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January 2008

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« December 2007 | January 2008 | February 2008 »

Game Maker stream

Sunday, 6 January

Cage Match no more.. again?
Though not directly related to development – the Game Maker Community’s Cagematch (...
Promoting your Game to the GMC
To start off with I will clarify that in this article the “Game Maker Community” re...
Make your code easier to read
You may be perfectly happy coding in a haphazard manner however you should always ensur...
Clone Games
“Clone games” is a subject that personally confuses me. On one hand it is true what...
3D vs. 2D Games
The comparison between 2D and 3D games is, to most, striking. Whilst 3D games give you ...

Saturday, 12 January

10 Ways To Stay Motivated
Motivation seems to be a common problem for anyone working on a game. Everyone has thei...
2D Games Are They Outdated?
The father of 3D games, 2D games, is sadly starting to show it’s age, in the same...
Beginners Guide To The Gmc
IntroductionThe Game Maker Community is a very exciting and helpful place, but a new me...

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