Instances! New (jan 12 2008) [new]
Save CPU using fake clones and surfaces - Posted by icuurd12b42
Lukearent's Simple Fog Of War V1 [new]
Novice Level FOW - Posted by Lukearentz
Grid Based Movement [new]
Posted by candc32
Tds Shadows [new]
Without the need of surfaces! - Posted by Fede-lasse
Lukearentz's Typewriter Text V3 [new]
A Simple How To Example - Posted by Lukearentz
Lukearentz's Typewriter Text V3 [new]
Simple How To Example 1000+Views 100+Dl - Posted by Lukearentz
Trollspatterer Healthbar Tutorial
Draw healthbars for multiple characters. - Posted by Trollsplatterer
Lukearentz's Typewriter Text V3
Simple How To Example 1000+Views 100+Dl - Posted by Lukearentz
64th in the charts….
64digits have taken a break from being hacked (for a couple of days at least - the lat...

Wednesday, 30 January

3d Rts Tutorial [new]
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Tool Tip Example [new]
w/Fading and shadow - Posted by aviraldg
Beste site [2] De grote wedstrijd (A) [new]
Omdat heeeeeeeeel veel mensen zich irriteren ana de pol bij beste site topic open ik hi...
[php] functie wil niet draaien? [new]
hoi, ik heb het volgende script (stukje):[code]<?php$strings=array();$hoogte=array()...
School tiles [new]
Ik ben opzoek naar een tileset van het interieur van een school. Ik heb al op verscheid...
oude games met gloednieuwe 8800gt lagge [new]
Er is iets raars..... ik heb laatst de 8800gt gekocht deed het perfect.... maar nu als ...
Tds Shadows [new]
Without the need of surfaces! - Posted by Fede-lasse
Homing - Chase Nearest Instance [new]
Detects Nearest Obj/Inst and Chases - Posted by Louis8k8
Ragdoll Physic's 1.0.0: [new]
*LINK FIXED* - Posted by Master_Computer
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2 [new]
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 875+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
What Is A Dll? [new]
The DLL explained for Game Maker - Posted by Smarty
Clicking Only The Object On Top [new]
Not the objects underneath *Updated* - Posted by Iron_M
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2 [new]
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 950+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
Lukearentz's Simple Fog Of War V1 [new]
Novice Level FOW - Posted by Lukearentz
Tool Tip Example [new]
*Please Fix Broken Link Soon* -- kc - Posted by aviraldg
Tool Tip Example
*Please Fix Broken Link Soon* -- kc - Posted by aviraldg
3d Rts Tutorial
based of Master Xilo's Terrain Engine - Posted by Schyler
Homing - Chase Nearest Instance
Detects Nearest Obj/Inst and Chases - Posted by Louis8k8
Kibosh - 9.0
[i]1.07MB[/i]Kibosh is an abstract shump which doesn't allow firing. Instructions ...
Game Competition
Hi guys, this is marbs.[b]This weekend[/b] will be a 64D game making competition.[b]-Ru...

Thursday, 31 January

[Sql][PHP?] backup query [new]
welke query moet je draaien om je hele database te backuppen?alvast ebdankt
Hulp bij eigen site [new]
Hey,Ik ben egt drama met het maken van websites, maar tog wil ik het weer is proberen.W...
Verander een quote [new]
Dit is een grappig spel waarbij je op elkaar moet reageren waarbij je het bericht van d...
Koningin Beatrix 70 jaar [new]
Mijn felicitaties
PC Handboek.co.nr [new]
Dames en heren, (gisteren ging ik mij scheren, hé dat rijmt én is waar )PC Handbo...
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2 [new]
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 875+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
What Is A Dll? [new]
The DLL explained for Game Maker - Posted by Smarty
Clicking Only The Object On Top [new]
Not the objects underneath *Updated* - Posted by Iron_M
63rd in the chart [new]
Those 64 digit songs are rubbish.So guess what, I decided to make my own one, based on ...
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2 [new]
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 950+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
1000000 Instances! New (jan 12 2008) [new]
Save CPU using fake clones and surfaces - Posted by icuurd12b42
Deathmatch Deathscroll [new]
... - Posted by Eva unit-01
Tds Shadows [new]
Without the need of surfaces! - Posted by Fede-lasse
How To Make Text Above An Object [new]
Like Red Hero, with no text box - Posted by yoshermon
Top Down Shooter Tutorial [new]
A detailed TDS tutorial, requires pro - Posted by Timmeh
Rpg Level System Tutorial V1.2 [new]
1.2 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! 950+ DOWNLOADS! - Posted by jsmithLMSL
Ny webbchatt! [new]
Jag hade tråkigt så jag fixade upp en java-chatt som connectar till IRC-kanalen s...
What Is A Dll?
The DLL explained for Game Maker - Posted by Smarty
Clicking Only The Object On Top
Not the objects underneath *Updated* - Posted by Iron_M
Ny webbchatt!
Jag hade tråkigt så jag fixade upp en java-chatt som connectar till IRC-kanalen s...
63rd in the chart
Those 64 digit songs are rubbish.So guess what, I decided to make my own one, based on ...
Cell Burst - 9.0
So you get to customize your own Cell. Start off with a name. Body color and the head c...
Happy New Years
Welcome to 2008, fellow 64digiters!No version three, however... 2009 maybe?Have fun and...
Ny webbchatt!
Jag hade tråkigt så jag fixade upp en java-chatt som connectar till IRC-kanalen s...
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